Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1085 The test of level 1

"Existence from ancient times?" Zhao Yang's expression changed involuntarily.

"I don't know who built the underworld?"

"Is there a higher world above the fairyland?" Zhao Yang was shocked.

"Maybe it's my guess, maybe it's a creature of a higher level in the Emperor Realm." The other party thought for a while and gave an explanation.

After the ninth day passed, Zhao Yang found that purgatory didn't seem unbearable.

After the tenth day passed, Zhao Yang felt that purgatory was no big deal.

But just when Zhao Yang wanted to continue, he was stopped by that person, "Don't continue."

"Didn't you say that if I need Emperor's blood, you can help me catch Supreme?"

"What do you think you want so much of Emperor's Blood?" The person said helplessly, "I have a total of [-] drops of Emperor's Blood here, can I give you all of them?"

Zhao Yang thought for a while and then asked, "How many triple emperor seals do you have?"

"There are not many people who have reached this level in the Immortal Realm. The Emperor Realm I killed was a giant crocodile in ancient times."

"Where is the seal of the Great Emperor?"

"I have two Emperor Seals on my side. I will give them to you after you take out that drop of devil blood for me."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the pagoda." Zhao Yang also wanted to see the pagoda in his mouth.

The next moment Zhao Yang felt a change in the space, and then he appeared in front of a pagoda.

The pagoda was glowing with colorful glazed light, and the beautiful luster made Zhao Yang's eyes light up.

"Senior, what level is this pagoda?" Zhao Yang asked.

Then a hazy figure appeared not far from Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang tried his best but couldn't see his appearance clearly.

This pagoda is beyond my imagination, that's all I can tell you. "The figure said after a while.

Zhao Yang felt awe-inspiring.

Zhao Yang stared at the pagoda in front of him for a while before saying, "Senior, there are seven floors in this pagoda. Does every floor have good things?"

"Theoretically yes." The figure said softly, "I only set foot on the first floor back then."

"What is the reward for you on the first floor?"

"A pill." The figure said in a deep voice.

"A pill?"

"After I took that elixir, I stepped from the third level of the emperor's realm to the fourth level of the emperor's realm." The figure said with emotion, "You also know that the promotion of the emperor's realm is not as difficult as climbing to the sky. Now, it is almost impossible to refine the elixir that can improve the cultivation level of the emperor. This is why I suspect that this pagoda is a thing from the upper realm." After a while, the figure continued, "These I found a lot of geniuses in [-], but they couldn't even pass the first level."

"Is the devil's blood on the second floor?"

"Yes, the devil's blood is on the second floor." The figure nodded and said, "It's a pity that I can't get in." Having said that, it said with an extremely deep look in its eyes, "As long as I can get that drop of devil's blood , I can go one step further."

"You won't deal with me after you get the devil's blood, right?" Zhao Yang looked at the figure suspiciously and said.

"After I get that drop of devil blood, my future achievements will not exceed yours. Besides, I have been so kind to you, so I may have to ask you for help in the future." The figure said lightly, "And I don't want to help you." I believe you have no cards."

Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

"You took it calmly when you were talking to me. This is not the attitude that a normal emperor should have." The figure then said, "So I guess you have cards in your hand to check and balance or kill me, right?"

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

After seeing Zhao Yang's expression, that figure confirmed the guess in his heart more and more.

"Senior, are you the unrivaled monster that the barbarian old patriarch mentioned?"


The doubts in Zhao Yang's heart were finally resolved.

The reason why Ah Man was stationed there was because he didn't want others to disturb him.

"I'm going in." Zhao Yang took a deep breath and strode into the pagoda.

Stepping into the first floor of the pagoda, Zhao Yang felt a burst of cold light.

It turned out that there were eighteen kinds of weapons in all directions, and they were staring at Zhao Yang covetously.

"Illusion?" Zhao Yang couldn't help frowning as he looked at those weapons.

He felt that those weapons were very real.

At this moment, a feathered arrow tore through the space and pierced towards Zhao Yang.

Just when Zhao Yang was about to dodge, he was shocked to find that he was imprisoned.

The feathered arrow pierced his body and forced him to retreat towards the rear.


Behind Zhao Yang was a sharp steel knife. The steel knife penetrated into his heart, and blood gushed out continuously along the steel knife.


The severe pain made Zhao Yang's whole body twitch.

At this moment, two scissors cut off his knee, and blood gushed out desperately.

Zhao Yang screamed in pain.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

Gradually Zhao Yang realized something.

Eighteen kinds of weapons tortured him like this. If his will can't resist, then once he collapses, he will die as a result.

Zhao Yang always believed that this was an illusion, no matter how much you tortured him, he just breathed a sigh of relief.

Without great perseverance, without great perseverance, I am afraid that I have doubted myself for a long time, and once doubted, I would never want to get out alive.

I don't know how long it took for the eighteen weapons to disappear. At the same time, Zhao Yang found himself intact.

"Congratulations, young man, you have passed the first level." A mechanical voice rang out from the pagoda, "I will reward you with an Emperor Pill of the Fourth Heaven, after taking it, you will be able to step into the fourth level of the Emperor Realm." sky."

Hearing this, a jade bottle appeared in front of Zhao Yang, and in the jade bottle was a terrifying elixir blooming with imperial prestige.

Zhao Yang knew very well that if he took it now, he would be finished in minutes.

After Zhao Yang took this Emperor Pill into the small world, he also felt emotional in his heart. He finally knew why that person had to keep him in purgatory for six or seven days, because the punishment in purgatory was a bit childish compared to that here, okay?

Fortunately, Zhao Yang has a heart of rock.

He persisted.

"Do you want to continue the challenge of the second level?" The mechanical voice sounded again in the pagoda.

"Continue." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

The second level must be challenged, otherwise the person outside the pagoda will never let him go.

After Zhao Yang walked to the second floor of the pagoda, he found that the second floor of the pagoda was empty and there was nothing there.

"Strange, what is the challenge of the second level?" Zhao Yang asked doubtfully.

In fact, the guy from the outside doesn't know what the challenge of the second level is.

Back then, he had worked so hard to pass the first test, but he didn't even have the intention of challenging the second test.

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