Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1065 Powerful Strength

"Emperor of Heaven, there was a formation master of the Emperor Realm in the Heavenly Court back then, and he researched the formation technique of defeating the emperor in reverse." Chanjuan looked at Zhao Yang worriedly and said.

"Fight the emperor in retrograde?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"The joint formation of ten peak quasi-emperors can counter the existence of the first level of the emperor's realm." Chanjuan said softly, "This formation is known as the Xiaozhou Heavenly Formation, and if there are not so many quasi-emperor peaks, then as long as There are six quasi-emperors at the peak and thirty quasi-emperors at the eighth level, they can form a Tiangang formation, and they can also compete against the existence of the first level of the emperor."

"Is there something wrong with saying that?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"The requirements of the Disha Formation are three Zhundi peaks, fifteen Zhundi from the eighth heaven, and 46 Zhundi from the seventh heaven." Chanjuan nodded.

"And if the cultivator's cultivation is stronger, wouldn't the Heavenly Gang formation and Earth Sha formation be stronger?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Yes." Chanjuan nodded.

"But these guys can't form a Tiangang Formation." Zhao Yang glanced and frowned.

"If you become a strong man in the imperial realm, we may not be your opponent, but the gap between us is not as big as you imagined."

"Yes, everyone is the quasi-emperor, why do you look down on us?"

"The Tiangang formation we formed has Long Xingyun as its eyes. Even if your potential is the great emperor, don't you think about it this time?"

"That's right, even the Great Emperor will have to lose this time."

Looking at the confident appearance of these guys, Zhao Yang shook his head, "You guys should discuss how to deal with me?"

An hour later, Long Xingyun stood up. He looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes and said, "I have recovered to the peak state."

"Do you want to take a rest?" Zhao Yang asked with concern.

"No need." Long Xingyun refused.

"Do you have a square here?" Zhao Yang looked at Chanjuan and asked.

"Please come with me."

After arriving at the square, Long Xingyun and others surrounded Zhao Yang in groups.

"Wait." Zhao Yang said suddenly just when Long Xingyun and the others wanted to do something.

"Are you afraid?" Long Xingyun said with a calm face.

"No, no, I just think I'm bullying you too much." As Zhao Yang said, a figure appeared beside Zhao Yang. Let's do it."

The audience was in an uproar.

What did Zhao Yang say?

He actually let the clone fight Long Xingyun and others?

At the same time, Zhao Yang turned into a ray of sunlight and landed beside Chanjuan.

"What are you still waiting for? After my clone makes a move, you won't have a chance to make a move." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Shocking anger burst out of Long Xingyun's eyes, "How dare you despise me so much? You don't want to make a move, and see how I crushed him with one punch?" Long Xingyun said and walked towards Zhao Yang avatar walks away.

There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of Zhao Yang's mouth.

This is not an ordinary incarnation, but the supernatant of the Sanqing.

"My Heavenly Court has a boxing technique called Benlei Fist." Long Xingyun's voice resounded in the audience, "Benlei Fist, when the fist is released, it sounds like thunder and is as fast as electricity."

When the voice fell, Long Xingyun's figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Shangqing.

And his fist was filled with monstrous thunder power, which burst open like a stormy sea.

The endless power of thunder submerged the figures of the two.

"That guy's avatar is estimated to be scum."

"Isn't this for sure? You must know that although Long Xingyun's potential is at the first level of the emperor's realm, there are not many people in the first level of the emperor's realm who can defeat him."

"Who are we afraid of when we are at the same level in the Heavenly Court?"

"That guy was too arrogant after all."

While these quasi-emperors were discussing, the power of thunder gradually dissipated, and when they saw the scene clearly, their pupils shrank severely.

What did they see?

Shangqing's five fingers firmly grasped Long Xingyun's fist.

Blood dripped drop after drop along Shangqing's fingers, and Long Xingyun's face showed pain and paleness.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible, how could you be so strong?"

Hearing this, Shangqing let go of Long Xingyun's fist, "This world is very big, if you are still immersed in the strongest thoughts in the heavens, then it is impossible for you to make much progress in this life?"

Long Xingyun was shocked.

"Your injury is not serious, I'll give you fifteen minutes." Shang Qing closed his eyes and meditated after saying this.

Now the audience looked at Zhao Yang with serious expressions.

If they thought Zhao Yang was arrogant before, then at this moment they no longer have such thoughts.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

"I have recovered." Long Xingyun looked at the 61 quasi-emperors and said, "I am the heart of the formation and form the Xiaozhou Tianzhen. The Tiangang Formation is formed outside the Xiaozhou Tianzhen. As for the remaining monks Always ready to respond."

As Long Xingyun's voice fell, the nine monks came to Long Xingyun not far away for the first time, and they and Long Xingyun formed a small Zhoutian array together.

Outside of them, 36 quasi-emperors formed the Tiangang formation. Of course, the effect of this Tiangang formation cannot be compared with Long Xingyun's Xiao Zhoutian formation, but the two formations are connected to each other.

The two promote each other.

Invisibly enhanced the power of Xiao Zhou Tianzhen.

"Can we start?" Shangqing asked.

"You can start anytime." Long Xingyun replied.

As soon as his voice fell, mysterious runes appeared one after another on the bodies of the ten quasi-emperors with him at the center.

These runes connected their breath together, and at the same time, the endless power of heaven was also drawn.

"It's a good formation, but I don't know if you guys have heard of one power down ten times?" Shang Qing said here that his whole body burst out with mighty pure yang power.

The incarnation of the supernatant at this moment has become a huge sun.

The exuberant power of the sun surged in all directions.

"Pure Yang Fist." Shangqing waved his fist and blasted towards Long Xingyun.

Long Xingyun is the core of Xiao Zhou Tianzheng.

As long as Long Xingyun is defeated, the formation will be destroyed without attack.

The power of Xiao Zhou's formation turned into a mighty sword to meet him.

It just announced that it was broken without even holding a breath.


Long Xingyun opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood.

He staggered back.

"How is it possible?" Long Xingyun's face turned a liver color.

Long Xingyun's retreat caused problems in the operation of the entire formation.

"Break." Following Shangqing's second punch, the nine Zhundi couldn't hold on any longer and all retreated, and the 36 Zhundi in the periphery did not survive and were severely injured one by one.

At this time, the remaining twelve quasi-emperors, you look at me, I look at you, none of them dare to go up?

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