"I don't want to be weaker than anyone else." Chanjuan shook her head.

"Anyway, I don't want you to be too tired." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"I see." Chanjuan said with a smile.

"There is still a period of time for the soldiers of the Heavenly Court to restrain themselves." At this point, Zhao Yang changed the subject, "By the way, the soldiers of the Heavenly Court will not come out for a short time."

"Okay, I'll let you know when I get back." Chanjuan nodded.

"You also told Taichang that the Taisui lineage also hibernates." Zhao Yang continued.


After Chanjuan left, Zhao Yang closed his eyes.

Zhao Yang has been studying the tear in his body, he really wants to know why the tear is not as effective as before?

And Zhao Yang seems to have discovered something extraordinary in his continuous research.

That tear seems to contain rules, and contains a magnificent and vast world.

"Is this tear really the tear of a person from the upper realm?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Zhao Yang vaguely felt that if he could find out one or two things, it would have a profound impact on himself.

In the following time, Zhao Yang put a lot of effort into studying this tear.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Another decade has passed.

In the past ten years, Xianting has been continuously expanding.

Almost all the large and small forces of the human race in the first district have joined the camp of Xianting.

Except for Sky Palace.

Lin Caihan came to Zhao Yang's room that day.

"Is there something wrong?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Let me report to you the development of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce in the past ten years." Lin Caihan said and sat beside Zhao Yang.

"Tell me."

"In the past ten years, all the time worms and time crystals of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce have been exhausted." Lin Caihan said leisurely, "Now there are fourteen statues in the eighth heaven of the quasi-emperor realm, and 32 in the seventh heaven of the quasi-emperor realm. There are 74 statues in the sixth heaven of the emperor, 150 six in the fifth heaven of the emperor, 320 in the fourth heaven of the emperor, 680 four in the third heaven of the emperor, and 340 in the second heaven of the emperor. There are three statues, and there are two thousand eight hundred and forty two statues in the Zhundi first heaven."

"Not bad." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"In the next ten years, I plan to focus on improving Zhundi's peak and Zhundi's middle-level existence. As for Zhundi's early stage, let them develop independently." Lin Caihan said her plan.

The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce needs top players to gain a firm foothold, so that it can be compared with the major restricted areas in the future.

"How is the first district now?"

"The Immortal Court itself has a great appeal, and the Immortal Court has used some means, such as a lot of precious exercises, to attract some geniuses from the sect." Lin Caihan said softly, "So the first district There are not many human race forces left."

"Immortal Court didn't move Sky Palace, did it?"

"No." Lin Caihan shook her head and said, "But according to the information inquired by our intelligence personnel, the Immortal Court persuaded the Immortal Emperor to move the Sky Palace not once or twice."

Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

"As long as the fairy court doesn't move, you don't have to pay attention to these things."

"Why hasn't your cultivation reached the eighth level of the quasi-emperor realm?" Lin Caihan suddenly noticed something.

"What about the tear I've been studying all these years?"

"Did you find anything out of your research?"

"No." Zhao Yang's eyes shone brightly, "But it's coming soon."

"Soon?" Lin Caihan said in surprise.

After Lin Caihan left, Zhao Yang continued to practice.

The tears kept changing in his eyes, and gradually evolved into a rule.


How come Zhao Yang doesn't know what the rules are after reaching the Quasi-Emperor Realm?

But this rule is different from the rules Zhao Yang has seen.

This rule is colored.

And the rules of this world are colorless.

"The rules of color." Zhao Yang murmured.

Seeing this rule and mastering this rule are two different concepts.

What Zhao Yang is doing now is to unravel this rule.

He wants to control this rule.

He vaguely felt that this rule would be his trump card.


It's been ten years.

Huang Qingchan stayed in that temple for ten years in seclusion, and her cultivation was raised from the Great Emperor Realm to the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm.

After reaching this level, Huang Qingchan wanted to take revenge for being humiliated by Chanjuan.

Therefore, after returning to the fairy court, Huang Qingchan said righteously and sternly that he would fight for the Sky Palace.

"The Sky Palace is the lineage of guardians after all." Huang Wuji said with a frown.

"The strength of the Sky Palace is second only to the restricted area." Huang Qingchan said in a deep voice, "Furthermore, we just incorporated the Sky Palace."

"Father, I think sister Huang is right." Huang Qingming said in agreement.

"When we moved the Sky Palace back then, the Heavenly Court once stood up. The First God General reminded.

"Heavenly Court?" Huang Qingchan said with a sneer, "It would be better if the three princesses of Heavenly Court showed up, and it happened that I and her were the ones who humiliated me back then."

"What's going on here?" Huang Wuji asked.

Huang Qingchan recounted what happened back then.

"I didn't expect Tianting to have such a deep foundation." Huang Wuji said with some surprise.

"If we can take over the generals of the Heavenly Court, the strength of our Celestial Court will be greatly improved." Huang Qingming said with burning eyes, "Sister Huang, you have to work hard then."

"The third princess in today's court is absolutely impossible to be my opponent." Huang Qingchan said confidently.

"Try not to do it if you can. Even if you want to do it, you must control the range, and don't hurt innocent people." Huang Wuji said after thinking for a long time.

Now that the development of Immortal Court has reached a bottleneck, it is simply impossible to further expand its influence if it does not take action against the Sky Palace.

"I see, father." Huang Qingchan said with a smile.

Immediately, Huang Qingchan counted a corps of 10 soldiers and marched towards the ancestral courtyard of the Sky Palace.

The intelligence personnel of Sky Palace and Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce learned the news immediately.

"What? You said that Huang Qingchan led an army of [-] to attack the Sky Palace?" Biluo was quite surprised when she got the news, she thought that the Immortal Emperor would be concerned that she was Chunyangzi's fiancée.

"I'll go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce immediately." Ruoxi said in a deep voice.

"No need, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce must have got the news at the same time we got the news." Bi Luo shook his head and said.

As a result, it didn't take long for Lin Caihan and Chanjuan to rush to the Sky Palace through the teleportation array.

"Huang Qingchan is so aggressive this time, I'm afraid he has made thousands of preparations." Bi Luo reminded.

"Huang Qingchan is now an existence in the third heaven of the Emperor Realm." Lin Caihan said lightly.

"Three Heavens of Emperor Realm?" Bi Luo was surprised when he heard this.

Then Biluo looked at Chanjuan, she was worried that Chanjuan was not her opponent.

"A few years ago, I set foot in the Third Heaven of the Emperor's Realm." Chanjuan said with a smile, "Huang Qingchan targeted the Sky Palace today, and I think it is to a large extent to avenge shame."

"If it wasn't for a drop of Zhao Yang's blood back then, how could she have regained her sanity?" Lin Caihan said angrily, "I didn't expect the third princess in Xianting to be so ungrateful." At this point, Lin Caihan looked at Chanjuan and said, "Today we must take care of ourselves. Teach her a lesson."


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