Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1089 Years Passed

"I'm going to give this Emperor Seal to Ruoqing."

"Ruoqing?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"It's the girl with Tiehan." Ruoxi said from the side.

"Tie Han has found someone he likes?" Zhao Yang still doesn't know about this?

"As the emperor's disciple, I don't need too many girls who like her." Ruoxi said with a smile, "At that time, Tiehan was too picky, but in the end, sister Lin helped him choose Ruoqing."

"How about Ruoqing?"

"Ruoqing has a good personality, Xiaojiabiyu type."

"Then don't worry." Zhao Yang changed the subject at this point, "Master, do you want to step into the third realm of the emperor?"

Bi Luo looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and said, "What do you mean?"

"Husband, you have the ability to raise the emperor's realm again." Ruoxi's eyes lit up.

If Zhao Yang could make Bi Luo improve, wouldn't he be able to improve himself too?

Zhao Yang nodded lightly and said, "I will talk about it after my wife has stabilized the Great Emperor Realm, but my wife needs to prepare three thousand drops of Zhundi medicine liquid."

"Three thousand drops? This is no problem, just enough?" Bi Luo asked hurriedly.

With the background of the Sky Palace, three thousand drops of Zhundi medicine liquid is still no problem.

"Three thousand drops are enough." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Where is Ruoxi?" Biluo suddenly thought of something.

"I will prepare Ruoxi's resources." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"How is this possible?" Bi Luo shook her head.

"Ruoxi is my wife, this is what it should be." Zhao Yang refused, "Master, don't argue with me."

"When will I be promoted to the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Ruoxi said expectantly.

"It will take a while, and I will notify you when the time comes." Zhao Yang said that he took out five time spars and handed them to Biluo, "Master, you keep these five time spars."

"Master, why do you have the nerve to ask for your time spar again?" Bi Luo said with a wry smile.

Zhao Yang has already given too many resources to the Sky Palace.

Now five time spars are given to the Sky Palace.

"Compared to the major forbidden areas, Sky Palace is still somewhat weak. To be honest, Sky Palace may not be an opponent in the forbidden area." Zhao Yang said solemnly, "So Sky Palace must improve its own strength."

Bi Luo thought about it and took it.

"So I thank you on behalf of Sky Palace." Bi Luo said seriously.

"Master, how many quasi-emperor masters are there in Cang Qiong Palace?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"There are three statues at the peak of Emperor Zhun, eight statues at the eighth heaven of Emperor Zhun, seventeen statues at the seventh heaven of Zhun Emperor, 36 statues at the sixth heaven of Zhun Emperor, 81 statues at the fifth heaven of Emperor Zhun, and 250 statues at the fifth heaven of Zhun Emperor. There are 520 three statues in the fourth heaven, 320 statues in the third heaven, [-] statues in the second heaven, and [-] statues in the first heaven." Ruoxi said one by one.

Ruoxi didn't know the exact number before, but since Biluo handed over the Zongmen to him, Ruoxi also knows many secrets of the Sky Palace.

"Senior, do you know about Emperor's Blood?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"Actually, if Sky Palace hadn't had my Emperor's Blood these years, it would be impossible to have so many masters." Bi Luo changed his voice when he said this, "Do you need Emperor's Blood? I have two drops here."

Bi Luo hadn't become emperor for a long time, except for those given to the disciples of the Sky Palace, she is destined to not have much left.

"I mean I have some emperor's blood here." Zhao Yang said as he handed Bi Luo a jade bottle and said, "Maybe it can help Sky Palace."

Bi Luo was stunned.

She didn't expect that Zhao Yang's question about the Emperor's Blood was actually to give the Emperor's Blood to the Sky Palace.

"Zhao Yang."

"Master, don't be polite to me." Zhao Yang said seriously, "The Sky Palace needs to improve its strength, so that it won't be at a disadvantage when fighting against the restricted area in the future."

Bi Luo hesitated again and again and took it.

"Master, Ruoxi and I have left." Zhao Yang said and stood up.

After returning to Ruoxi's courtyard, Ruoxi hugged Zhao Yang's neck and said, "Carry me back to the room."

Zhao Yang picked Ruoxi up by the waist, "It's broad daylight, isn't it?"

"Husband." Ruoxi shouted with winking eyes.

Zhao Yang suddenly felt that he couldn't take it anymore.

She hugged Ruoxi and hurried back to the room.

It took a long time for the two to calm down. Ruoxi lay in Zhao Yang's arms and said softly, "Thank you."

"Thank you?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

It was only then that Zhao Yang realized that Ruoxi thought that he had given so many resources to Sky Palace for her sake.

But of course Zhao Yang would not explain it stupidly.

"It's a matter of life between you and me." Zhao Yang said and handed Ruoxi a Qiankun bag, "There are two time spars and a thousand drops of Quasi-Emperor Medicine in the Qiankun bag."

"Didn't you give Master the time spar and quasi-emperor medicinal liquid?" Ruoxi asked in surprise.

"Giving you master means giving to the sect, and this is specially for you." Zhao Yang put his arms around Ruoxi and said, "Another thing I will tell you secretly, when the time is right, you will not stop In the third heaven of the emperor's realm."

"You mean that I can set foot on the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Ruoxi's eyes lit up.

Emperor Realm Four Heavens!

This means that Ruoxi will also be able to leave the fairyland in the future?

"Not only." Zhao Yang blinked at Ruoxi.

"You mean...?" Ruoxi covered her mouth in surprise when she said this.

The news is really astonishing.

"Please keep this matter secret for the time being." Zhao Yang said softly.

"I know." Ruoxi said seriously.

This matter matters.

Even if it was Biluo's words, Ruoxi would not say it.


Since the existence of Huang Qingchan, the great emperor, and Qin Cang, the emperor's third heaven, appeared in the human race, the forbidden areas have become more honest.

There is no one who is not good at targeting the human race.

Therefore, the human race has achieved stable and short-term development.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

As the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong used the stored time bugs and time spars, the quasi-emperor masters of the sect developed rapidly.

"In the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, there are twelve statues of the Emperor Zhun of the Seventh Heaven, 36 of the Emperor Zhun of the Sixth Heaven, 98 of the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Zhun, 310 and two of the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Zhun, and 940 of the Third Heaven of the Emperor Zhun. There are 820 six statues, there are 330 statues in the second heaven of the Zhun Emperor, and [-] statues in the first heaven of the Zhun Emperor." After Lin Caihan spoke, Zhao Yang's eyes revealed a gleam.

"The sect has developed to such a degree in ten years, it is really gratifying." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

At this time, Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan and other senior officials of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce also set foot on the seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

Zhao Yang said more than once that the top leaders of the sect must maintain a crushing power.

Of course, it is unnecessary to exceed at this stage, but at least it must be maintained at the same level.

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