Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1083 Raising the Difficulty

Immediately, the Moon-Watching Rhinoceros was pierced through by the Chunyang Fist.

After a howl, it returned to its original appearance.

"Your strength...?" Time Supreme looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said.

Before, he guessed that Zhao Yang's strength had probably reached the third heaven of the emperor realm, but he did not expect that Zhao Yang had really reached such a level.

At this moment, the door slowly opened.

But what surprised Zhao Yang and Time Supreme was that not even a single time spar flew out.

"Where's the time spar?" Time Supreme asked in amazement.

"Go in and have a look." Zhao Yang was also puzzled.

You must know that Zhao Yang and the Blood Emperor witnessed it with their own eyes last time.

Could it be that someone got there first?

The hall is empty, nothing is there.

"Congratulations, level breaker, you have defeated the bronze beast at the door, and you are qualified to continue breaking through the level." At this moment, an ethereal voice rang out in the hall.

"I remember that there were quite a few time crystals when the bronze door was opened." Time Supreme couldn't help asking.

"That's my gift to you." The voice said lightly, "Otherwise, if I don't want to, you won't get anything."

"Who are you?" Time Supreme said in a deep voice.

"You don't have the right to know." When the voice said this, a ray of emperor's prestige fell on the Time Supreme.

The Time Supreme just felt that his soul was forcefully grasped by a pair of big hands.

It seems that the other party can kill himself in a single thought.

A look of astonishment appeared on his face.

How could there be such a terrifying existence in Xianyu?

"Senior, I was wrong." Time Supreme said hurriedly.

Seeing the flustered appearance of the Time Supreme Being, Zhao Yang asked curiously via sound transmission, "What's wrong with you?"

"The master of this bronze hall is at least as strong as the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm." Time Supreme said cautiously, "Remember not to offend later."

Emperor Realm Four Heavens!

There was not much surprise on Zhao Yang's face when he heard this.

Zhao Yang felt that this person might be the unrivaled monster that Ah Man was talking about.

When Zhao Yang wanted to say something, he found that he was moved to a glacier, and Zhao Yang saw hundreds of crystal clear figures in the distance.

Those figures seemed to be bodies condensed with ice.

"Senior, what ethnic group is this?"

"Ice Tribe." The voice said lightly, "No matter where this group of people lands, it will turn it into an ice field." After a pause, the voice continued, "These guys in front of you are all from the sixth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm. God, and each of them is an emperor-level seed."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang was stunned.

Hundreds of emperor-level seeds?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

"Of course I gathered these in the illusion, but if you fail the challenge, then you will die in the illusion."

"I want to know how to assess it? Shouldn't you let me kill all the seeds that defeated a great emperor?"

Although Zhao Yang can do it, he wants to hold back.

"If you can kill three emperor-level seeds at the same time, you can get three time spar; if you can defeat ten emperor-level seeds at the same time, you can get ten time spar."

"that's it?"

"How much more do you want to beat?"

"What if I can defeat a hundred at the same time?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

It's really time spar is too tempting.

One piece has the power of 3000 years.

"If you want to defeat ten emperor-level seeds at the same time, you need at least the potential of the fourth heaven of emperor realm." The voice said speechlessly, "If you want to defeat a hundred seeds at the same time, even if your potential is in the fifth heaven, You can't even do it."

"What if I did it?"

"If you do it, I'll give you a hundred."

"Senior, you also said that this is very difficult." Zhao Yang said with some dissatisfaction, "You only gave me a hundred time crystals?"

Zhao Yang must bargain.

"I have to tell you clearly, those one hundred emperor-level seeds attacked you at the same time."

"I know."

"If you do it, I'll give you three hundred coins."

"Senior, why don't you make it more difficult?" What that person didn't expect was that Zhao Yang said these words.

"What do you mean?"

"There are more than 300 Ice Tribes here, how about I fight against [-] at the same time?"

"Do you know that it is not three times as difficult to deal with one hundred and three hundred at the same time, but ten times." The voice thought Zhao Yang was crazy, "Even if your potential is in the sixth heaven, no, I think In the seventh heaven, you can't even do it."

"What if I did it?"

"If you do it, I'll give you a thousand coins."

"Okay." Zhao Yang said with burning eyes, "Senior, let them take action."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure."

After Zhao Yang's voice fell, the three hundred figures in the distance rushed towards Zhao Yang in an arc.

There was a ferocious killing intent in their eyes.

Some of them carry battle swords, some of them carry battle knives, some of them hold magic seals, and some of them hold supernatural powers.

That one was right.

Three hundred emperor-level seeds shot at the same time, even if your potential has reached the sixth heaven, it is impossible for you to defeat so many masters?

Zhao Yang activated the Nine Suns Mysterious Art immediately.

What Zhao Yang was practicing at this time was the Nine Suns Mysterious Art of the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm.

For him at present, this exercise still has some guidelines.


When the Nine Suns Mysterious Art was running around his body, Zhao Yang's whole body was filled with bright golden light.

Even the eyes are as bright as the stars.

This aura is as strong as it is yang, and it is invincible.


Zhao Yang punched forward.

The three Ice Race statues were blasted into pieces without even humming, but four attacks landed on him at the same time.

But Zhao Yang seemed to be fine.

This is the second attribute of Jiuyang Xuangong.

Automatic defense.

Of course, this does not mean that the automatic defense can ignore the damage, it just means that the attacks of these few cannot break through Zhao Yang's defense.


Zhao Yang was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, killing one Ice Tribe after another.




After Zhao Yang killed a hundred statues, he still maintained his tyrannical fighting power.

When Zhao Yang killed [-] statues, his combat effectiveness dropped by one-third.

When Zhao Yang killed 230 statues, his combat power dropped by one-third again.

After Zhao Yang killed 260 statues, the energy in his body was almost exhausted.

"After all, it is still impossible to achieve a continuous flow." Zhao Yang thought to himself.

When the Nine Suns Mysterious Kung Fu is cultivated to great success, the energy in the body will flow continuously.

And because Zhao Yang practiced a simplified version, he couldn't do this at this stage.

"Admit defeat." At this moment, the voice of that figure rang in Zhao Yang's ears, "You are already amazing, but you still can't kill three hundred."

"Admit defeat? I just wanted to try my skills." Zhao Yang opened his mouth here and spewed out a mouthful of Alchemy Qi, which transformed into a supernatant.

Super clear that the remaining fifty figures rushed over.

The one in the dark froze.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to have such a means.

"The secret technique of the source, even Wuliangjue can't be used anymore." Zhao Yang said with a light sigh.

The level of Jiuyang Xuangong is too high.

The price for Zhao Yang to use Jiuyang Xuangong is that the low-level source of secret art and Wuliang can't control Jiuyang Xuangong.

But Zhao Yang didn't regret it either.

While gaining strong combat power, one must give up some.

The only thing that makes Zhao Yang gratified is that it can still be used normally.

He didn't summon Sanqing.

That's too ostentatious.

Nor is it necessary.

He believed that Shangqing would not have much problem dealing with the forty Ice Tribes.

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