Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1095 One step late

Lin Caihan pondered for a while and said, "You can join the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, but will the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce help you avenge you?"

Lin Caihan was too aware of their purpose.

Hearing that the monks of Yujianzong were stunned.

"Once you join the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, you need to abide by the rules of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, and if you violate it, then I'm sorry, and you will be punished according to the door rules." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice, "Don't you think about coercing the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce to start a war against Xianting? It's impossible. Will the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce do such a thing like killing each other?"

"President Lin, do you think such a despicable fairy court can lead a good human race?" A young man said angrily.

"No matter how despicable the Immortal Court is, the major restricted areas dare not move at this time. You have to admit the merits of the Immortal Court." Lin Caihan said lightly.

"I would rather not have such a fairy garden." A girl said with tears streaming down her face.

"But this is something that many human races are looking forward to. The human race is finally not slaughtered by alien races like pigs and dogs before." Lin Caihan said with emotion, "I know you have hatred for Xianting, but it doesn't mean that Xianting is It's useless. Let's put it this way, before the fall of Xianting, no force dared to openly target the human race."

Lin Caihan's words silenced everyone.

Because what Lin Caihan said makes sense.

"President Lin, we want to establish a new Yujianzong near the headquarters of Yanhuangzong. I wonder if it will work?" An old man said after a while.

"Outside the sphere of influence of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, you can do whatever you want." Lin Caihan looked at the old man and said.

"Thank you."

The old man then took the monks from Yujian Pavilion to the third district.

I can't stay in the first district anymore, even the second district is very dangerous, so I just went directly to the third district.

After the monks of Yujian Pavilion left, Bi Luo said with emotion, "This time we completely offended Xianting?"

"Xianting is too domineering, offend it, right?" Lin Caihan said with a cold light in his eyes.

"I'm worried that Xianting will attack you secretly." Bi Luo expressed his worries.

In Lin Caihan's hand is the talisman of the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm.

Who is not jealous?

"I think that besides Xianting, the major restricted areas may also attack." Chanjuan changed her voice when she said this, "In this way, I will be stationed at Yanhuang headquarters next."

"What about Heaven?"

"Heavenly Court can be found by anyone who wants to find it?" Chanjuan said confidently, "Furthermore, the gate of Heavenly Court has a restriction left by the Emperor of Heaven. Once the restriction is attacked, I will feel it immediately."

"Well, follow me back to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." Lin Caihan said softly.

After the second daughter returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, she was told by Zhu Ya that Zhao Yang was in retreat.

Dead off means not to be disturbed.

Two hours later, Gu Tong from the Gu Clan quietly came to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

In the VIP room, Lin Caihan and several high-level sects received Gu Tong.

Gu Tong couldn't help frowning when he saw those high-level officials.

"They are all high-level officials of my Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, and they are trustworthy." Lin Caihan said lightly.

Lin Caihan would definitely not meet Gu Tong alone, if something got out, would she still have a good reputation?

"Is the thing about the talisman in your hand true?"


"Can you really kill the existence of the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm?"


Gu Tong couldn't help but gasped, "You have to be careful, the forbidden areas want to snatch this talisman?"

"Aren't they afraid of death?"

"They know that you will probably make arrangements, but what about the people around you?" Gu Tong said succinctly, "Can you protect everyone around you?"

Lin Caihan's expression changed involuntarily.

"When will they do it?"

"They're still making plans, but I think it's coming soon." Gu Tong said in a deep voice, "It's up to you then."

"Thank you."

After Gu Tong left, Lin Caihan called Chanjuan, "Go to the second district first, pick up Tang Yiren, then go to the fourth district, fifth district, sixth district, don't let the presidents of the major branches receive the headquarters .”

"Okay." Chanjuan knew the seriousness of the matter.

Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce in the second district.

Tang Yiren was looking at the information gathered by all parties in the study.

"Ms. Niang used her hole card. This is not a good sign." After Tang Yiren realized this, she took out a piece of wood.

This piece of wood is puppet wood.

Speaking of which, the Tangyi people got this piece of wood by chance.

When she threw the puppet wood into the air, the puppet wood turned into a Tangyian.

"From now on, you will work here instead of me." Tang Yiren confessed and left the place without a sound.

And the moment Tang Yiren just left, a pair of big hands tore the sky and grabbed it in the direction of Tang Yiren's study.

The Tangyians who had turned into puppet wood were grabbed into the void by those big hands without any resistance.

"not good."

"The president was taken away."

"Who did it?"

"The headquarters of the branch has a formation arranged by Chairman Zhao himself. Even the peak quasi-emperor should not break through easily."

"The emperor's powerhouse has made a move."

"It's just that I don't know which one from the restricted area made the shot?"

Chanjuan appeared here when the monks of the Yanhuang branch were anxious, and when she felt the monstrous power of this place, her face became gloomy.

"It's still a step late." Chanjuan's eyes revealed a ferocious killing intent.

Those guys!

"Third Princess." At this moment, Tang Yiren spoke to Chanjuan.

Chanjuan detained Tang Yiren by her side with a wave of her hand, "Are you alright?"

"When I received the information, I felt that the major restricted areas might arrest me and force my teacher to submit, so I just made the puppet wood look like me."

"Did you see who did it?"


Chanjuan checked here for a while and said, "It seems that the Supremes of all the restricted areas have taken action." Chanjuan is the existence of the third layer of the Emperor Realm, but at this time she can't find anything, which is very explaining the problem .

"Let's go first." After sending Tang Yiren to her own small world, Chanjuan went to the fourth district.

The branch presidents of the fourth district, the fifth district, and the sixth district did not target the restricted areas.

Presumably they also know that Tang Yi people are the most valued by the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, and if these three Lin Caihan are held hostage, they may not be able to redeem them with talismans.

When Chanjuan returned to the headquarters of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and told what happened, Lin Caihan was full of fear.

"Fortunately, Yi Ren is fine."

"Master, this matter can't be left to those guys." Tang Yiren said angrily.

"The matter this time must not be settled so easily." Lin Caihan suddenly thought of something when she said this, "Chunyangzong, no, I have to go to Tai Sui's ancestral court and invite Tai Chang here."

All the restricted areas took it for granted that behind the Pure Yang Sect there was a powerful Emperor Realm.

Otherwise, they would have directly arrested Xu Huier.

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