Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1067 Suppressing the audience

Fairy clan!

Just when the supreme beings were discussing about attacking the human race, the supreme being of the Soul Eater clan felt palpitations for a while.

It looked in the direction of the Soul Eaters with an ugly expression.

"Soul Eater, what's the matter?" the Supreme of the Ominous Beast Clan asked with a smile.

"It seems that something happened to the Soul Eater Clan." Said Soul Eater, he looked at the Supreme of the Immortal Clan and said, "I have to go back and have a look."

"It's about time, why are you going back to watch?" the Supreme of the Immortal Clan said angrily.

"I'll come as soon as I go." The Supreme of the Soul Devourer Clan tore apart the space and left.

The Supreme Being left behind looked at each other in blank dismay.

No one thought that this guy, Soul Eater, would leave immediately?

"What shall we do?" asked the Supreme Lord of the Demon Nest.

"Wait a while." The Supreme of the Immortal Clan said after thinking about it.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Two quarters passed.

An hour passed quickly.

Now everyone can't hold their breath.

"That old fellow, Soul Devourer, won't come?" the Supreme from the underworld murmured.

"It's not impossible." The supreme being of the abyss lineage nodded and said.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if Soul Devourer doesn't come. The problem is that it informs the human race, and then our plan will be leaked." The ancient supreme master found the right time to frame him.

Hearing this, the Supreme Immortal Clan couldn't calm down anymore.

"So, let's all go to the Soul Eater to have a look." The Immortal Clan Supreme said in a deep voice.

Everyone wholeheartedly agrees.

And just when these supreme beings left, a stream of light pierced the sky and slammed in the direction of the fairy clan.

That stream of light was so fast.

By the time everyone reacted, the streamer had already slammed into the ground of the Immortal Clan's restricted area.


More than 90.00% of the restricted area of ​​the Immortal Clan collapsed.

A very old man appeared in the area where there was no collapse.

The aura of the old man covered the remaining [-]% of the fairy clan's territory like flowing water.

There was a ferocious killing intent on his face.

"Who moved my fairy clan?"

"General of the Heavenly Court." Following the voice, Chanjuan appeared in midair wearing a white jade battle armor, holding a battle sword glowing blue in her hand.

The war sword clanged and clanged, and the killing intent swept across the sky.

"Ministry of the Heavenly Court?" The supreme being who was present was shocked when he heard these four words.

In their hearts, Heaven is already a thing of the past.

"Why do I feel the breath of soul devouring here?"

"I feel it too."

"Oh my god, the streamer just now couldn't be Soul Devourer?"

"In that case, Soul Devourer has already..."

When the supreme being present said this, Chanjuan held the battle sword and killed the old man.

A sword.

Chanjuan only thrust out a sword.

But it was this sword that made the old man feel unavoidable and unstoppable.

Only hard shake.

The old man pinched his hands and recited the nameless mantra.

Immediately, figures appeared around him one after another.

These figures are majestic, mysterious and powerful.


When the old man's voice fell and those figures uttered at the same time, the terrifying sound waves turned into a prehistoric beast.

Beasts have the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

But it was pierced by Chanjuan's sword, and then pierced the old man unabated.

The old man staggered back, his face full of shock.

He didn't expect that he would lose, and he would lose so quickly.

As for the rest of the Supreme being scared.

"Master, you..." The Immortal Clan Supreme was about to pee in fright.

It didn't expect that the master, who is the emperor, would be defeated in seconds.

It is somewhat unacceptable.

"How can you be so strong?" The fairy elder looked at Chanjuan and asked.

"How do you know the power of the Heavenly Court?" Chanjuan snorted coldly, "The Supreme Soul Devourer has been beheaded, and the Soul Devourer family has also been expelled. From now on, any restricted area that dares to target the human race will be killed without mercy."

The words "Sha Wu'an" clearly appeared on the sky, causing many monks who saw it to tremble.

"Who can tell me what these three words mean in the restricted area of ​​the Immortal Clan?"

"Could it be that someone has entered the restricted area of ​​the fairy clan?"

"The fairy clan has a great emperor sitting in the town."

"Don't you think the Immortal Clan would be free to kill the three words Wushe on their restricted area?"

After Chanjuan left, the supreme being who was present looked at me and I looked at you, speechless for a long time.

"Let's go back." The Supreme of the beast lineage said bitterly, who didn't know how long it had passed.

"That woman is almost invincible in the Great Emperor Realm, and this one is stronger than the Lord of the Immortal Court and Chun Yangzi back then."

"Don't forget that there are two supreme beings sitting in the human race."

"If you want to deal with the human race, you need those few shots."

"Who will contact those companies?"

"Who wants to contact who? Anyway, I don't want to have much to do with those companies?"


Let's talk about Chanjuan.

Chanjuan tore apart the space and left here, while Zhao Yang watched the whole scene in Chanjuan's small world.

"Chanjuan, I didn't expect you to be so powerful." Zhao Yang said involuntarily.

"Your seemingly simple sword strike is my peak blow." Chanjuan shook her head and said, "That sword consumed nearly half of the energy in my body, otherwise how could I easily injure that great emperor?"

"You suppressed the whole audience with this sword. I don't dare to mess around with those restricted areas." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"The forbidden areas on the surface are not scary, but the forbidden areas in the dark are terrible." Zhao Yang did not expect Chanjuan to shake her head and said, "My father was also at his peak, so he only wanted to level out the forbidden areas in the dark. "

"A forbidden area in the dark?"

"For example, the curse family, such as the ancient mine family, such as the five elements and one family, such as the element family."

"There shouldn't be the existence of the third heaven of the Emperor Realm behind these restricted areas, right?" Zhao Yang said that he was in a bad mood here.

Originally, he thought that with Chanjuan, the human race could sit back and relax?

"Yes, otherwise, my father wouldn't be so afraid." Chanjuan said affirmatively, "Besides my father, his close friend Tai Sui also reached the third heaven of the emperor realm at that time."

"Will they make a move?"

"Normally, those guys wouldn't make a move."


"Because when the human race was so prosperous back then, they didn't make any moves. Now the human race can be described as weak compared to the heavenly court period. I think there is a high probability that they will not make a move." Chanjuan expressed her own analysis.

"Forget it, let's talk about the future." Zhao Yang thought for a while and decided to put this matter aside for the time being. "By the way, what are your plans next?"

"It's not that we have any plans, but what arrangements do you have for us?"

"You have been holding back in that training ground for so long, you must also want to come out to get some air." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Well, you can make arrangements for the generals of the Heavenly Court to come out for a stroll. Remember, you must Conceal your identity."

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