But when Guardian Dong continued to attack, he was stopped by the Immortal Emperor.


Protector Dong didn't dare to do it anymore.

"Your Majesty the Immortal Emperor, the monks of Yujianzong have evil intentions. They were clearly bought by the people of Heaven." Dong Hufa said sternly.

Looking at his appearance, how righteous do you think he is?

"Whether the monks of the Imperial Sword Sect harbor evil intentions, I will investigate this matter clearly." The Immortal Emperor said with a sullen face.

Immediately, the Immortal Emperor looked at Chanjuan and said, "That's the end of today's business."

"I can't stop here." What no one expected was a figure walking out from a distance.

Who else is it not Lin Caihan?

"Lin Caihan? What's the matter with you?" Huang Qingchan looked at Lin Caihan with an unfriendly expression and asked.

"Who in the entire Immortal Realm doesn't know the lineage of the Guardians of the Sky Palace?" Lin Caihan said loudly, "Your fairy courts have repeatedly attacked the Sky Palace? Why, do you think my lineage of the Guardians is easy to bully?"

"So what?" Huang Qingchan said with a sneer, "What do you have in the lineage of guardians? If we didn't care about the relationship in the past, do you think the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is still there?"

"I think the three words white-eyed wolf are tailor-made for you." Lin Caihan loathed Huang Qingchan more and more.

"What did you say?" Just as Huang Qingchan said this, a talisman appeared in Lin Caihan's hand.

When Lin Caihan tore apart a corner of the talisman, a destructive atmosphere permeated the whole world.

Even the Immortal Emperor who had already reached the fourth heaven of Emperor Realm felt a deep depression.

"The talisman in your hand?" The Immortal Emperor was moved.

"The talisman in my hand was given by a senior, and it can be killed even if it is the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm." Lin Caihan looked at the emperor jokingly and said, "Originally this talisman was used to deal with the restricted area. But now I think it’s better to pick your Xianting.”

"Lin Caihan, can you bear the crime of cannibalism?" The Immortal Emperor scolded in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, your Immortal Court attacked the lineage of the guardians, and never mentioned the four words of fratricide. As a result, we were going to deal with your Immortal Court, but you said the four words of fratricide openly. I didn't understand before. Why Qing Chan is so shameless, now I finally understand, the root lies with you."

"Bold, Lin Caihan, who gave you the courage to say such things to my father?" Huang Qingchan growled towards Lin Caihan.

Hearing that Lin Caihan tore some holes again, a more vast aura surged out.

Huang Qingchan only felt that her heart was being clenched. At this moment, she was sure that this talisman definitely belonged to the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm, because even her father couldn't put so much pressure on her.

"Huang Qingchan, if you don't kneel today, everyone present will be counted as one, and they will all die." Lin Caihan said in a low voice.

"How dare you?" Huang Qingchan was furious.

"Do you think I dare?" Lin Caihan stared fixedly at Huang Qingchan.

Don't give in.

"This is the fairy court you are following? This is the third princess you are following?" Chanjuan laughed loudly at this moment, "For the sake of the so-called face, regardless of your life or death, are you sure you want to continue to be loyal?"

I have to say that Chanjuan's words are very heartbreaking.

It was precisely because of Zhuxin that Huang Qingchan was forced into a dilemma.

"Kneel down." Huang Wuji sent a voice transmission to Huang Qingchan.

"Royal Father." Huang Qingchan said reluctantly.

"If you don't kneel at this time, the fairy court will fall apart." Huang Wuji said solemnly.

Huang Qingchan hesitated and knelt down.

"See how reluctant she is?" Chanjuan continued to make up her sword, "For your soldiers in the Immortal Court, are you so unwilling?"

"I haven't." Huang Qingchan hurriedly emphasized.

"Is there? There is a bright light in everyone's heart." Chanjuan said lightly.

"Are you satisfied now?" Huang Wuji looked at Lin Caihan with a gloomy face.

"I need you to promise me three things."

"You said."

"First, immediately release all the soldiers of Yu Jianzong."

"The soldiers of Yujianzong come and go freely." Huang Wuji said seriously.

"If the officers and soldiers of Yujianzong can come and go freely, the Eastern Protector of your Immortal Court will not be like this." How could Lin Caihan believe the fairy tales of the Immortal Emperor, "Where is the number one general?"

"The first god will be in Xianting."

"Let the first general come."

The Immortal Emperor looked at a soldier.

The soldier turned and left, and the first general came here not long after.

"The number one general, my husband has always admired you and said that you are upright. I believe you have heard about Yujianzong. In this case, the monks of Yujianzong are no longer suitable for living in Xianting. I need you Bring all the monks of Yujianzong here, I wonder if you can do it?"

"Yes." The first general said seriously.

"I'll wait for you here." Lin Caihan said lightly.

Today's number one general has already set foot on the first layer of the emperor's realm, so it didn't take long for the number one general to bring 36 soldiers of Yujianzong to this place.

"Are there any omissions?" Lin Caihan asked.

"I have used some methods, and I can confirm that these soldiers are the only ones." The first general said sadly.

"When I Yujianzong returned to Xianting, I had 43 soldiers, but in just three years, I lost [-] soldiers." An old man from Yujianzong said with tears, "Everyone in the Xianting It should be killed."

The Immortal Emperor's face was very ugly.

But at this time he couldn't say anything.

"Second, we don't want to care about how your Immortal Court will do evil, and we don't bother to care about it, but in the future, don't provoke Sky Palace, Chunyangzong, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, and Heavenly Court, otherwise I may act irrationally if I don't care about it." thing." Lin Caihan said the second thing.

"Yes." The Immortal Emperor said a little aggrieved.

In any case, the Immortal Emperor would never have imagined that Lin Caihan had a talisman of the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm in his hand?

"Okay, you can go." Lin Caihan said and put away the talisman.

Talismans are too precious.

Lin Caihan didn't want to waste either.

After the Immortal Emperor left the Sky Palace with a large number of soldiers, the monks of Yujianzong knelt down towards Lin Caihan.

"You don't need to be like this." Lin Caihan raised hundreds of thousands of soldiers of Yujianzong with a wave of his hand.

"President Lin, our Imperial Sword Sect wants to join the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." An old man said seriously.

He is very clear that he has offended Xianting now, is there any place for them in the entire Immortal Territory?

At this time, they had no choice but to rely on the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

"You don't need to do this." Lin Caihan said lightly, "In this way, you Yujianzong can establish a sect near the Chunyangzong and Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

The senior officials of Yujianzong shook their heads after looking at each other, "We still want to join the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

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