Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1064 Provoking Zhao Yang


The girl in palace costume slapped the maid.

The maid looked at the girl in palace costume aggrievedly, "Your Highness the Princess."

"Didn't you hear what I said?" The girl in palace costume said with frost on her face, "This is the new Emperor of Heaven."

"I don't agree." The young man in the blue armor gritted his teeth and said.

The eyes of the girl in palace costume fell on the young man, and the young man only felt a turbulent aura crushing towards him.


He opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body fell back weakly.

He struggled to get up, with a look of determination on his face, "Even if the princess kills me, I don't recognize him as the emperor?"

"Then it will be as you wish." The girl in palace costume said, waving her hand to kill the young man.

Zhao Yang had no choice but to stand up at this time, "His Royal Highness."

The girl in palace costume bowed slightly, "The Heavenly Emperor must not call me that, you can just call me Chanjuan."

Zhao Yang pondered for a moment and said, "I'll call you the third princess."

Seeing what Chanjuan wanted to say, Zhao Yang interrupted, "That's the decision."

Chanjuan couldn't say anything.

At this moment, Zhao Yang raised his foot and walked towards the young man, "Why do you think I am not qualified to be the Emperor of Heaven?" Originally, Zhao Yang didn't have to be the Emperor of Heaven, but seeing this soldier and that maid desperately opposed him, he also Annoyed.

"Don't talk about anything else, just talk about strength. If you want Tiandi, can you hold the same level?" The young man looked at Zhao Yang coldly and said.

"Same level?" Speaking of the word "same level", Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said, "I don't know how many people here are in the fourth level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm?"

"I am the fourth heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm." The man stared at Zhao Yang and said, "As long as you can defeat me, I will recognize you as the Emperor of Heaven."

"What you said doesn't count." Zhao Yang looked at Chanjuan and said, "Third Princess, how many younger generations are there in this training ground?"

"There are a total of 62 young people in the fourth heaven of quasi-emperor realm."

Hearing this number, Zhao Yang was stunned.

"How many soldiers are there in this training ground?"

"This training ground is one of the top ten training grounds in Heaven, and since I am in charge of this training ground, this training ground is among the best." Chanjuan introduced, "There are a total of 30 soldiers in this training ground. And Since we have cultivated 56 people here, the current number of monks has reached 33." After a pause, Chanjuan continued, "I am the only one who has reached the emperor's level, and ten have reached the peak of quasi-emperor. There are 340 statues in the eighth heaven of Zhundi, 120 in the seventh heaven of Zhundi, 210 in the sixth heaven of Zhundi, one thousand and 62 in the fifth heaven of Zhundi, and [-] in the fourth heaven of Zhundi. Three thousand, [-] statues." At this point, Chanjuan changed the subject, "Among them, there are [-] statues from the younger generation who have waited until the Emperor Zhun's fourth heaven."

"What is the potential of these 62 statues?"

"There will be one who is qualified to reach the emperor's realm in the future, that is, the guy who challenged you just now." Chanjuan pointed to the young man in blue armor and said, "His name is Long Xingyun."

"Emperor Realm First Level Heaven?"


"What about the rest?"

"In the future, there will be six who are qualified to reach the quasi-emperor peak, and 24 will be qualified to reach the high-level quasi-emperor in the future, and the rest will be at most the fifth and sixth heavens of the quasi-emperor realm in the future."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Let these 62 monks come here."

"What are you going to do?" Chanjuan asked puzzled.

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

Chanjuan gave orders quickly, and it didn't take long for 61 monks to rush here.

When they saw the unfamiliar Zhao Yang, their eyes showed a look of scrutiny.

"Who is this?"

"I heard that he is the new emperor?"

"The new emperor? Why?"

"That's right, I only recognize Her Royal Highness as the new Emperor of Heaven." Zhao Yang interrupted this group of evildoers when they were chattering, "I know you are quite dissatisfied with me, so I will give you a chance. As long as you join forces to defeat I put down the token, turned around and left."

Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

Even the three princesses were dismayed by it, "Emperor Heaven, no."

Zhao Yang didn't look at the three princesses, but met the eyes of those monsters, "Besides, whoever defeats me, I will give you a chance to become emperor." At this point, a mark appeared on Zhao Yang's palm.

This imprint exudes the coercion of the imperial realm.

"Imperial seal."

"This is the legendary Emperor Seal."

"As long as you integrate this emperor seal, you will be able to become supreme in the future."

Now let alone the younger generation can't calm down, even the older quasi-emperor can't calm down.

Who doesn't want to become an emperor?

But becoming an emperor is too difficult.

And the opportunity to become an emperor is right in front of you, who wouldn't want it?

At this moment, the eyes of the 61 young evildoers all lit up.

"You are sure that we have defeated you, so you will give us this emperor seal?" A girl in black swallowed dryly when she said this.

"Do you think I might be joking with you under the eyes of everyone?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"You can compete, but it will take an hour." Long Xingyun said at this time.

"I'll give you two hours to restore you to your peak state." Having said that, Zhao Yang paused, "You can also use this time to discuss how to defeat us more effectively?"

"My family knows my own affairs, and I know my own strength very well. Even if we jointly defeat you, the Emperor Seal will not belong to me." At this time, an older man said in a deep voice.

"What is the realm of your potential?"

"The seventh heaven of quasi-emperor realm."

"If your team defeats me, I will help you rise to the peak of quasi-emperor realm."

"Really?" The man's eyes brightened instantly.

"You 61 monsters, as long as your team defeats me, I promise to improve your potential." Zhao Yang said loudly at this time.

"Who knows if you are joking?" A hulking young man said with some disbelief.

"Do you know Tianwaitian?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"I know." The young man replied.

Others may not know, but how could the Heavenly Court not know?

"Then do you know there is a Dao Spring in Tianwaitian?" Zhao Yang couldn't calm down at this point, "Did you get the Dao Spring?"

"The Dao Spring of Tianwaitian contains holy source liquid. The effect of holy source liquid on the emperor's realm is relatively bad, but there is not much problem in raising the quasi-emperor to two small realms." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Where did you get it?"

"I have a teacher from the Emperor Realm of Tianwaitian, who stole the holy source liquid of Daoquan back then."

Hearing that the 61 evildoers here became excited one by one.

Raise two small realms?

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