Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1090 Immortal Emperor

"My next plan is to focus on cultivating quasi-emperor-level powerhouses, and let them follow the normal process for the masters in the holy realm." Lin Caihan said her plan.

The resources of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce are not unlimited.

Lin Caihan also had to proceed step by step.

"You can handle this kind of thing." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Your Huangliang Yimeng has been deduced to the third level. Our Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is at the same level, not to mention invincible." Lin Caihan continued.

Give the simplest example.

Even though the monks of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce are not very amazing, their tempering and research on the Dao took ten times, or a hundred times more time, than normal monks.

"In the next ten years, we may consume all the time bugs and time spars in our inventory." Lin Caihan said softly.

"If you consume it, let's consume it. We are exchanging resources for time now." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Actually, without the emperor's blood you brought, the top powerhouses of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce would not be able to compare with the restricted area at all." Lin Caihan said with emotion.

Before the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce was cultivated by many resources, there were not many people who reached the high-level quasi-emperor realm, but now with the emperor's blood, their potential has been broken.

"Has your potential improved now?" Lin Caihan suddenly thought of something?

"No." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"what happened?"

"It's not as fast as it was before." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "I think that I may be able to further break through my potential when my cultivation reaches the eighth level of Emperor Zhun."

"So, when you reach the peak of Emperor Zhun, your potential will not be able to break through to the peak of Emperor Realm?"


Seeing the annoyed look on Lin Caihan's face, Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "Don't worry, don't forget, you can still improve after reaching the Emperor Realm."

Lin Caihan's eyes lit up immediately, "Why did I forget if you don't tell me? The Emperor Realm can still continue to improve."

At this moment, Lin Caihan's face changed suddenly.

The heaven and earth seal of her small world vibrated violently, and then forcibly broke open her small world, and went towards the distance through the sky.

"The Heaven and Earth Seal of the Immortal Emperor forcibly left."

Zhao Yang summoned the Heavenly Dao of the Small World, "Go and track down that Heaven and Earth Seal."

Tian Dao wrapped in the small world took Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan to chase towards Tian Di Yin.

"The Seal of Heaven and Earth is the seal of the Immortal Emperor, do you think it will...?" Lin Caihan said in a low voice.

"I'll know later." Zhao Yang said with a twinkle in his eyes.

About several hours later, the seal of heaven and earth appeared on an auspicious cloud.

And above this auspicious cloud, there is an ancient temple.

Sitting cross-legged at the gate of the temple was a middle-aged man in an imperial robe.

When the seal of heaven and earth landed beside him, there was a look of nostalgia in his eyes, "Old friend, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Tiandiyin became cheered.

Immediately, the eyes of the middle-aged fell on Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan who were hiding in the dark, "The two are the new owners of this seal of heaven and earth, right?"

Now that the other party has seen through, Zhao Yang will not hide anymore.

He and Lin Caihan came out from the dark, "I don't know who you are, senior?"

"Nine thousand years ago, the world called me the Immortal Emperor." The middle-aged man said softly.

Zhao Yang's pupils shrank.

Immortal Emperor.

How can it be?

Didn't the Immortal Emperor fall in that battle?

The Immortal Emperor seemed to see the doubt in Zhao Yang's eyes, "I did die in that battle back then, but a ray of my remnant soul escaped into this temple."

"Is this temple different?" Zhao Yang couldn't help looking at the temple while talking.

"This temple is a dojo of great power." The Immortal Emperor said softly.

"Great power?"

"The existence of the Seventh Heaven of Emperor Realm or above is qualified to be called a great power?"

"Then this temple?"

"This temple is the place where a statue sits and transforms on the seventh day of the Emperor's Realm." The Immortal Emperor explained, "After it falls, all its Taoism and deeds are in this temple." Immortal Emperor just said here that a dragon-shaped The war sword came through the air and appeared in front of the Immortal Emperor.

This dragon-shaped battle sword is exactly the sword of the Immortal Emperor.

father emperor. "At this moment, there was a sound of surprise in the distance.

It was Huang Qingchan who appeared in the distance.

"Qing Chan." The Immortal Emperor was a little moved when he saw Huang Qing Chan.

He remembered that Huang Qingchan had lost his temper back then.

Huang Qingchan stepped forward and hugged Immortal Emperor tightly.

It didn't take long for Huang Qingming, the first general, the second general, and the senior officials of Tiandaozong to arrive here one after another, and when they saw the stalwart body, their eyes showed incredulous expressions.

In any case, they never thought that the Immortal Emperor was still alive.

"Father." Huang Qingming was so excited that he was on the verge of tears.

The southeast guardians looked at each other and saw bitterness in each other's eyes.

Before, they could rely on some qualifications to make some impressions in front of Huang Qingchan, but they didn't even have the qualifications to make an appearance in front of the Immortal Emperor.

After the first god general and others had seen the immortal emperor, the first god general pointed to Zhao Yang and said, "Immortal Emperor, this is Zhao Yang, a disciple of the guardian lineage. By a drop of his blood."

As soon as the first god general spoke, he was reprimanded by the third princess Huang Qingchan, "What does my recovery of sanity have to do with him?"

"Without his drop of blood, how could you have found that place of chance?" The First God General said angrily, "This kind of kindness is like recreation."

"Shut up." Huang Qingchan said angrily.

"Qingchan, why are you talking to the number one general?" Huang Wuji glared at Huang Qingchan and said.

Huang Qingchan grimaced and didn't dare to say anything.

"Father, have you been practicing here all these years?" Huang Qingming asked with a smile at this time.

"That's right, after my fall, a ray of remnant soul was brought over by this temple." Huang Wuji nodded and said, "This temple has the Taoist rhyme of a powerful man from the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm. It has been practiced here for 9000 years, and the current cultivation base is already in the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"Four Heavens of Emperor Realm." Hearing this, the monks present here, including Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan, were all shocked.

"Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Huang Qingming's eyes showed a strong color of excitement, "Father, wouldn't we be able to push all the restricted areas horizontally in the future?"

"The restricted area is not as simple as you think?" Huang Wuji shook his head and said, "Now that my cultivation has stepped into the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm, I realize that the cursed land is far more terrifying than we thought."

"Don't we do anything?" Huang Qingchan said a little unhappy.

"What state is Qing Chan in now?" Huang Wuji asked after thinking about it.

"Great Emperor Realm."

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