Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1054 Give Antidote

Hearing this, the patriarch of the ancient clan could no longer remain calm.

Zhao Yang may not be able to research the blood toxins targeting the ancient race, but the Emperor Realm expert behind Zhao Yang can research it?

"Besides, don't you want to know whether there is an antidote to the blood poison?" Xu Clan patriarch continued, "If there is no antidote, then there is no need for me to talk with the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, just go back and wait for death."

"You go." After a while, the Patriarch of the Gu Clan said in a deep voice.

The Patriarch of the Xu Clan didn't say anything, but bypassed the Patriarch of the Gu Clan and walked towards the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

Arriving at the headquarters of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, the head of the Xu Clan showed his true face, "The head of the Xu Clan came to worship the mountain."




Many masters from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce appeared in midair, and they surrounded the Xu Clan patriarch firmly.

At this time, a rainbow appeared at the feet of the Xu clan's patriarch, and at the same time, a gentle voice sounded in the audience, "The visitor is a guest, please."

The Xu Clan patriarch stepped on the rainbow and came to a courtyard.

In the courtyard, Zhao Yang and Tang Yiren were playing chess in the gazebo.

"Is there anything you want from me?" Zhao Yang said calmly while putting down a chess piece.

"My son, please save our Xu clan." The Xu clan patriarch said bitterly.

It really doesn't want to say such a thing?

"Give me a reason." Zhao Yang glanced at the Xu Clan patriarch.

The head of the Xu clan was stunned.


Why did the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce want to save the Xu Clan?

"The Xu Clan shouldn't get involved in the grievances between your Human Race and the Ancient Clan. As long as you save our Xu Clan, my son, our Xu Clan promises not to target your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce in the future."

"Compared to your oath, I think it's better to wait." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"How can the emperor be willing to let our Xu clan go?"

"Your Xu Clan has had an unimaginable impact on my Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." Zhao Yang looked at the head of the Xu Clan and said, "It is actually simple to want the blood of your Xu Clan to survive. What your Xu Clan did to our Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce , as long as you do it to the ancients as well."

"The Gu Clan is a colossal monster." The head of the Xu Clan changed color.

"Isn't the human race a colossus? Why didn't the ancient clan dare to end in person? Have you ever thought about the reason behind it?" Zhao Yang snorted coldly, "Besides, your ancient clan is about to be destroyed. At this time, you have other choices. ?"

The head of the Xu clan fell silent.

I don't know how long it has passed, he looked up at Zhao Yang and said, "We Xu Clan don't know much about the Gu Clan?"

"Do you think our intelligence department is doing nothing? We have a lot of information about the ancient people, and I can tell you all of this information."

"If we make a move, we will definitely be retaliated by many parties. How will the blood of our Xu family survive forever?"

"First, the emperor behind me will take action to help your Xu Clan block the heavenly secrets; second, you can send some Xu Clans here, and I, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, will be responsible for their safety."

"If I hand over the Xu Clan to you, they will still be fish on the chopping board in the future?" Xu Clan patriarch said coldly.

How could he believe that Zhao Yang would let the Xu clan go?

"I believe you also know about the blood toxin. In this way, you send your Xu clan over, and I will help detoxify first." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"You have such good intentions?" Xu clan patriarch asked with some doubts.

"I will choose one-third of the Xu clan, and these Xu clan will stay in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, otherwise, who knows if you will obey the law?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "When the time comes when your Xu clan completes the task, I will naturally Give you the remaining one-third of the Void Clan."

The Xu Clan patriarch's eyes flickered.

After a while he said, "How can I know if you will do anything again?"

"If you don't believe me, I don't think there is any need to continue the conversation." Zhao Yang pointed to the door and said, "You can leave."

Seeing this, the Xu Clan patriarch became anxious, "I need a guarantee from you."

"After your Xu Clan dealt with the Ancient Clan, do our Human Clans still need to deal with you?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "Isn't it too late for us to be happy because you are causing trouble for the Ancient Clan?"

The head of the Xu Clan sounded reasonable, but he also felt that Zhao Yang might trick him again.

"The patriarch of the ancient clan is outside." He said after a long time.

"I will let the emperor behind you escort you." Zhao Yang said lightly, "You can bring your clansmen with you."

"Okay." The head of the Xu Clan breathed a sigh of relief.

After the Xu Clan's patriarch left, Zhao Yang communicated with the Heavenly Dao of the Small World, "Follow with your spiritual thoughts, and deter the Gu Clan's patriarch by the way."

Let's talk about the head of the Xu clan.

Not long after he left the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, he met the Patriarch of the Gu Clan.

The Xu Clan patriarch's face changed slightly.

And at this moment, a terrifying aura crushed towards this side.

The face of the Patriarch of the Gu Clan suddenly changed.

It is very clear what kind of existence breath is this?

A strong man in the imperial realm.

It ran away without thinking.

The head of the Xu Clan breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Yang didn't lie to him, he did send the Emperor Realm powerhouse behind him to secretly protect him.

After realizing this, it hurried towards the Xu Clan's stronghold.

A day later, it rushed to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce with [-] clansmen.

"This is the detoxification elixir that I refined. After taking it, the toxins in your body will be released." Zhao Yang took out a batch of detoxification elixir and handed it to the Xu Clan patriarch.

The head of the Xu Clan showed hesitation.

It is worried that there are other toxins in the detoxification pill?

Just as it was hesitating, a soldier of the Xu clan spontaneously ignited.

"I hope you didn't lie to me." After seeing this scene, the Xu Clan patriarch didn't hesitate any more, and he distributed the detoxification pill in his hand.

After all the [-] Xu clan soldiers had taken the antidote pill, Zhao Yang immediately drew [-] Xu clan soldiers from it.

"These [-] soldiers will stay in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce for the time being. When do you finish your mission? When will we let them go?" Zhao Yang said calmly.

"We need the cooperation of your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." Xu clan patriarch said in a deep voice.

"no problem."

"In addition, I have to leave one-third of my clan's blood."

"Okay, they can go wherever they want later?"

The patriarch of the Xu clan explained to the master of the quasi-emperor realm sixth heaven, and that person left the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce with the rest of the clan.

"Let's talk about the future cooperation."

"it is good."

After the two parties finalized the content of cooperation, the Xu Clan patriarch left.

After it left, Tang Yi asked softly, "Are we really going to let these guys go?"

"There are two ingredients in the detoxification pill." Zhao Yang looked at Tang Yi and said, "The first type, whether male or female, will never have children in this life; the second type, they will die silently after a hundred years. "

Let them go?

How can it be?

The Xu Clan killed so many disciples of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce before.

If Zhao Yang didn't care about the influence, how could he make them live for another hundred years?

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