Zhao Yang felt that the training ground in Tianting could be used as a trump card in the future.

So he doesn't want to be exposed.

"I understand." Chanjuan said softly.

After Chanjuan left, Zhao Yang took the bronze chariot to the Sky Palace.

After arriving at the Sky Palace, Biluo and other high-level officials from the Sky Palace came to greet her.

"What happened to the Heavenly Court General?" Bi Luo asked immediately.

"Didn't I see the Emperor of Heaven in the Emperor Ruins? The Emperor of Heaven told me that Heavenly Court has a training ground in the fairyland. I thought that there might be a strong emperor in the training ground. who." Zhao Yang explained with a smile.

"Is the Soul Eater family really destroyed? Has the Supreme Soul Eater really fallen?" Fairy Ruoxi asked curiously.

"I'm right there." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Is the emperor of the immortal clan severely wounded by a sword?" Bi Luo asked in a deep voice.

This is what concerns her most.


"Her cultivation...?"

"Her cultivation is still at the Great Emperor level, but she will be able to go further in the future." Zhao Yang said softly.

Hearing this, Bi Luo suddenly realized.

This means that in the future, that woman will at least have to be the existence of the third heaven of the emperor's realm or even the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm.

"So we humans will be able to walk sideways in the future?" Fairy Ruoxi said with a smile.

"In the future, the human race can let go of their hands and feet freely, but there is no need to be too arrogant and presumptuous." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"What are you worried about?" What did Ruoxi hear from Zhao Yang's words?

"The hidden restricted areas are the strongest. When Heavenly Court was the strongest, it was ready to take action against those restricted areas. Unfortunately, the catastrophe of star beasts broke out suddenly." Zhao Yang looked at Ruoxi and said in a deep voice, "But Those restricted areas will not be shot easily, so we don't need to worry too much."

"The hidden restricted areas are really strong, and the Immortal Court only targeted the restricted areas on the surface." Emperor Biluo nodded.

"The human race should be safe in a short time." Zhao Yang changed the subject here, "I found the legendary Yinquan."

"Have you found the Yinquan?" Bi Luo's eyes showed surprise.

"Master seems very happy?" From Bi Luo's expression, Zhao Yang felt that Bi Luo was not only happy for himself.

"The yin spring contains the power of pure yin, and it has an unimaginable nourishing effect on women who practice sky art." Bi Luo said in surprise, "Maybe I can use the yin spring to go further?"

"Is it so magical?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"Where is the Yinquan?" Bi Luo asked with anticipation in his eyes.

"In the Tai Sui group." Zhao Yang replied, "Well, I have to negotiate first."

"It should." Bi Luo nodded.

Then Bi Luo thought of something, "Are you going to neutralize your pure Yang power?"


"You can only neutralize part of it. Of course, after neutralizing to a certain extent, you have to put Caihan to sleep." Bi Luo said softly.

"Wait." Ruoxi suddenly thought of something at this moment, "Master, what should I do in the future?"

Bi Luo pointed at Zhao Yang, "You should ask him."

"Master, what do you mean...?" Ruoxi hesitated when she said this.

"Maybe this is your only chance." Bi Luo said slowly, "In addition, the fusion of pure Yang power and pure Yin power will strengthen each other's cultivation and background."

"What?" Ruoxi asked in surprise.

"Actually, if you are with Zhao Yang, you will take advantage." Bi Luo looked at Ruoxi and said, "Because the pure yin power that Zhao Yang can absorb is not pure enough, but the pure yang power you have absorbed is not pure enough." Pure."

"That...Zhao Yang...you remember to take me with you when the time comes, I...I don't need a title." Ruoxi ran away after saying this.

Zhao Yang didn't know what to say in a daze.

"Ruoxi, this child has not met each other in these years. She can say such a thing, which proves that she really likes you." Bi Luo said softly, "If your master is not here, I will make the decision. Ruoxi Following you."

"Master..." Zhao Yang wanted to say that they had no basis for relationship.

"That's it." Biluo said seriously, "Could it be that you think Ruoxi is not good enough for you?"

"That's not what I meant." Zhao Yang was interrupted by Biluo just as he said this, "I gave you a wife for nothing, don't you want it?"

What else can Zhao Yang say?

"By the way, it suddenly occurred to me that if you all reached the Ninth Heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, the effect on both sides might be better."

"Quasi-Emperor Realm Nine Heavens?"

"Yes, by then the yin and yang power in your body will have accumulated to a terrifying level." Biluo said in a deep voice, "But there is also a disadvantage, the disadvantage is that you may not have children. Of course, the probability of you having children now It's all low."

The higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to give birth to heirs.

This is the consensus of all.

"I have to think about it." Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

He knew that Lin Caihan had always wanted a child.

"In addition, we have to see how many Yinquan are there. If there are not many Yinquan, you should enter the bridal chamber as soon as possible."

"I'd better go to the Tai Sui clan first." Zhao Yang felt that it was necessary to find out first.


After leaving the Sky Palace, Zhao Yang drove the bronze chariot to the ancestral home of the Tai Sui clan.

The ancestral home of the Tai Sui family is also hidden in the clouds.

After Zhao Yang came here, he took out a token.

This token was given to him by Tai Sui.

When the token was taken out, a hazy light burst out, and then an ancient door was slowly pushed open.

The rich spiritual power of heaven and earth permeated from it.

"The ancestral courtyard is finally opened." An old voice came from the ancestral courtyard.

At the same time, a series of powerful beings came out of the ancestral courtyard.

"I've been nesting here for 3 years."

"I'm going to turn it upside down when I get out."

"I don't know how the outside world is now?"

"Hey, why is there a human boy at the door?" Just as these guys were discussing, a stalwart middle-aged man appeared in front of Zhao Yang, "Little friend, how is my master?"

"Your master?"

"It's the one who gave you the token."

"You are talking about Senior Tai Sui." Zhao Yang suddenly realized, "Senior Tai Sui and the Heavenly Emperor Tai Hao have both fallen."

"Falling?" The middle-aged man turned pale, "How is it possible?"

"How can there be immortality in this world?" At this time, a figure stepped out from the token, who is it if it's not Tai Sui?

The soldiers of the Tai Sui clan present knelt down when they saw that figure, including the middle-aged man.

"Back when the star beasts made trouble, Taihao and I fought exhaustedly to death." Tai Sui said leisurely, "Actually, I expected something long before I made the move, which is why I asked you to return to the ancestral courtyard, and then I personally took the ancestral courtyard to death." The reason for the seal."

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