Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1073 Nine Yang Mysterious Art

"Master, tell me." Zhao Yang said hastily.

"Chunyang Jue and Cang Qiong Jue were obtained by your master and I on the same stone wall." Bi Luo said slowly, "But what we both got is not a complete exercise."


Hearing this, everyone including Zhao Yang was stunned.

"You should have noticed that the Chunyang Jue couldn't keep up after reaching the quasi-emperor realm. I think one of the most important reasons is that the exercises we got are incomplete." Bi Luo looked at Lin Caihan and said, "Now we are using Han's potential has also improved, maybe you can get stronger exercises."

"Where is that stone wall?" Lin Caihan asked.

"The forbidden area of ​​the Sky Palace."

"The forbidden area of ​​the Sky Palace?" Everyone exclaimed.

Forbidden area of ​​the Firmament Palace!

Everyone followed Bi Luo to a crystal clear stone wall.

There are four big characters written on the top of the stone wall.

Supernatural power stone wall!

"In the past few years, I have seen some supernatural power stone walls one after another. Could it be that these supernatural power stone walls are the source of this stone wall?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"I don't know this question, you need to ask yourself." Biluo pointed to the stone wall and said, "Just put your big hand on this stone wall."

Hearing that Zhao Yang put his big hand on that stone wall.

A second passed.

Two seconds passed.

Three seconds passed.

At this moment, Bi Luo frowned, "What's the situation? I went in in a second back then."

"What's wrong with that?" Ruoxi asked curiously.

"Back then, your uncle and I both went in in a second." Bi Luo said softly, "Later we found some disciples from the sect, but those disciples were not even qualified to go in. We realized at that time If you don't have the potential of an emperor, then you are not qualified to enter at all."

"No wonder Master didn't let me try." Ruoxi suddenly realized.

Before that, Ruoxi was still wondering why the master didn't tell her for so many years?

Dare to be too scumbag, not qualified to enter.

Four seconds passed.

Five seconds passed.

Six seconds passed.

Zhao Yang still didn't go in at this time, Bi Luo was a little flustered now.

Lin Caihan and others looked at Biluo with a little uneasy expression.

The Chunyang Jue obtained by Chunyangzi and the Cangjue obtained by Biluo were actually only the first level of the Emperor Realm. Later, Chunyangzi fumbled and deduced it to the second level of the Emperor Realm, but there must be something wrong with Chunyangzi's deduction.

In other words, if Zhao Yang continues to practice this technique, it will hinder his own development.

Of course, it would be a different matter if Zhao Yang improved this technique.

It's just that the time it takes to consume is not a star and a half.

Where does the source method say that modification can be modified.

Seven seconds passed.

Eight seconds passed.

Nine seconds passed.

Zhao Yang looked at Bi Luo in doubt, "What's going on?"

Just as Bi Luo was about to say something, a strong suction pulled Zhao Yang into an empty space.

"I haven't seen such an amazing junior for a long time." At this moment, a young man in Taoist robe appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang has met senior." Zhao Yang hurriedly saluted the young man.

"There is a drop of mysterious special body in your body, I don't even know that drop of liquid." The boy said these words.

"This...?" Zhao Yang didn't know how to answer?

"This drop of liquid can continuously improve your potential. I think you may be able to reach the peak of the Emperor Realm in the future."

There was not much surprise on Zhao Yang's face.

At this moment, even one tenth of the tear Ah Man gave to Zhao Yang has not been consumed, and Zhao Yang's potential at this time has reached the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

It is not impossible to reach the peak of Emperor Realm in the future.

"My name is Xuan. I should be the first creature born in the first opening of the Immortal Territory." The boy immediately changed the subject.

He is just a strand of consciousness that Xuan left behind on the stele.

Since Zhao Yang didn't want to talk, he wouldn't force him to ask.

"The first creature?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"After I reached the peak of the Emperor Realm, I left many supernatural power monuments in the world." The young man continued, "The supernatural power monument you entered can only be entered by those with the potential of the Emperor Realm."

"I noticed that you practiced the Pure Yang Wuji Jue, and the method you practiced is incomplete."

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Originally I should have given you the full version of Pure Yang Wuji Jue, but now it seems that it is unnecessary." The young man said and pointed at Zhao Yang's eyebrows.

One after another, obscure runes poured into Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

I don't know how long it took for Zhao Yang to open his eyes. At this moment, he actually felt a headache.

"Nine Suns Xuan Gong." Zhao Yang murmured.

What the young man taught him was the Nine Suns Mysterious Art.

And when he saw the introduction of Jiuyang Xuangong, Zhao Yang was stunned.

Nine Suns Divine Art has a total of four abilities.

After practicing the Nine Suns Divine Art to a certain stage, the energy in the body is endless, and there is no need to worry about the problem of insufficient energy;

Nine Suns can be immune to all toxins after practicing to a certain stage.

Nine Suns Magic has the attribute of automatic defense.

Nine Suns Divine Art is invincible.

"Senior, what is the level of Nine Suns Xuan Gong?" Zhao Yang asked excitedly.

"The pinnacle of the quasi-emperor." The young man said with a smile.

Zhao Yang was so excited that he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I hope you and I can meet again in the future." The young man looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"Is senior in Tianwaitian at this time?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

The young man didn't answer this question directly, but threw a talisman to Zhao Yang, "This is a talisman that I gathered back then, and it can be torn apart when I encounter danger in the future."

"Senior, what level of emperor can this talisman resist?" Zhao Yang felt it necessary to ask this question clearly.

"Even if you are in Tianwaitian, few people can hurt you." The boy waved his hand at this point, "Okay, it's time for you to go out."

After Zhao Yang left the stele, he looked at Lin Caihan.

"Caihan, it's your turn."

Lin Caihan calmed down a bit, then walked towards the stele.

A breath passed.

Two breaths passed.

Three breaths passed.

Bi Luo's mentality was a little broken at this time.

She didn't expect that there was a problem with Zhao Yang, and there was also a problem with Lin Caihan.

Fortunately, after three breaths, Lin Caihan entered the stone wall.

"Zhao Yang, have you obtained the exercises?" Bi Luo asked Zhao Yang at this time.


"I guess it must be from the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm, right?" Bi Luo said very confidently.

"Master, why are you so sure?" Xu Huier asked puzzled.

"Because the seniors in the stone wall will give you the skills corresponding to your potential." Bi Luo said softly.

After Bi Luo said so, Zhao Yang didn't say that the person in the stone wall gave the cultivation technique of the peak of the Emperor Realm.

"Did that senior give you a talisman?"

"It turns out that the trump card that Master Mistress mentioned earlier is the talisman." Zhao Yang finally understood.

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