Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1066 To the Soul Devourers

"Is this your avatar or your main body?" Long Xingyun looked at Zhao Yang with an ugly face and said.

Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Beside him appeared the two clones of Taiqing and Yuqing.

These two avatars exude fluctuations like supernatants, like raging waves, like storms.

Long Xingyun and the younger generation were all frightened.


Zhao Yang also has two clones that are as powerful as a statue?

How can it be?

"Can you tell me how strong your deity is?" Long Xingyun asked bitterly after a while.

"If the potential of the third princess is only at the fourth level of the imperial realm, then she will not be my opponent." Zhao Yang said here that the blood in his body turned into a light that soared into the sky, making the three thousand miles of heaven and earth behind him tremble. dyed through.

The aura on his body exploded directly, and the Zhundi around him backed away in panic.

The high-level Zhundi present had their eyeballs dropped in shock.

Only then did they realize that they had once again underestimated the Lord.

His strength may really be able to wrestle with the three princesses.

Long Xingyun was so frightened that he fell to the ground. He looked at Zhao Yang with fear in his eyes.

If Zhao Yang had shown such strength from the very beginning, Long Xingyun wouldn't even have the courage to do it.

"Long Xingyun has met the Emperor of Heaven." After a while, Long Xingyun stood up and saluted Zhao Yang respectfully.

"Liang Xiaoyu has met the Emperor of Heaven."

"Guo Dezhang has met the Emperor of Heaven."

Soon the monks in the field saluted Zhao Yang one by one.

"In the future, anyone who dares to disrespect the Emperor of Heaven will be killed without mercy." The third princess Chanjuan said, looking around the audience.

"Third Princess, is it convenient for you to follow me somewhere?" What did Zhao Yang suddenly think of at this time?

"Where to go?"


After Tang Yiren came to the Sky Palace, he saw Emperor Biluo.

"Why are you here?" Bi Luo asked in surprise.

You know, Zhao Yang hasn't been gone for long?

"My master just got the news that all the restricted areas are going to join forces to destroy the Sky Palace." Tang Yiren could be said to be so shocking that he would die endlessly.

"What did you say?" Bi Luo's face changed slightly.

"Gu Tong from the Gu Clan sent his confidants to tell me the news about Master, so the news is highly credible." Tang Yiren said in a deep voice.

"About what time?"

"They have to make sure that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce doesn't know about it. After all, they are also worried that the emperor behind my master will make a move." Tang Yiren replied, "I guess the time should be coming soon."

"Where's your master?"

"My master said he was going to do something. Before he left, he gave me two tokens. One token can summon the Emperor's Enlightenment Tree, and the other token can summon the Medicine Emperor of the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm. "

"What?" Bi Luo was shocked.

Zhao Yang said before that he could still summon one emperor, but how come there are only two in Tang Yiren's mouth?

"Master, should we transfer a group of soldiers first?" Fairy Ruoxi said at this time.

"Transfer, first transfer a group of disciples." Biluo thought for a while and said, "We can't put all our eggs in one basket." In fact, there are hidden monks in other places in Sky Palace, but most of them are in In the Sky Palace.

Fairy Ruoxi immediately arranged for the disciples of Sky Palace to go to the second area through the teleportation array.

That's right.

second district.

Zhao Yang has helped the Sky Palace build a teleportation array ever since his cultivation reached the fourth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

This teleportation array can make the disciples of the Firmament Palace go to a base of the Firmament Palace in the second district.

Zhao Yang and Chanjuan came near the ancient clan when the Sky Palace was transferring disciples.

Zhao Yang contacted Gu Tong through Yufu.

Gu Tong came to Zhao Yang's side immediately.

"How's the discussion between the supreme beings going?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"The supreme beings are discussing with the immortal clan. I guess it won't be long before they make a move." Gu Tong said hastily.

"Where are the major restricted areas, do you know?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"I know." Gu Tong nodded.

"Tell me the locations of the restricted areas." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"You don't want to take the initiative to hit the restricted area, do you?" Gu Tong was taken aback.

"Why not?"

"Can you tell me the first one you plan to deal with?"

"Who do you think is the most threatening to the human race in the restricted areas?"

"Soul Eaters." Gu Tong said after thinking for a while, "Soul Eaters hate humans the most."

"Then the first one will go to the Soul Devourer." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Gu Tong immediately told Zhao Yang the directions of the forbidden areas.

Zhao Yang looked at Chanjuan beside him and said, "Let's go to the Soul Eater."

"Okay." Chanjuan nodded.

Then Chanjuan waved her hand, and a big crack appeared.

"Great crack in space." Gu Tong shrank his pupils and said, "This is the ability of an emperor. This woman is actually an emperor?"

But at this time Zhao Yang and Chanjuan had already left.

After arriving at the gate of the Soul Devourer, Zhao Yang asked Chanjuan, "Are you really powerful as a great emperor?"

"You don't believe me?" There was a trace of displeasure in Chanjuan's beautiful eyes.

"Aren't I worried that you will suffer?"

"There are strong and weak emperors, and ordinary emperors are no match for me." Chanjuan said word by word.

"Then I'm relieved." Zhao Yang said, pointing in the direction of the Soul Eater, "Today the Soul Eater restricted area has been leveled."

"Obey." Chanjuan said here Qianqianyu patted her hand in the direction of the Soul Eater.


The Soul Eater clan that stretched for millions of kilometers was shattered by Chanjuan's slap.

Zhao Yang was stunned.

He looked at the forbidden area of ​​the silent Soul Eater Clan and was speechless in a daze.

"Normally, the Great Emperor is two to three times stronger than the First Heaven of the Emperor Realm, so at least three or more First Heavens of the Emperor Realm are needed to compete against the Great Emperor." Chanjuan said lightly, "But my strength is four times that of the First Heaven of the Emperor Realm." times to five times."

"All the soldiers of the Soul Eater Clan are dead?"


Zhao Yang quickly summoned ten thousand robots.

"Hurry up and grab the resources." Zhao Yang ordered the robots to go.

And when the 30 robots went, Zhao Yang felt that the efficiency of the [-] robots was slow, so Zhao Yang summoned [-] well-trained monster soldiers from that small world.

"Clean the battlefield quickly." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Chanjuan asked curiously after following the [-] monster clan soldiers to the forbidden area of ​​the Soul Eater clan, "How can there be monster clan in your small world?"

"I got a small world, and that small world was 100 million square kilometers."

"100 million square kilometers? That's the emperor's small world." Speaking of this, Chanjuan said suspiciously, "No, the small world will also collapse after the emperor falls."

"This small world is formed from fragments of a large world."

"One big world?"

"This small world has the monster clan that the emperor raised in it before. Later, the emperor gave this small world to me."

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