"Yes, the senior in the stone wall back then gave me a talisman of the first level of the emperor's realm." Bi Luo nodded and said, "And with the strength of that senior, I think it may be able to compete with the emperor one or two."

"Where's Master?" Ruoxi asked.

"Your uncle was a little more amazing than me back then, but he still didn't reach the level of the Great Emperor. He only set foot on the Great Emperor after encountering some opportunities, so he also has a talisman of the first level of the Emperor Realm." Bi Luo said here. Two talismans.

"Two pieces of talismans from the Emperor Realm and First Heaven?" Ruoxi exclaimed.

"If you say that, when we go in later, will that senior give us all the talismans?" Yuan Jin'er suddenly thought of something at this time.

"Theoretically yes, but there are too many of you." Bi Luo said uncertainly.

In the stele.

The young man Xuan stared at Lin Caihan for a while and said, "Your potential is at the third level of the Emperor Realm, but considering that your husband is at the peak of the Emperor Realm, your achievements will be even higher in the future."

The peak of the imperial realm?

Lin Caihan was startled.

She wanted to say how is it possible?

But she felt that Xuan should not be wrong.

So she said nothing.

"I think you may be able to ascend to the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm in the future." Xuan thought for a while and then said, "Well, I will teach you the Immortal Phoenix Art. Considering your current potential is too low, I will teach you three versions. The first version is aimed at the third heaven of the Emperor Realm, the second version is aimed at the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm, and the third version is aimed at the seventh heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"Senior, in fact, you can pass on the last two versions to me." Lin Caihan said after thinking about it.

She felt that there shouldn't be much problem with her practice of the second version.

"The reason why I gave you the first version is because you taught it to those women outside." Xuan had a faint smile on his face, "The exercises they practice are from the same source as yours, but their potentials are all different. How about you, simply teach you all three versions."

Lin Caihan was stunned.

Xuan Yi pointed at Lin Caihan's eyebrows.

I don't know how long it took Lin Caihan to consume that huge memory.

"I will also give you a talisman." Xuan said and threw a talisman to Lin Caihan, "Normally, I should give you the talisman of the third heaven of the imperial realm, but considering that you may reach the seventh heaven in the future, but given that you are now It has not been reached yet, so what I give you is a talisman of the fifth heaven."

"Can you compete with the Emperor Realm of the Emperor Realm Five Heavens?"

"If it weren't for the geniuses of the sky, it would be possible to kill."

Lin Caihan's pupils shrank.


If you say that, don't you walk sideways in the fairyland?

"You should go, by the way, don't let those girls try again." Xuan sent Lin Caihan out with a wave of his hand after saying this.

"It's my turn." Ruoxi walked towards the stone wall with a smile.

"That... Ruoxi, you better not try it." Lin Caihan said a little shyly.


"Senior said that the exercises we practice come from the same source, just let me pass on the exercises to you." Lin Caihan said softly.

"That's it, but what about the talisman?" Ruoxi continued to ask.

"There are not many talismans, so I can't give them all to you." At this moment, there was a wave of mental fluctuations from the stone wall.

Ruoxi was stunned.

Feelings, that senior knows what's going on outside.

After leaving the forbidden area, Ruoxi hurriedly asked, "Caihan, what kind of exercise did you get?"

"Immortal Phoenix Jue." Lin Caihan said softly, "I got the third heaven of the emperor's realm, and the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm..." Lin Caihan just said here Biluo said, "You can just teach us the third heaven of the emperor's realm."

"That's right, you should teach us the third heaven of the imperial realm first." Ruoxi nodded and said, "If you have a chance to break through again in the future, you can teach us the fifth heaven of the imperial realm."

Xu Hui'er and others also said that as long as the third heaven of the emperor's realm is enough.

Lin Caihan immediately taught Bi Luo and other women the exercises of the third heaven of the emperor's realm one by one.

After browsing through it, Bi Luo replied, "The subtlety of the Immortal Phoenix Art is more than ten times that of the Sky Art."

Bi Luo is sure that after he learns the Immortal Phoenix Jue, his combat power will have to be upgraded to a higher level, but he doesn't know if he can wrestle with the Emperor version by then?

"Let's go back first." Zhao Yang said softly.

After returning to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Yang looked at Xu Huier and other female Taoists, "You all practice the Immortal Phoenix Art. You can discuss and share each other's experiences in the future."

After Zhao Yang confessed again, Xu Huier and others left one after another.

"I got three versions of Phoenix Jue." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Three versions?"

"Senior said that since your future potential is at the peak of the Emperor Realm, I may be able to reach the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm in the future, so the third version is the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm." Lin Caihan said softly.

"It would be great if this is the case." Zhao Yang said pleasantly.

"Senior, why did you say that you will reach the peak of Emperor Realm in the future?" Lin Caihan's beautiful eyes were full of astonishment.

"Didn't Ah Man give me a tear before? To be honest, I don't know how much this tear can help me improve, so I didn't tell you." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "But According to the current level, I think that maybe in the future, it will really be able to rise to the peak of Emperor Realm."

"So, what senior gave you is the cultivation technique of the peak of the emperor realm?"


"How many versions?"

"One Emperor Realm Seventh Heaven, one Emperor Realm Peak."

"If this is the case, what will Tiehan do in the future?" Lin Caihan suddenly thought of something.

Tie Han is also practicing Chunyang Jue.

The question is, is Tie Han qualified to practice the Qigong of the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm?

"Tie Han's matter is not in a hurry." Zhao Yang said after thinking for a while, "Let him practice the Chunyang Jue first, and I will simplify the Jiuyang Xuangong in the future. Besides, if you have time, go to the Sky Palace to see if it suits you." girl?"

"You mean...?" Lin Caihan's eyes lit up.

"Tiehan's lifelong event, we have to think about it too, don't we?"

"Okay, leave this to me." Lin Caihan nodded.

In the following time, Zhao Yang practiced silently in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

What he was practicing at this time was the Nine Suns Mysterious Art of the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor Realm, not because he didn't want to practice the Nine Suns Mysterious Art of the Nineth Heaven, the problem was that the difference between the two sides was too great.

What Zhao Yang thought was to wait until his potential had been raised to the seventh heaven before considering practicing the Jiuyang Xuangong of the ninth heaven.

It is too early.

No need.

And just when Zhao Yang was about to retreat to study the Nine Suns Xuan Gong, a golden decree traversed the entire world.

"The major restricted areas select an emperor and ten evildoers to go to the Five Elements Forbidden Area, and the Five Elements Forbidden Area will provide exercises and resources to help them improve to the next level."

The entire Immortal Territory was shocked by the content of this decree.

No one expected that the mysterious Five Elements Forbidden Land would be opened to the forbidden area on the bright side.

This is a major event that affects the heavens.

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