Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1075 Zhao Yang Refused

"Five Elements Forbidden Area?" Zhao Yang asked with a flash of light.

The third princess said that the five-element restricted area is a hidden restricted area.

The opponent's strength is unfathomable.

"It's strange, when the Star Beast lineage invaded, the Five Elements Forbidden Zone didn't appear in the world, why is it appearing now?" Zhao Yang frowned.

Not long after, Gu Tong from the ancient tribe quietly came to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

"What happened to the Five Elements restricted area?" Zhao Yang asked.

"To be honest, we don't know much about the Five Elements Forbidden Zone. This time, the Five Elements Forbidden Zone invited us suddenly, and our patriarch was also very surprised." Gu Tong said in a deep voice.

"Did your ancient clan decide to send people there this time?"


"Aren't you worried that the five elements and one lineage will attack your ancient clan?"

"Originally we also had concerns in this regard, but the messenger from the Five Elements Forbidden Zone arrived, and his words dispelled our concerns."


"The Five Elements Forbidden Zone has the Imperial Realm of the Fourth Heaven." Speaking of which, Gu Tong thought of something, "Do you know what the Fourth Heaven represents?"

"I know, it means you can leave the fairyland." Zhao Yang said softly.

"It seems that you know more than I imagined." Gu Tong took a deep look at Zhao Yang and said, "Except for the immortals, our restricted areas don't even have a second-level emperor, what do you say This time, Five Elements and One Pulse has thrown out an olive branch, is it possible that our major restricted areas will not accept it?"

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, Zhu Ya rushed in.

Gu Tong suddenly became nervous.

"My own people." Zhao Yang signaled Gu Tong not to worry.

"What happened?" Zhao Yang looked at Zhu Ya.

"The envoy from the Five Elements Forbidden Zone has arrived, and the other party has called to see you." Zhu Ya said hastily.

A look of surprise appeared on Zhao Yang's face, "Why do you want to see me in the Five Elements forbidden area?"

"In a sense, the human race is also a taboo-level power." Gu Tong thought for a while and said, "And you are the most persistent existence among the great emperors."

"I'll go see you first." Zhao Yang stood up after pondering for a while and said.

In the VIP room.

Lin Caihan is receiving a proud young man.

The young man's eyes are high above the top, and he loves to ignore Lin Caihan.

What he didn't know was that Lin Caihan really didn't like him.

Lin Caihan's current potential is not weaker than this guy, and after learning the Immortal Phoenix Art, Lin Caihan is confident that he can suppress this guy.

"Are you Zhao Yang?" The young man glanced at Zhao Yang when he came in and said calmly.

"What advice do you have?" Zhao Yang said flatly.

If Zhao Yang was quite afraid of the restricted area before, but now he is still afraid of wool?

When he got angry, he directly used the talisman Xuan gave, and when the time came, he would scan everything on the bright side and the hidden ones.

"Your human race also has the strength of the forbidden area. You choose ten masters from the human race and send them to the Five Elements restricted area." The man said with his nostrils upturned.

"Your five-element restricted area will help us cultivate it for free?" Zhao Yang said with some disbelief.

"In the future, when we need you in the Five Elements restricted area, you will have to help." The man said lightly, "Otherwise we have paid so much, but we have nothing in return?"

"If that's the case, forget it?" Zhao Yang refused.

"Do you know how many monks want this opportunity but can't get it?"

"I know how much we have gained, and how much we will pay in the future." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Zhao Yang, you will regret your decision." The man said coldly, "As long as the emperor-level powerhouses enter the five-element forbidden zone, we will be able to make them become emperors in the future. Do you know that, my lord?"

"I'm already the emperor at this time." Zhao Yang looked at the man and said, "Do you still have the ability to let us go further?"

"As long as you join our five-element restricted zone, it's not impossible for you to go further." The man's words made Zhao Yang's face show a touch of surprise, "Are you sure you're not joking?"

"Our Five Elements Forbidden Zone was born in the Land of the Five Elements. There is a Great Formation of the Five Elements in the Land of the Five Elements. As long as you practice in the Formation of the Five Elements, you will be able to break through the confinement and go one step further."

"It's not as simple as you said, is it?" Zhao Yang looked at the man suspiciously and said, "If this is the case, wouldn't you all be masters in the five-element restricted area?"

"The five-element formation also has different levels. Every time it runs, it needs to consume the five-element spar. And once the formation in the core area is run, even our five-element restricted area will be injured." The man explained.

"Do you have the ability to help the third heaven of the emperor's realm to be promoted to the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm?"

"You're not the Third Heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"Am I not curious?"


"Then the strongest person in your five-element restricted area is not the third heaven of the emperor realm?"

"Emperor Realm Four Heavens."

"Why do you have this level of existence?"

"Does your practice only point to external forces?"

"Thank you very much for clarifying my doubts, but I still refuse."

"As far as I know, how many emperors are there?"

"Then I wish you luck."

After the man left, he went to the Sky Palace.

He knew the relationship between Sky Palace and Zhao Yang, but he still wanted to try it.

After the man explained his intention to Bi Luo, Bi Luo asked in puzzlement, "Did you find Zhao Yang?" Bi Luo felt that the envoy of the Five Elements Forbidden Zone should be the first to find Zhao Yang.


"He refused?" Bi Luo guessed.


"Then I, Sky Palace, will also refuse." Bi Luo would not have refused so simply before, but now she has nothing to worry about.

The cards in the hands of Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan are not afraid of the Five Elements restricted area.

Then why do you want to be a grandson?

"I didn't expect your Sky Palace to be so short-sighted?" The man snorted coldly, "What will I see your Sky Palace do when the strength of all the forbidden areas improves in the future?"

"I won't bother you about this, please." Bi Luo said lightly.

The man left angrily.


Here the man met Huang Qingming.

The man explained his intention to Huan Qingming.

Huang Qingming pondered for a while and asked, "Why did you find me?"

"Because you are the emperor of the human race."

"Have you looked for Zhao Yang?" Huang Qingming said in a deep voice.


"He refused?"


"May I know why he refused?"

"Our Five Elements Forbidden Zone provides you with resources and bridges, but you don't want to pay anything. Do you think there is such a reason in the world?"

Huang Qingming's eyes became vigilant, "What do I need to pay?"

"In the future, when the Five Elements restricted area needs help, you have to cooperate."

Huang Qingming fell silent.

To cooperate means to obey.

"Can you let me think about it." After a while, Huang Qingming looked at the man and said.

"I'll give you an hour." The man said lightly.

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