Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1061 Origin of Emperor Ruins

Taihao's expression also became serious.

Tai Hao knows about Tai Sui, the supernatural power of Eternal Existence is perverted and powerful.

Back then Taihao used many methods but failed to hit Tai Sui seriously. From this, one can imagine how powerful Tai Sui is?

But at this time Tai Sui was instantly killed by Zhao Yang.

"What seal did you use?" Tai Sui asked in a deep voice.

"Eight Desolation Seals." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Where did you learn that?"

"Outside the sky."

"Tianwaitian? Can you go to Tianwaitian?"

"It's inconvenient for me to tell you this." Zhao Yang thought for a while and chose not to talk about it.

"Tai Sui, your treasury can't be kept anymore." Tai Hao laughed when he thought of something at this moment.

Thinking of this, Tai Sui suddenly felt a pain in the ass.

With a wave of Taihao's hand, Zhao Yang was detained in front of the two of them.

It was only then that Zhao Yang discovered that Taihao was a middle-aged man with a stalwart figure, while Tai Sui was an old man who looked a bit wretched.

It's just that the figures of the two are illusory.

"Senior, you...?" Zhao Yang said emotionally.

"As you can see, both of us are dead." Tai Hao said with a smile, "At this moment, all we have left is a wisp of remnant soul."

"Can the Emperor Yao continue his life?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Ordinary medicine emperors can't last the lives of both of us." Taihao shook his head and said, "According to my estimation, at least high-level medicine emperors can be obtained, and such resources are rare even in the outer world. I begged."

Speaking of this, Taihao changed the subject and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this, if I can see the juniors so amazing, I will die without regret."

"Senior, what happened to the Emperor Ruins?"

"To be honest, we both don't know what's going on in the Emperor Ruins?" Taihao's words made Zhao Yang's face incredulous, "When the star beasts rioted, the Heavenly Court went to suppress it. The existence of the sky, even if Tai Sui and I tried our best, we still died in the hands of that person."

After a while, Taihao said, "By the way, the place where we fell is near here. When we are conscious, we will be in the Emperor's Ruins."

"Where do the resources in the Emperor Ruins come from?"

"After we woke up, we noticed that all the resources in our small world appeared here." Tai Sui replied, "And as time went by, the resources of those quasi-sacred realms and holy realms were tempered by an inexplicable force, and then combined It has become the medicinal material or medicinal liquid of the quasi-emperor realm."

"I think some emperors appeared here before us." Taihao said in a deep voice, "Therefore, there are many resources here that are not our two at all."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's heart was agitated.

Is the Emperor Ruins a cemetery specially built for the emperor?

The question is who has such qualifications?

"This is a reward for you." Taihao waved his hand and two emperor seals appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

Looking at these two emperor seals, Zhao Yang's eyes were full of scorching color.


This means that Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong can have two more emperors.

"Tai Sui, the treasury of your Tai Sui clan...?" Tai Hao said narrowly at Tai Sui at this moment.

Tai Sui faltered and couldn't speak.

There are still many clansmen in the Taisui lineage, and the resources in the treasury are reserved for the Taisui lineage.

"Zhao Yang, is there anything you lack?" Tai Sui asked cautiously after a while.

"I lack top subordinates." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"So, how about I give you a subordinate at the peak of the quasi-emperor?"

"What senior says is what it is." Zhao Yang shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" Tai Sui glared at Zhao Yang and said, "What else do you want, tell me."

"I think the longevity of the predecessors is pretty good."

Tai Sui's face suddenly collapsed, "You boy, eternal existence is the secret of my lineage."

"My physical body has never been strong, and I lack a way to temper my physical body." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Tai Sui's face showed a look of struggle, and after thinking for a long time, he said slowly, "Forget it, forget it, if you want, I will teach you, that's it." Tai Sui detained a ray of divine sense and tapped it on Zhao Yang's body. Between the eyebrows.

"Zhao Yang, this token is for you." Taihao threw a token to Zhao Yang at this time.

After seeing the token, Tai Sui's expression changed involuntarily, "Taihao, you...?"

Zhao Yang suddenly realized that this token might have extraordinary significance.

"Senior, this token...?"

"Whoever holds this token will be the Lord of Heaven in the future." Tai Hao said word by word.

Zhao Yang's face suddenly changed, "Senior, you...don't be joking."

Lord of Heaven.

"After I established the Heavenly Court, my plan was to flatten all the restricted areas, but I never thought of a large-scale invasion of star beasts after everything was planned." Tai Hao said leisurely, "The star beasts are coming fiercely, plus Chaos in the restricted area will cause the huge heaven to collapse."

Only then did Zhao Yang realize that this was the main reason for the collapse of the Heavenly Court.

"The heavenly court has collapsed, but it doesn't mean that there is nothing in the heavenly court." Taihao said with bright eyes, "there is a training ground in the heavenly court, and only this token can open it. After you go out, hold this token and go there." Yes." Said Taihao told Zhao Yang the location of the training ground.

"In addition to this training ground, there is also a treasury in Heaven, and the key to that treasury is with my disciple."

"Your disciple?"

"There is my youngest daughter in the training ground, and she will tell you how to find my disciple?"

Zhao Yang suddenly found something complicated, "Senior, since you have a daughter and a disciple, why did you let me be the Lord of Heaven?"

"They are not as good as you." Tai Hao shook his head and said.

"I'm afraid those generals will not accept me."

"Seeing orders is like seeing people." Taihao said confidently, "They dare not."

Seeing Zhao Yang's worried expression here, Taihao smiled slightly, "I have nurtured this token for thousands of years, and it has already possessed part of my power. When you activate this token, you can Summon the old me to fight for you."

"Can those from the third heaven of the Emperor Realm be able to compete?"

"It's okay to fight for a while." Tai Hao said with a smile.

"Then I will be disrespectful." Zhao Yang said happily.

"I'll take you out." Taihao said at this time.

"By the way, are all the emperors here?"

"Yeah, all the emperors from the restricted areas have arrived, including a woman from the human race."

Zhao Yang knew that most of the women in the human race were Ruoxi.

As for Lin Caihan.


After getting the news from the first district, it was several hours before it reached Lin Caihan, and it was several hours before Lin Caihan wanted to rush here again.

And now only two hours have passed.

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