Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1063 Heavenly Court General

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After arriving at the Sky Palace, Zhao Yang walked out of Ruoxi's small world.

"Zhao Yang." Bi Luo looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"Master." Zhao Yang shouted with a smile.

"Before I sent Ruoxi to the Emperor Ruins, I hurried to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, but the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce didn't know where you went?" Biluo said softly.

Zhao Yang talked about the cooperation with the ancient clan.

Ruoxi and Biluo's faces revealed a sudden realization.

"Zhao Yang, it looks like you got the Emperor Seal this time." Bi Luo asked softly.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "Actually, Peony Fairy and Lucy also obtained the Emperor Seal."

"How did you know?"

"I saw Senior Taihao in the Emperor Ruins."

"Taihao? Lord of the Heavenly Court?" Bi Luo exclaimed.

For Biluo, Taihao is definitely a resounding existence.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"What did Senior Taihao tell you?"

"Senior Taihao told me some things about the Emperor's Market." Zhao Yang told Biluo about some things about the Emperor's Market, but he chose to conceal the fact that Taihao made him the Lord of the Court.

After half an hour, Zhao Yang bid farewell.

After leaving the Sky Palace, Zhao Yang went to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

Not long after Zhao Yang arrived at the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Xu Huier was notified to come.

Xu Huier is still on the road, and the intelligence personnel of the Gu tribe have arrived.

"A very important matter?" Zhao Yang looked at the man in front of him in surprise and asked.

The man nodded and said, "This information was given by my son. It said that you must burn it after reading it."

Zhao Yang opened the information and glanced at it, and the next moment his pupils shrank severely.

The major restricted areas even joined forces to flatten the Sky Palace.

After igniting the information, he looked at the man and said, "Tell your son, I owe him a favor." Regardless of Gu Tong's purpose, this matter is all thanks to Gu Tong.

"Yi Ren, tell me something, and then follow me to the Sky Palace." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Tang Yiren didn't see the content of the information, but after seeing Zhao Yang's face, she vaguely guessed something.

After Tang Yiren made some arrangements, Zhao Yang asked the Heavenly Dao of the Small World to send them directly outside the Sky Palace.

"Yiren, you take these two tokens." Zhao Yang pointed to the black token and said, "If the supreme beings rush over, you activate this token first. If you can't stop it, you activate this token again." Purple Token."

"What's the difference between these two tokens?" Tang Yiren asked.

"The first token can summon the Enlightenment Tree. To be honest, I don't know how strong the Enlightenment Tree is. Can it hold the field?" Zhao Yang pointed to the second token after a brief introduction to Tang Yiren Said, "This token can summon the Medicine Emperor of the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor Realm. I believe that if it appears, it will be no problem to hold the place."

"I understand." Tang Yiren nodded.

"I'm going somewhere, and I'll be back soon." Zhao Yang left the place immediately.

Zhao Yang asked Tiandao of the small world to take him to the residence of the Blood Emperor.

"Teacher." Zhao Yang called out to the Blood Emperor.

The blood emperor did not show up, but sent out a wave of mental fluctuations, "I am in a deep retreat, Zhao Yang, you boy, don't disturb me."

Zhao Yang realized that this was left by the Blood Emperor before retreating.

It seems that he guessed that he would disturb it at this time.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yang asked Tiandao of the small world to take him to the training ground that Taihao said.

The training ground is deep in the clouds.

After Zhao Yang looked around, he realized that if no one brought it with him, he might never know that the training ground of Heavenly Court is deep in the clouds.

Zhao Yang took out the token given by Taihao.

The moment he took out the token, a portal suddenly appeared in the cloud.

Zhao Yang pushed open the door that had been covered in dust for tens of thousands of years with both hands.

"Who?" The two soldiers in bright armor standing at the gate shouted loudly.

And when they saw the token in Zhao Yang's hand, they were shocked.

"This is the token of the Emperor of Heaven."

"How do you have it?"

Facing the question from the two attendants, Zhao Yang said softly, "Is the little princess there?"

"Wait here for a while, I'll report right away." An attendant said hastily.

Zhao Yang noticed that these two servants had reached quasi-emperor level.


Is Heaven so extravagant?

The gatekeepers are all the quasi-emperors?

It didn't take long for a beautiful girl in a palace skirt to come here in a hurry, accompanied by a large number of masters.

"Who gave you the token in your hand?" The beautiful girl trembled when she asked this sentence.

"Senior Taihao gave it to me." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Where is my father now?"

"In the Emperor Ruins."

"In the Emperor's Ruins?" An old man exclaimed, "Isn't the Emperor's Ruins a legend?"

Zhao Yang recounted how he met Tai Hao and Tai Sui in the Emperor's Ruins.

After listening, many soldiers present burst into tears.

They did not expect that the aloof Heavenly Emperor would fall.

"Father actually gave you the token, so you will be the new Lord of the Heavenly Court from now on." The girl in palace costume took a step back, knelt on the ground and said, "Chanjuan has seen the Heavenly Emperor."

The rest of the soldiers looked at each other.

Chanjuan snorted coldly and said, "What? You don't listen to what my father said?"

"Princess, it's not that I can't wait, but we don't know anything about him." An old man said with a wry smile.

"Yeah, princess, I don't have any objection to saying that you will be the God of Heaven, but he...?"

"Princess, if you want to become a Heavenly Emperor, you first need virtue, and secondly, you need strength. We are not sure if he is suitable for a Heavenly Emperor?"

"Princess, why don't we talk about the new Emperor after we investigate it?"

Seeing the persuasion of these veterans, the girl in palace costume became angry, "Do you think my father's old eyes are dizzy? Since father chose him, it means that he has the qualifications of the emperor of the day." Her eyes burst out at this point. There was a icy cold light, "Anyone who dares to disagree with this matter, don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

When the girl said this, a terrifying coercion flowed from her body.

This coercion made Zhao Yang tremble all over.


Zhao Yang can be sure that this is definitely Emperor Wei.

"Are you an emperor?" Zhao Yang looked at the girl in palace costume in surprise and asked.

"The princess is now in the Great Emperor Realm." A young man in blue armor snorted coldly.

When the young man said this, his eyes were full of admiration.

"That's right, the Emperor of Heaven said back then that the princess will be better than blue in the future." A maid standing beside the girl in palace costume said arrogantly, "Maybe you don't know what this means? Then let me tell you, in the future The princess can walk out of the fairyland, you know?"

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