Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1062 Planning the Firmament Palace

"Should I wait for my friend here?" Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

It's hard for him to just leave, otherwise, what would Gu Tong think?

"No problem." Tai Hao said with a smile.

"By the way, two seniors, have you heard of Yinquan?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something?

"Yinquan?" Tai Sui was startled, "Why are you asking this?"

"I practice Pure Yang Wuji Kungfu, so I have never been able to get close to women." Zhao Yang said with some coyness.

"The Yinquan is in the territory of my Tai Sui clan." Tai Sui said.

"What?" Zhao Yang was shocked.

Originally, Zhao Yang didn't have any hope.

He just asked casually.

Who would have thought that Yinquan was in the territory of the Tai Sui clan.

"Yin spring contains the most yin and pure power, and it can indeed fuse the pure yang power in your body." Tai Sui said with a smile, "By the way, do you have a wife?"

"What do you mean?"

"The pure yang power in your body is fused by the yin spring power, what will your wife do in the future?"

"what do you mean……."

"I mean, after most of the pure yang power in your body is fused, what about you and your wife...?" Tai Sui said with a smirk.

"That's right, the pure yang power you cultivated can't break your body, and the pure yin power that a woman cultivates can't break your body either." Tai Hao said softly.

"I have a female disciple who is also practicing the power of pure yin, what should I do?"

"Either you take her in, or she will die alone?" Tai Sui teased.

"Unless your disciple can find Yangquan, there is no other way." Taihao said seriously.

"Let me think about it?" Zhao Yang was troubled.

If Zhao Yang remembered correctly, there seemed to be quite a few practitioners of Sky Art.

Ruoxi didn't say anything.

The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has Lin Caihan and Tang Yiren, and the Chunyang Sect has Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Blue Crucian Carp, Leng Qingqiu, and Fairy Mingyue.

"I said you should just take them all." Tai Sui joked as he looked at Zhao Yang's tangled look, "Bring them with you when you go to Yinquan."

Zhao Yang pouted, not wanting to talk to Tai Sui.

I don't know how long it has passed. Taihao suddenly said, "That human friend of yours didn't get the emperor's seal."

"Is the standard of Diyin the Great Emperor?"

"To be exact, you have to be a strong man in the realm of the great emperor." Tai Sui said softly, "Besides you, the only one who got the emperor seal this time is the elf girl and the flower fairy."

"Xianbei didn't get it?"


Hearing this, Zhao Yang couldn't help laughing.

He hates Xianbei very much.

Seeing that Xianbei didn't get the emperor's seal now, he couldn't say how happy he was.

"Senior, send me to Ruoxi's side." Zhao Yang said softly.

Taihao sent Zhao Yang to Ruoxi with a wave of his hand.

When Ruoxi saw Zhao Yang, surprise appeared on his face, "I was worried that you didn't come?"

"I came earlier than you."

"How to say?"

"That kid Gu Tong brought me here."


"This place was discovered by the immortals. Gu Tong brought me here in order to ask for the emperor's seal."

"Have you obtained the Emperor Seal?"


"That's great." Ruoxi said happily.

Diyin means that there is another strong emperor in the human race?

"No one knew when I came in. I'm going to your small world now." Zhao Yang said softly.

"it is good."

After Zhao Yang entered Ruoxi's small world, Ruoxi walked out of the gate of Emperor Ruins calmly.

Biluo waved her hand and summoned Ruoxi to her side.

"How?" Biluo asked hurriedly.

"Only the great emperor is eligible to obtain the emperor's seal, I don't have that qualification." Ruoxi sighed softly.

Hearing this, the face of the emperor realm powerhouse of the fairy clan showed a look of surprise.

This means that the immortal clan has obtained the emperor seal.

Not long after, Xianbei and Lucy walked out of the Emperor's Market with livid faces.

Seeing Xianbei's appearance, the emperor-level powerhouse was startled and said, "Xianbei, have you obtained the emperor's seal?"

"Just a little bit." Xianbei had an ugly look on his face when he said this.

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

Xianbei didn't get it?

"Lucy, have you got it?" The emperor-level powerhouse looked at Lucy.

Bitterness appeared on Lucy's face, "Emperor seal is very difficult, even if you have the appearance of a great emperor, it is difficult to get it." Speaking of this, Lucy looked at Fairy Peony from a distance, "Peony, have you obtained it yet?"

Peony Fairy said blankly, "No."

Of course Peony Fairy got it.

She felt that Lucy probably had it too.

But can this kind of thing be admitted in public?

"It's too difficult." Lucy said with emotion, "If my potential is improved a little bit, I think I will be very confident."

The emperor of the fairy clan looked at Lucy suspiciously.

It doesn't believe that Lucy didn't get the imperial seal.

"Okay, let's go back." Biluo took Ruoxi's little hand and left the place.

"Everyone." Just when the supreme being present was about to leave, the powerful emperor of the immortal race said, "Are you going to let the human race grow stronger?"

"Do you have any suggestions?" Bone Race Supreme asked.

"Let's join forces." The emperor of the immortal clan said in a deep voice, "I don't believe that the Sky Palace can't be defeated."

"There is also an emperor behind Zhao Yang?" The Supreme Master of the Ancient Clan said indifferently.

"There is an emperor behind Zhao Yang, but before that emperor reacted, we destroyed the Sky Palace." The immortal emperor said with a sneer, "And what is the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce without the Sky Palace?" ?”

"This matter is of great importance, we have to think about it in the long run." The Supreme of the beast lineage said in a deep voice.

"Our Wuliang Mountain lineage doesn't participate in this matter. It doesn't matter to us what you want to do." The old man from the Wuliang Mountain lineage thought about it and refused.

"Wuliang, you can refuse, but you can't disclose this matter to the human race." The supreme of the fairy clan looked at the old man of Wuliang's lineage.

"Don't worry, I understand the rules." Wuliang said lightly.

After Wuliang left, the supreme person behind the Hundred Flowers Holy Land said, "Our Hundred Flowers Holy Land is not involved in this matter." She also left after speaking.

"Is there anyone who quit?" The emperor of the fairy clan glanced at the audience and said, "If not, let's make a good plan."

Half a day later, the great masters reached an agreement.

Wait until the information from all parties is gathered before doing it.

Gu Tong returned to the Gu Clan with Gu Tong Supreme, and Gu Tong asked, "Supreme, what should our Gu Clan do about this?"

"You have grown up." The Supreme Master of the Gu Clan patted Gu Tong on the shoulder and left.

Gu Tong stood there in astonishment.

What does supreme mean?

After a long time, he had a quick wit, and immediately understood the meaning of Supreme.

After returning to his room, he summoned an attendant and said, "Be sure to hand over this information to Zhao Yang. Remember, it must be kept secret and be careful."

"I understand." The attendant said solemnly.

After the attendant left, Gu Tong looked into the distance, "Zhao Yang, I'm really looking forward to what is the hole card in your hand that you said?"

"Let them bite dogs, hahaha."

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