Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1093: Yu Jianzong's Wrath

The third princess, Huang Qingchan, is here.

She was sitting on the Luanjia representing the armor of the imperial family.

High above.

She looked down at all the living beings in the Sky Palace, watching the panic and anxiety on their faces.

She felt very happy.

She loves the feeling of being in control of someone else's life.

She likes the feeling of being in control.

"Bi Luo, I'll give you half a quarter of an hour to consider, surrender or die?" Huang Qingchan's voice resounded throughout the sky palace.

All the monks in the Sky Palace were shocked.

No one thought that Huang Qingchan would say such a thing?

Death or Surrender?

Huang Qingchan responded with a slap.


Space is broken.

One side of Huang Qingchan's face was swollen.

Her luanjia was torn into pieces.

The audience was in an uproar.

No one expected that Huang Qingchan, who came down so powerfully, would be slapped.

"Chanjuan, I'm going to kill you." Huang Qingchan's eyes showed a murderous intent.

"Kill me? You also have that ability." A war sword appeared in Chanjuan's hand, and her phoenix eyes revealed a faint disdain.

"Ah." Huang Qingchan roared and rushed towards Chanjuan.

Huang Qingchan, whose strength has been promoted to the third level, is more than several times stronger than before. The problem is that with the help of the time spar, Chanjuan's strength has also reached this threshold, and she even has a distance in the third level.

The background between the two is not at the same level.

One is forcibly promoted, and the other is naturally promoted.

Both of them knew the consequences of their all-out battle at this level, so when they collided, they entered a deep space.

But the monks present still felt the terrifying fluctuations, and their souls trembled unavoidably.

"Is the Emperor Realm powerhouse so terrifying?"

"If they didn't fight in the dimension space, none of the monks present would have survived."

"If the strong in the imperial realm don't care about it, it will cause life and death."

"I don't know what the result will be?"

After a few minutes passed, Huang Qingchan, who was covered in blood, staggered out of the dimensional space.

Her chest gasped violently.

Her face was so gloomy that she was about to drip water.

She didn't expect that even after her cultivation reached the third heaven of the Emperor Realm, she would still not be Chanjuan's match?

"Huang Qingchan, continue." Chanjuan, who walked out of the dimension space with a sword in her hand, shouted coldly.

"Let's go back." Huang Qingchan said with a cold face.

keep fighting?

Do you want to die?

But how could Chanjuan easily let Huang Qingchan go?


She held the battle sword and rushed towards Huang Qingchan.

Huang Qingchan had to enter the dimensional space to fight Chanjuan?

Otherwise, none of the [-] soldiers behind her would survive.

one move!

Two strokes!

Three strokes!

Huang Qingchan was hit hard again after ten tricks in the dimension space.

Her chest was pierced and there were several bloodstains on her face.

She knelt on the ground on one knee, panting heavily.

"Is this the ability of the third princess of Xianting?" Chanjuan had a sneer on her face.

"You..." Huang Qingchan felt aggrieved at this moment.

"Don't come out to be a monster if you don't have the skills." Chanjuan said indifferently, "Get out."


This word irritated Huang Qingchan.

There was a ferocious killing intent in her eyes, "Chanjuan, you and I cannot live together."

"You have to have that ability too." Chanjuan sneered.

But at this moment, an overwhelming coercion came towards Chanjuan.

Chanjuan turned pale and took a few steps back before stopping, then her eyes showed a look of shock and anger, "Emperor Immortal, is it appropriate to act as you?"

After the words fell, the Immortal Emperor, dressed in imperial robes, appeared beside Huang Qingchan.

She helped Huang Qingchan up, looked at Chanjuan with an unkind expression and said, "Killing is nothing but a nod, since Huang Qingchan has already been defeated, why should he be humiliated like this?"

"Speaking is better than singing." Chanjuan laughed loudly, "What is Huang Qingchan bringing an army of [-] to the Sky Palace? Either surrender or kill? I want to know who gave her the right?"

"Has Huang Qingchan been killed?"

"Do you want me to tell you all the nasty things that Xianting has done in the past ten years?" Chanjuan looked at the emperor and said, "If nothing else, just talk about Yujianzong, because Yujianzong is not willing to submit, you The Eastern Protector of Immortal Court killed Yujianzong's lord's family, but Yujianzong still refused to obey, and Eastern Protector killed the nine elders. Under such circumstances, Yujianzong reluctantly surrendered."

After a pause, Chanjuan sneered and said, "Is this what you call talk?"

The emperor was stunned when he heard this.

He couldn't help looking at Protector Dong who came with Huang Qingchan, "Is there such a thing?"

"There is absolutely no such thing." Dong Hufa categorically denied it.

How could such a thing be admitted?

"I can't always listen to what you say, can I?" the Immortal Emperor looked at Chanjuan and said.

"One-sided words?" What the Immortal Emperor did not expect was that a young man walked out of the one hundred thousand soldiers, "My name is Wang Xuan, and I am a true disciple of the Yujianzong. Dong Hufa killed my suzerain's family and slaughtered me. When I was an elder, I, Yu Jianzong, who didn't know, who didn't know? I really want to know, His Majesty the Immortal Emperor, how come it is a one-sided statement from your mouth?"

The Immortal Emperor's face became a little ugly.

He really didn't know about it.

But he also knew it was probably true.

The problem is that in order to quickly expand the Immortal Court, some means must be used.

"Wang Xuan, do you want to die?" A commander winked at Wang Xuan.

This leader is saving Wang Xuan, if he continues to speak, is it strange that Guardian Dong didn't kill him?

"I don't want to live for a long time. I think it's worth it to expose the hypocrisy of Xianting before I die." Wang Xuan said here and knelt down towards Chanjuan, "I also ask the three princesses of Heaven to rescue Yu Jianzong, Wang Xuan kowtows to you here."

"You bastard." Dong Hufa slapped Wang Xuan to pieces.

Chanjuan just wanted to rescue her but found that she was blocked by Huang Qingchan.

"This guy is insane." Dong Hufa determined Wang Xuan's sex.

"The mouth of the people is better than that of Fangchuan. Can your fairy court stop the mouths of the world?" Chanjuan said with a serious face.

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence." Huang Qingchan said with some complacency.

"Evidence? Does the third princess want evidence?" At this moment, a woman waved her hand and a picture appeared in the air.

In the picture is the scene of the Eastern Protector massacring the suzerain full family.

Everyone saw that Protector Dong would not let go of the baby who was waiting to be fed. Even the soldiers on the Xianting side looked at Protector Dong with unkind eyes.

"Guardian Dong, how many people can you kill?" the girl said while looking at Guardian Dong coldly.


The girl was killed again by Dong Hufa.

"Come on, Protector Dong, if you have the ability, kill grandpa." After the girl died, an unruly man stood up.

Protector Dong was furious.

He didn't expect the head of Yu Jianzong's monk to be so strong.

They are not afraid of death one by one.

What he thought was to kill Yu Jianzong up and down after he went back.

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