It immediately found the head of the Xu clan and told about it.

The Xu Clan patriarch's expression became serious, "There is no sign at all?"


"Then did you find anything?"


"You go to the ancient clan."

This master went to the ancient clan immediately, and when the high-ranking members of the ancient clan heard about this incident, their faces showed astonishment.

"Spontaneous combustion without the slightest sign."

"Several cases have occurred in a row, and this is definitely not an emergency."

"Maybe the human race used some despicable means?"

"I think it's time for the alchemist to check it?"

"I'll go take a look too."

Soon the ancient clan sent a strong man at the peak of the quasi-emperor, an alchemist from the sixth heaven of the quasi-emperor realm, and Gu Tong, and they went to the scene of the incident under the leadership of the master.

As a result, none of these three people checked out.

"Let me check your body." The alchemist of the sixth heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm looked at a young man of the ancient clan.

That young man's cultivation is at the middle level of the Holy Realm.

And after testing it for a while, the alchemist from the sixth heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm said in a deep voice, "You are poisoned."

"Poisoned?" The boy said in a daze.

"The poison in you seems to be the legendary blood poison." The alchemist said seriously.

I have to say that this alchemist is still promising.

"Blood toxin?" The master of the sixth level quasi-emperor realm asked blankly, "What kind of poison is this?"

"Let me check your body." The alchemist said after thinking about it.

As a result, after checking, his face became more serious, "In this way, you go to different strongholds, and then bring ten clansmen here."

The master nodded and left.

Half an hour later, he arrived here with ten monks from the Xu clan.

"Are they far from each other?"


"Are they usually connected?"

"A few strongholds have been contacted, and a few have never been contacted."

The alchemist just started testing.

A few hours later, he looked at the master of the Xu clan and said, "According to my test, all ten Xu clansmen have been poisoned, but two of them were very slightly poisoned, it seems that they were infected at a high level."

After a while he asked, "Have you seen your patriarch?"

"See you."

"Then it's over."


"This kind of blood poison is only aimed at your Void Clan, and it should be transmitted through breathing." The alchemist sighed softly, "In other words, as long as you have seen your patriarch, then your patriarch will definitely be infected." He just said Two of the ten Xu clan soldiers brought here by the master were ignited at the same time.

"Is there a way to detoxify?" Gu Tong asked hastily.

"I've only heard about blood poison, I don't even understand its principle, how to detoxify?" The alchemist shook his head and said.

"Then you can only wait to die?" The existence of the peak quasi-emperor glared.

"Well, I'll go back and look through the classics to see if there is a solution?" The alchemist changed the subject after talking about this, "However, the person who tied the bell needs to be untied. My suggestion is to find the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

The master of the Xu clan pondered for a while and hurried to meet the head of the Xu clan.

The moment it saw the Patriarch of the Xu Clan, it knelt down with a plop, "Patriarch, I deserve to die."

"What's wrong?" Xu clan patriarch said puzzled.

"We fell for the tricks of the human race." Immediately, the master told about the blood toxin.

After hearing this, the head of the Xu Clan trembled all over his body.

"I'm infected too?"


"How long do I have?"

"Probably seven more days."

"How many infections are there in the Xu race?"

"It's hard to count this number, but most of them must have been infected." The master said with a wry smile, "A while ago, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Pure Yang Sect hunted them down, and many monks from the Xu Clan contacted them."

"Despicable." Xu Clan patriarch said tremblingly.

In any case, it didn't expect the human race to play this hand?

"What should we do now?" The master said with a mournful face, "God knows how many people in the Xu clan will have to die if we continue to drag on?"

"Wait." The head of the Xu Clan said after a long time, "Give the Gu Clan three days, if we still can't find the antidote after three days, we will go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce to ask for the antidote."

"Three days?" the master murmured.

How many people will be lost in the three-day Xu clan?

But you can't just go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and beg for mercy right now?

Where do you let the face of the ancients go?

One day passed, and the Xu Clan lost 860 people;

Two days passed, and the Xu Clan lost 240 nine people;

Three days passed, and the Xu Clan lost 430 people.

Hearing this number, the Xu Clan patriarch's heart is bleeding.

One must know that the number of the Xu Clan is less than [-] today.

In three days, nearly one-tenth of it was lost. It is conceivable that if we continue to wait, more and more Xu Clan will be lost.

"Is there still no news from the ancient clan?" Xu clan patriarch asked.

"No." The master of Xu clan said.

"Rong Huan, you hide immediately when I go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. If the Gu Clan dares to attack me, you will take the soldiers of the Xu Clan to report to the Gu Clan, do you understand?" Xu Clan patriarch confessed.

"Revenge on the ancient clan?"

"The ancient clan may not allow me to go." Xu clan patriarch said leisurely.

"I see."

Then the head of the Xu clan left the place.

When it was approaching the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce's residence, it was stopped by a figure.

The one who stopped it was the patriarch of the ancient clan, the existence of the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor.

"You can't go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." The Patriarch of the Gu Clan said in a deep voice.

"What will happen to the Xu Clan if I don't go there?"

"We'll figure out a solution."

"Don't deceive yourself, you can't think of it." The patriarch of the Xu clan shook his head and said, "In the past three days, you must have used the time bug, but even so, have you researched anything? No. And in a few days , our Xu Clan is almost dead."

"I still say the same thing, you can't go to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." The Patriarch of the Gu Clan stared at the Patriarch of the Xu Clan and said every word.

"Have you ever thought that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce can research the blood toxin against the Xu clan in such a short period of time, can't they research the blood toxin against your ancient clan?" Xu clan patriarch said lightly.

"Isn't it so easy to research blood toxins?" The patriarch of the ancient clan said lightly, "In addition, our ancient clan has emperor-level powerhouses. If we want to target our ancient clan's blood, it will be as difficult as going to the sky. .”

"But have you ever thought that standing behind Zhao Yang is an alchemy expert at the emperor's level?" The head of the Xu clan looked at the patriarch of the ancient clan and said, "The one who fought against the Supreme Lord of the Devil's Nest back then used the aura of alchemy. .”

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