Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1069 Following the Heavenly Emperor

Tai Sui also has selfishness.

30.00% of the people in the Taisui lineage were sealed in the ancestral court by it.

As for 70.00% of those who fought with it have completely fallen in that battle.

"Master, where are you now?" The middle-aged man asked with tears in his eyes.

"Dixu." Tai Sui replied, "Now I have a remnant soul left, you can't save me."

"Where is the Emperor Ruins?"

"The Emperor's Market will only be opened at a specific time, and now the Emperor's Market has returned to nothingness."

"Can we meet again?"

"Aren't we just meeting at this time?"

The middle-aged man was about to say something but was interrupted by Tai Sui, "The one in front of you is the new Emperor of Heaven."

"The new emperor?" The middle-aged man looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment and said.

"Don't think this kid is simple. I was at the same level as my peak state, and I was hit by him in seconds." Tai Sui's words shocked the audience.

They know the strength of the ancestors.

It's incredible just because I know it.

"Back then, the Taisui lineage followed the Emperor of Heaven, but now whether you want to follow the Taisui lineage depends on your own wishes?" Tai Sui said slowly.

The clansmen of the Tai Sui lineage looked at the middle-aged man one after another.

The middle-aged man is a disciple of Tai Sui and an emperor of the Tai Sui lineage, and everyone in the Tai Sui lineage listens to him.

"The Taisui lineage will never forget my original intention." After a while, the middle-aged man knelt on one knee in front of Zhao Yang, "I have met the Emperor of Heaven on behalf of the Taisui lineage."

"I have seen the Emperor of Heaven." The rest of the Taisui tribe also knelt down to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was moved.

"Senior, I came here only for Yinquan." Zhao Yang looked at Tai Sui and said.

"Tai Sui's allegiance to you is just incidental." Tai Sui blinked at Zhao Yang.

"Heavenly Emperor, I have the cultivation base of the second level of the Emperor Realm, and I may be able to help you a little bit." The middle-aged man said seriously.

"Emperor Realm Second Heaven?" Zhao Yang looked at the middle-aged man in surprise and asked.


"How many emperor realms are there in the Taisui lineage?"

"It's just me right now."

Zhao Yang's eyes flickered, "How many people are there in the Tai Sui lineage?"

"Eight thousand."

"Eight thousand?" Zhao Yang was stunned when he heard the number, "Why so little?"

"Tai Sui's lineage is not much." The middle-aged man changed the subject, "But these eight thousand are quasi-emperor."


"There are ten statues at the peak of Emperor Zhun, forty statues at the eighth heaven of Emperor Zhun, 150 statues at the seventh heaven of Zhun Emperor, 640 statues at the sixth heaven of Zhun Emperor, and 520 statues at the fifth heaven of Zhun Emperor. There are 540 statues of Emperor Zhun in the fourth heaven, and one hundred statues in the third heaven of Zhundi."

Zhao Yang knew that Zhundi's third heaven probably had reached its limit of potential.

"Why can you all reach the quasi-emperor realm in Tai Sui?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"They are bathed in the blood of the emperor."

"Emperor blood?"

"Emperor's blood is also a rare precious medicine, and the blood of the Great Emperor is even more precious." Tai Sui explained at this time, "Tai Sui's lineage just got the too common Emperor's blood, so they set foot on the quasi-emperor's land one after another. environment."

"Won't the emperor's blood affect itself?"

"The emperor's blood is related to the origin of the emperor. Theoretically speaking, one drop can be condensed in ten years, so that it will not hurt his own origin." Tai Sui said softly, "It is too often that they have stayed here for [-] years. It's normal for everyone to step into the quasi-emperor realm."

"It's a waste." Zhao Yang looked remorseful.

"what happened?"

"Before the three princesses beheaded the Supreme of the Soul Eater Clan."

"Supreme is very difficult to be beheaded. If you have to be beheaded, you need to cut off all its vitality." Tai Sui said with a smile, "that is to say, every drop of its blood loses its value."

"Ah." Zhao Yang was stunned.

"The emperor's blood you saw splashed down is actually not worth much."

Zhao Yang's face revealed a look of sudden realization.

"Where is Yinquan?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

"Follow me." Tai Chang said respectfully.

Zhao Yang followed Taichang all the way to a spring that was erupting, but the difference was that the spring here was icy cold and daunting.

"How many Yin springs are there here?"

"very many."

"What if the strong in the imperial realm practice here?"

"Are you referring to those who practice yin attributes?"


"Yin Spring has accumulated a lot of spring water over the years, not to mention this spring, the spring water outside is enough for your friends to absorb."

"Can I bring my friends here anytime?"

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, our Taisui lineage is your subordinate, and our things are naturally yours." Tai Chang said with a smile, "It's too polite of you to say that."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "The Tai Sui lineage can go out for a stroll, but they must not reveal their identities."

Taichang heard Zhao Yang say that and realized that Zhao Yang decided to accept them as Tai Sui.

"I'll urge this group of guys."

At this time Zhao Yang looked at Tai Sui and said, "Senior, I have a question I want to ask."

"You said."

"Should I wait until Emperor Zhun Jiuchongtian to fuse the power of pure yang or should I fuse it now?"

"It depends on whether you want an heir or not?"


"If you want an heir, then merge at this time."

Seeing the tangled look on Zhao Yang's face, Tai Sui thought of something again, "What is the realm of your potential?"

"My potential is still growing, and it's the fourth to fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"What?" Tai Sui's eyes revealed an incredulous look, "Your potential is still growing?"

"I don't think there should be much problem in growing to the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm."

"Sixth Heaven of Emperor Realm?" Tai Sui didn't know what to say at this moment.

And Taichang and others almost stared out their eyeballs.

Emperor Realm Six Heavens?

Has there been such an existence in Xianyu these years?

"Then you don't have to wait." Tai Sui said in a deep voice, "After you go back, you and your wife, by the way, your little girlfriends, just bring them here as well."

"I'll think about it when I go back." Zhao Yang said softly.

"By the way, I promised to give you a bodyguard at the peak of Zhundi." Tai Sui suddenly thought of something.

"If I had asked for it before, there would be no need for it now." Zhao Yang shook his head with a smile.

"The Emperor of Heaven can mobilize any one of the Tai Sui lineage at any time if needed." Tai Chang said respectfully.

District [-]!

Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce Headquarters!

The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is still moving during this time.

The relocation of the headquarters involves all aspects and cannot be completed in a short while.

When Zhao Yang found Lin Caihan, Lin Caihan was coordinating the relocation?

"How's the relocation going?" Zhao Yang said after coming to Lin Caihan's side.

"It will take some time to move." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Do you want children?"

Lin Caihan's face turned red immediately, "How do you say this well?"

"I found the Yinquan."

"Found it?" Lin Caihan's face showed surprise.

"I found that Yinquan can fuse my own pure yang power. After I fuse a part, I will remain similar to you, and we will be able to truly be together."

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