"Great emperor realm?" Huang Wuji pointed to the temple and said, "Qingchan, if you go to this temple to practice, it may be no problem to break through to the third heaven."

"Can I improve in this temple?" Huang Qingchan asked excitedly.

"Why not?" Huang Wuji said with a smile, "Didn't I tell you before? A mighty statue of the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm has fallen here. Although reshaping my physical body and improving my cultivation over the years have consumed a lot Less energy. But there is still a lot of energy left."

"Father, can I practice here to improve my background?"

"What do you know now?"

"Three Heavens of the Emperor Realm."

"Then if you practice here, I don't think there will be much problem in ascending to the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"Is it possible to reach the Fifth Heaven of Emperor Realm?" Huang Qingming said with burning eyes.

"The Fifth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm is still somewhat difficult. I have been training here for a thousand years but have not been able to break through." Huang Wuji shook his head and said, "So I think the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm is the limit."

"The number one general, you made great military exploits for the Immortal Court back then, and later you became a sword slave for the third princess, so you should also practice here from now on." Huang Wuji looked at the number one general at this time and said, "The dao rhyme of that powerful man may allow you to step into the emperor's realm."

Hearing this, everyone was moved.

No one thought that even the quasi-emperor peak would be able to step into the emperor's realm here.

But what no one expected was that the number one general shook his head, "Your Majesty, I want to give this opportunity to Zhao Yang."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"Senior Sword Slave, are you...?"

"You are the most amazing emperor of the human race. Even Xianbei of the fairy race is no match for you. I think if I give you this opportunity, you will be able to go further in the future." The first general said seriously.

"The number one general, what do you think? Zhao Yang is from the lineage of the guardians, and the lineage of the guardians does not deal with our fairy court. You actually gave him such a precious opportunity." The third princess Huang Qingchan said angrily scolded.

"Have you thought about it?" Huang Wuji said lightly.

The first god general was about to say something but Zhao Yang interrupted, "Thank you, Senior Jian Nu, for your kindness, but I will not enter this temple."

"Zhao Yang, don't be arrogant." The first general was a little anxious.

"The three princesses are right. The Guardian lineage does not deal with Xianting, and our Guardian lineage does not want to owe too much favor to Xianting." Zhao Yang called out the bronze chariot after speaking, "Let's go. "

After speaking, the bronze chariot neighed and carried Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan towards the distance.

"This kid..." The first general's eyes were full of emotion.

He thought Zhao Yang didn't want to embarrass himself, didn't want him to give up such a precious resource?

How did he know that Zhao Yang didn't like this temple at all, okay?

"Number one general, do you know why Zhao Yang keeps calling you a sword slave?" Huang Qingming said leisurely at this time.

The first god will shake his whole body.

"Zhao Yang doesn't want to have anything to do with Xianting." Huang Qingming looked at the first general and said, "You have to know that the father has returned, but Zhao Yang wants to strengthen the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. This is a conflict in itself, you know ?"

The cake is so big.

The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyang Sect are still different from the lineage of the guardians back then. The lineage of the guardians hides in the dark and does not compete with the fairy court for hegemony.

But Zhao Yang let the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong come to the fore, so the two will inevitably conflict.

On the way to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Lin Caihan said worriedly, "The return of the Immortal Emperor is not a good thing for us."

"It's impossible for Xianting to integrate within a short period of time." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Let's just practice step by step."

So what if the Immortal Emperor belongs to the Fourth Heaven of Emperor Realm?

Could this scare Zhao Yang?

"In fact, this is also a good thing. Huang Wuji's integration of the Immortal Court will attract all the eyes of the Immortal Territory, and then no one will notice us." Zhao Yang said softly, "There is no need to worry."

The return of Huang Wuji detonated the entire fairyland.

No one expected that the powerful Immortal Emperor would return.

This made the major restricted areas extremely uneasy, they were worried that Huang Wuji would be liquidated.

After Huang Wuji came back, he called out the slogan of rebuilding the Immortal Court, and the soldiers of the Immortal Court hidden in the dark came out one after another. It was at this time that everyone knew how powerful the Immortal Court was?

As more and more monks returned, Huang Wuji announced that Tiandaozong was changed to Xianting, and the ancestral court of Xianting is temporarily designated as Tiandaozong.

"Your Majesty, the number of soldiers in Immortal Court has reached tens of millions. When are we going to attack the restricted area?" Dong Hufa said softly.

If Protector Dong still had some small thoughts before, then there will be nothing after this moment.

"Xianting's current strength is not as good as a quarter of what it was at its peak." Huang Wuji pondered for a while before saying, "Furthermore, there are many generals coming from all over the place, and they have not yet fully integrated into this group. "

After a pause, Huang Wuji continued, "We need to rectify in the early stage, and then conduct military training. In this way, I will give you ten years."

"Your Majesty, are you going to attack the restricted area in ten years?" the second general asked.

"Xianting needs terrifying resources if it wants to quickly return to its peak state." Huang Wuji nodded and said, "And attacking the restricted area is the most effective way to obtain resources."

"Then these ten years?" Huang Wuji, the second general, said, "How many resources will we have in these ten years, and how many resources will we use. From now on, we will support wars with wars."

And Chanjuan from Heavenly Court came to Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce when Xianting was recruiting troops to prepare for war.

"The soldiers of the Heavenly Court met the generals of the Immortal Court when they were patrolling." Chanjuan said in a deep voice, "I heard that the Lord of the Immortal Court has returned."

The return of the Immortal Emperor had a huge impact.

How could Chanjuan not pay attention?

"The Immortal Emperor has returned." Zhao Yang briefly said about the Immortal Emperor.

"Will the Immortal Emperor deal with Heaven?"

"The future will be discussed later." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Chanjuan immediately understood Zhao Yang's subtext.

"How is your strength?"

"It's only a thin line away from the third heaven of the Emperor Realm." Chanjuan said seriously.

"How long will it take to break through?"

"ten years."

"Strive to break through in a short time." Zhao Yang said and handed two time spars to Chanjuan.

"Time spar?" Chanjuan asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

"What cultivation level is the Immortal Emperor?"

"The fourth floor of the Emperor Realm."

"The fourth floor of the Emperor Realm?" Chanjuan's eyes showed a strong fighting spirit when she heard this, "With these two time spars, I can improve my cultivation in the shortest possible time."

"The Immortal Emperor is not our enemy." Zhao Yang looked at Chanjuan and said seriously, "Therefore, you don't need to specially improve your cultivation."

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