Half an hour later, the remaining forty Ice Tribes were killed by Shangqing, and at this time Shangqing was also scarred and close to collapse.

"How?" Zhao Yang put away the supernatant and said with a smile.

"You are much more amazing than I imagined." The voice replied after a long time.

Three hundred emperor-level seeds.

They all died in the hands of Zhao Yang.

Who will believe this?

"This is your reward." When the voice fell, a universe bag appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

After scanning Zhao Yang's divine sense, he found that there were a thousand time crystals in the Qiankun bag.

There was surprise in his eyes.

With this thousand time crystals, the monks of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Pure Yang Sect can improve their cultivation in a very short period of time.

"Do you want the challenge of the second level?"

"What is the challenge of the second level?" Zhao Yang thought it was necessary to ask clearly.

The challenge of the first level is so difficult, God knows what the challenge of the second level is?

"The second test is purgatory."


"That's right, if you persist in Purgatory for a day, you can get a drop of Emperor's blood."

"Emperor Blood?" Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

"That's right, Emperor's Blood can break the shackles of beings in the Quasi-Emperor Realm. Of course, Emperor's Blood is useless for an existence like you, but I think it is still useful for your subordinates."

"Persist for two days?"

"If you persist for two days, you can get three drops of Emperor's blood; if you persist for three days, you can get nine drops of Emperor's blood, and that's it, increasing in order."

"I want to know if I can gain anything by persevering in purgatory?"

"Purgatory can temper your will, and of course the pain is unimaginable."

"Can I give up at any time?"


"Then let me challenge you." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

The next moment Zhao Yang found himself fixed on an iron frame, a hideous guy opened his mouth, and another guy held his tongue with iron pliers and pulled it out.

Zhao Yang's face turned green.


Isn't this the tongue-pulling hell, the first level of the eighteen levels of hell?


The tongue was pulled out abruptly.

It hurts just thinking about it, okay?

"Can I refuse?" Zhao Yang conveyed a mental wave.

"After you accept the challenge, you must at least complete the [-]th floor of hell." The voice rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

Zhao Yang was so angry that he wanted to greet his whole family.

The second level of hell is the hell of scissors. The other party holds a pair of black scissors and cuts off ten fingers.

The pain is indescribable.

When he was dripping with blood, he was sent to the third level of Iron Tree Hell.

After walking through the eighteen layers of hell, Zhao Yang was exhausted physically and mentally.

He really didn't want to experience this kind of pain again.

"Are you going to continue?"

"No more." Zhao Yang said without thinking, "For a few drops of Emperor's blood, I can't lose my old life here."

"Do you know that what you experienced just now was actually an illusion, which can temper your will." The voice said bewitchingly, "Strong will has many benefits. If you don't say anything else, just say that when you encounter an illusion in the future, Can you not be confused."

"Forget it." Zhao Yang refused again.

"In this way, if you can persist for five days, I will give you an emperor seal."

"Senior, to be honest, I really don't have much interest in Diyin."

"Where is the seal of the Great Emperor?"

"Not interested either." Zhao Yang shook his head and said.

The other party was in a hurry.

Even the emperor seal is not interested?

Aren't you kidding me?

"If you can persist for five days, I will give you a triple emperor seal?"

"Triple Emperor Seal?"

"As long as you swallow the future, you can become an existence in the third heaven of the emperor's realm."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang couldn't help but doubt the other party's identity, "Why do you have to send me to be tortured in purgatory?"

"I have a request for you." After a while, the other party said.

"Tell me."

"I got a Linglong Pagoda. There are many illusions in the Linglong Pagoda. Many geniuses have gone there over the years, but they all died under the illusion." thing."

"What's in the pagoda?"

"There is a drop of magic blood in the pagoda."

"Magic blood?"

"My body is full of desire for that drop of devil blood. I believe that as long as I get that drop of devil blood, my cultivation will be able to go further." The voice became excited at this point.

"How long do I need to persist in Purgatory to get that drop of devil blood?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"I think you need to persist in Purgatory for at least seven days." The voice said after thinking about it.

"Seven days? If I persist in purgatory for seven days, do you have that much emperor's blood for me?"

"If the emperor's blood is not enough, I'll go outside to catch the Supreme and let you bleed. Is it okay for the head office?"

Zhao Yang clicked his tongue for a while.

He really wanted to ask if he could stop being so aggressive?

"I'll just stick to it." After thinking about it, Zhao Yang said.

Mainly he felt that if he gave up, that person would probably not let him go.

It's not that Zhao Yang is afraid of this guy, but mainly because he doesn't want to waste his hole cards.

When the next day passed, Zhao Yang felt that he was about to collapse.

When the third day passed, Zhao Yang felt that he couldn't hold on anymore.

When the fourth day passed, Zhao Yang felt that he might as well die.

When the fifth day passed, Zhao Yang felt that he would never wake up.

When the sixth day passed, Zhao Yang didn't have to go down without saying anything, but in the end he still jumped down with difficulty.

"Persist for another day." The voice did not expect Zhao Yang to persist until this point.

Zhao Yang stood on the shore and looked at it, hesitated for a long time, then closed his eyes and jumped down.

Then his tongue was pulled out again.

Even though he had experienced this pain six times, after experiencing it again, he still screamed in pain.

After finally surviving the [-]th floor of hell, the voice said excitedly, "Tomorrow you can go to the pagoda."

"No, I will continue tomorrow." Zhao Yang said these words to that person's surprise.

"Are you going to continue?" The other party asked incredulously.

"I'm going to make you bankrupt." Zhao Yang said with a grin.

"Haha, I desperately hope that you can make me bankrupt." The man said in a good mood.

When the eighth day passed, Zhao Yang's condition was better than before.

That person's eyes lit up immediately, "You can't temper the legendary Heart of Rock, can you?"

"Heart of Rock?"

"The heart of the rock means that you are determined to the heart of the Tao. With the heart of the rock, you can see through the falsehood, and many illusions can no longer mess with your heart." The other party explained.

"Then why am I still in pain?" Zhao Yang bared his teeth.

"The eighteen layers of hell have existed since ancient times. Do you think your heart of rock can see through them completely?"

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