"You still only have half an hour." Tai Sui's voice sounded in Zhao Yang's ears, "You need to get at least ten herbs, and if you don't get them, sorry, you will be eliminated, and at the same time you get Herbal medicines will also be confiscated."

"Is the medicinal material that goes forward better?"

"Yes, the poisonous snake guarding the medicinal materials at that time was also more powerful."

After Zhao Yang was silent for a while, he summoned Sanqing.

"Use the boundless domain." Zhao Yang rushed towards a nearby poisonous snake after sending a voice transmission to Sanqing.

Zhao Yang noticed that the poisonous snakes here were [-]% stronger than the previous star beasts.

This is not a test for Zhao Yang, but it is a test for Gu Tong.





After Zhao Yang killed the five poisonous snakes, he headed for the medicine field further away.

Tai Sui had already said that the medicine fields in the distance planted more precious medicinal materials, so of course Zhao Yang had to choose more precious medicinal materials.




When Zhao Yang's deity killed ten poisonous snakes, Sanqing killed four poisonous snakes respectively.

In other words, Zhao Yang has now obtained 22 medicinal herbs.

He's done his job.

But how could Zhao Yang easily give up this rare opportunity?

"Senior, why is there no medicinal material of Zhundi's peak here?" Zhao Yang shouted towards the sky.

"Peak Zhundi? You don't know how precious medicinal materials are at Zhundi Peak?" Tai Sui said angrily, "Of course we don't have them, as long as you complete the hidden mission, you will have them."

"What hidden mission?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

His favorite is hidden missions.

"As long as you kill a hundred poisonous snakes, you are eligible to get a medicinal herb of the quasi-emperor realm seventh heaven."

"What if I kill a thousand?" Zhao Yang continued to ask.

"Don't tell me, there are not a thousand poisonous snakes here, okay?" Tai Sui said hurriedly, "In this way, as long as you kill more than [-] snakes, I will give you another quasi-emperor-level eighth-level plant, a quasi-emperor snake." The medicinal materials from the Nine Heavens, okay?"

"Deal." Zhao Yang greeted Sanqing to work.

One hundred.

Two hundred.

Three hundred.

Tai Sui thought it would take a lot of time for Zhao Yang to kill 10 pieces, but it was completed in about [-] minutes.

"You guys have always maintained your peak condition." Tai Sui finally came to his senses.

"It's just boundless domain." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"The back wave pushes the front wave, I have never heard of the practice of boundless field before." Tai Hao said with emotion.

"Why are you still shooting? Didn't I say that you can stop after killing [-] poisonous snakes?" Taihao shouted hurriedly when he realized that Zhao Yang didn't stop.

"Each poisonous snake guards a medicinal herb that is quasi-emperor." Zhao Yang said shyly, "Isn't it because I'm afraid of poverty?"

"The medicinal materials you got may not even be in the restricted area." Tai Sui curled his lips and said.

"Senior actually know the restricted area?"

"The old man even leveled two restricted areas back then? How could I not know how many resources there are in the restricted area?" Tai Sui said angrily, "Okay, now I will give you the reward." It directly sent Zhao Yang to In the main hall of the second pass, it was worried that Zhao Yang would continue to kill the poisonous snake.

Zhao Yang looked at the three herbs in front of him, and planted them in his own small world with a smile.

These are the medicinal materials of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

Planting them in their own small world can also make their own small world evolve faster, right?

"Senior, what is the third test?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

"The third test is divided into several stages." Tai Sui replied, "In the first stage, you need to defeat me when I was a teenager."

"What's the reward?"

Seeing Zhao Yang directly asking for the reward, Tai Sui said speechlessly, "I haven't finished yet? Can you wait to ask for the reward."

"Senior, tell me."

"In the first stage, I was one-third of my strength in my heyday."

"What about the second stage?"

"The second stage is half of the combat power of the heyday." Tai Sui replied, "Only if you pass the second stage of assessment, you are eligible to get an emperor seal."

"What about the third stage?"

"The third stage is the full combat power in the heyday." Tai Sui replied, "At that time, you can get two emperor seals."

"What about the fourth stage?"

"There is no fourth stage."


"You pass this test first." Tai Sui said with some displeasure.

After all, Zhao Yang is not its descendant.

"Senior, is it convenient to ask what state you were in when you were at your peak?"

"Three Heavens of the Emperor Realm."

"Only the third heaven?"

"It's just..." Hearing Zhao Yang's name Tai Sui was about to explode, "Do you know what the third heaven of the emperor's realm means?"

"It means you can't leave the fairyland."

Tai Sui's voice stopped abruptly.

Because what Zhao Yang said was fine.

He had no way to refute.

"Senior, I think it's better to challenge the third stage directly, so that everyone won't waste time." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Yes." Tai Sui replied.

Through Zhao Yang's performance Tai Sui can see that Zhao Yang's background is very strong, and the assessment of the first stage and the second stage is a waste of time.

In a void battlefield.

Zhao Yang saw a young man standing not far away.

The young man has red hair, and even his eyes are red.

It stared at Zhao Yang without the slightest expression on his face.

"Are you ready?" the red-haired boy asked.

"Senior, if I kill you in one move, will there be any reward?" Zhao Yang asked abruptly.

The red-haired boy was enraged, "If you fucking can beat me with one trick, I'll give you the treasury of the Tai Sui clan."

"Really?" Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

The red-haired boy snorted coldly, "Can I still joke about this kind of thing?"

"Then I'll make a move." Zhao Yang said that his hands began to seal.

When Yin Jue took shape in his hands, a bad feeling surged in the heart of the red-haired boy?

"Eight Desolation Seals."

Zhao Yang's body bloomed with an ancient divine light.

He is like an ancient god.

High above.

Overlook all beings.


When Shenguang rushed towards the red-haired boy, everything along the way, whether tangible or intangible, was ruthlessly annihilated.

"Exist from ancient times." The red-haired boy used the peak method.

His body and his soul seemed to be different when he cast the ancient scriptures.

Live forever.

Even the power of time is difficult to change it.

But when the divine light of the Eight Desolation Seal permeated its body, its eternal body persisted for a while and then collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Tai Sui's mentality collapsed, "How is it possible?"

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