Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1096 Guardian Seal

Taichang knew that Lin Caihan was Zhao Yang's wife, so Taichang went to Chunyangzong very cooperatively.

"What should we do about this matter?" Chanjuan asked, "Do you want to kill me?"

"Wait." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it, "Wait until Zhao Yang leaves the customs."

While Lin Caihan was talking, Zhu Ya walked in.

"Young master is out."

"Exited?" Hearing this, Lin Caihan and others hurried towards Zhao Yang's closed-door retreat.

Lin Caihan noticed that Zhao Yang seemed to be a little different from before, but you couldn't tell if there was any difference.

"Why is the third princess here?" Zhao Yang looked at Chanjuan standing beside Lin Caihan in surprise and asked.

Lin Caihan told what happened.

"I didn't expect these things to happen during my retreat." Zhao Yang said with emotion, "Since the forbidden areas don't pay attention to the rules, we don't need to hide them." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang looked at Chanjuan Said, "Third Princess, you will lead a branch of the Heavenly Court to the Devil's Cave."

"Did you push it sideways?"

"Push it horizontally." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "No one will stay in the Devil's Nest."

"If I leave, what will happen to the headquarters of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce in the restricted areas?" Chanjuan expressed her worries.

Zhao Yang pointed two fingers towards Lin Caihan's eyebrows.

A plum blossom imprint appeared between her eyebrows.

Then the plum blossom disappeared again.

"Third Princess, are you attacking Caihan?"

After thinking about it, Chanjuan gave Lin Caihan a slap.

When the palm wind was about to be applied to Lin Caihan's body, the imprint of plum blossoms appeared between her eyebrows, and then a radiance of fans enveloped Lin Caihan's whole body.

The extremely sharp palm wind could not hurt Lin Caihan in the slightest.

Just when Chanjuan was stunned, the imprint of plum blossoms between her eyebrows turned into real petals, and then these petals transformed into thousands of petals to surround Chanjuan.

Chanjuan made a move calmly.

One punch.

Two punches.

Three punches.

What Chanjuan didn't expect was that she couldn't break the cage made of petals with three consecutive punches.

"Heavenly Emperor, what kind of method is this?" Chanjuan asked in astonishment.

"Guardian seal, I have been studying this for a while." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "It seems that the effect is not bad now."

"What is the limit of the guardian seal?"

"Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang said softly, "I can only cast the guardian seal that can block the third heaven of the Emperor Realm, and as my cultivation level improves, the guardian seal I can cast will become even stronger."

"After you have the guardian seal, you don't have to worry about the supreme beings in the forbidden areas." Zhao Yang said here and clicked a plum blossom on Lin Caihan's eyebrows again.

"Is there a limit to this?" Lin Caihan asked.

"It can only be used three times a day." Zhao Yang said and clicked on Tang Yiren's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Three times is enough." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

Do you know that Zhao Yang can trap a Supreme Being once he casts it?

How many supreme beings are there in the fairyland?

"When will the troops be dispatched?" Chanjuan asked.

"Third Princess, you go to the Heavenly Court first, so that you can dispatch troops in a day." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said.

"it is good."

One day later, Zhao Yang left a guardian seal on Xiao Luo's body, and then Zhao Yang went to Chunyangzong.

Zhao Yang left guardian seals on Fairy Mingyue and Xu Huier.

"With this guardian seal, you don't have to worry about the attacks of masters below the fourth level of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang told the two daughters about the power of the guardian seal, and then went to the Tianting training ground through the Chunyangzong's teleportation array.

Paradise training ground!

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers stood there solemnly holding swords in their hands.

"Now there is chaos in the restricted zone, are you willing to fight with me?" Zhao Yang took out the Chunyang Sword and said loudly.

"Swear to follow the Emperor of Heaven."

"Swear to follow the Emperor of Heaven."

"Swear to follow the Emperor of Heaven."

One hundred thousand soldiers shouted in unison.

"Open the dial." Following Zhao Yang's voice, Chanjuan made a move, and she waved a huge space channel.

One hundred thousand soldiers followed Lin Caihan into the space passage and disappeared.

Devil's Den!

The Devil's Cave was a forbidden zone that Zhao Yang chose immediately.

Over the years, the Devil's Nest has targeted the human race not once or twice, but this time the Devil's Nest also participated in the arrest of the Tangyi people.

That being the case, there is nothing to say.

When Chanjuan led an army of [-] to appear in the Devil's Lave, the soldiers of the Devil's Cave were shocked.


Without extra words, Chanjuan charged forward with a sword in hand.

In front of Chanjuan's strong combat power, the restriction of the Demon Cave is as fragile as paper.

After a dozen or so breaths, Chanjuan led an army of [-] into the magic cave.

The ghosts in the magic cave are shadowy, how many are there?

But at this moment, the faces of those phantoms were full of horror. They looked at the girl in the white jade battle armor in mid-air, and their whole bodies trembled.

"Third Princess, what do you mean?" The Supreme Lord of the Devil's Nest appeared, and his face was very ugly.

"Did you Moku take part in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce yesterday?" Chanjuan asked lightly.

"This has nothing to do with your Heavenly Court, right?" the Supreme Lord of the Devil's Nest said after being silent for a while.

"It's okay? Who told you it's okay?" Chanjuan sneered.

"If your Heavenly Court wants to deal with our Demon's Nest, you must at least come up with a decent reason." The Demon's Nest Supreme said with narrowed eyes.

"Do you want a reason? Here you are." At this moment Zhao Yang came out from the shadows, "I am the new Emperor of Heaven, is this enough reason?"

"The new Heavenly Emperor?" Hearing this, the Demon Cave Supreme was frightened, "You... how could you be the new Heavenly Emperor?"

"Don't you think it's incredible? But do you think I might be joking about this kind of thing?" Zhao Yang looked at the Moku Supreme with cold eyes and said, "Today, no chicken or dog is left in the Moku."

As soon as Zhao Yang's voice fell, Chanjuan immediately rushed towards the Demon Cave Supreme.

Zhao Yang opened his mouth and exhaled the Qi of alchemy.

After Shangqing, Taiqing and Yuqing appeared, they headed towards the masters of the Devil's Nest and killed them.

"Heaven, help kill the existence of the peak Zhundi in the devil's lair." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

After a scan of the Heavenly Dao Divine Sense of the Small World, he found the existence of the peak of the Eight Zhundi Emperors.


A bolt of heavenly thunder fell towards a demon clan who was at the peak of the quasi-emperor.

The demon statue was severely injured on the spot, and then beheaded by a soldier of the heavenly court.


Three statues.


When the Heavenly Dao of the small world severely injured the demon clan who was the peak of the five quasi-emperors, the supreme demon clan was also severely injured by Chanjuan.

In fact, the reason why the Supreme of the Demon Race persisted for so long was because he used many means.

But the gap between the two sides is too great.

After Tiandao of the small world killed the seven gods, the Supreme Lord of the Demon Cave was killed by Chanjuan.

After killing the Supreme in the Devil's Nest, Chanjuan shot one after another, and every time she shot, it killed a large number of people like a nuclear bomb.

After she punched and waved ten times in a row, the soldiers of the Devil's Cave fell in sevens and eighties.

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