Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1055 The Immortal Clan's Warning

The restricted area has collected a lot of good things over the years, but it doesn't mean that they will sit and eat. In fact, there are many industries in Xianyu.

Shannan City is a famous city in the third district. The most famous city in this city is the auction house, and the behind-the-scenes owner of the auction house is Gu Clan.

In the evening, the auction house was holding a huge auction, and those who came here were either the Holy Son of the Holy Land or the elders of a powerful force.

And just as the auction was in full swing, a majestic figure appeared here.

The moment this figure appeared, he slapped the host on the stage to pieces.

The audience was in an uproar.

You must know that the host is the existence of the third heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

If you say die, you die?

"Irrelevant personnel, stand where you are, or don't blame me for being rude." Following this man's voice, hundreds of figures came out of its small world.

"You are quite courageous, do you know who is behind the auction house?" The person in charge of the auction house stood up and said coldly.

"Is it important who is behind you?" The figure sneered, "Kill me."

Who is this?

The patriarch of the Xu Clan, the existence of the Eighth Heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

The person in charge of the auction house is the existence of the fifth heaven of quasi-emperor realm, so where is his opponent?

One face-to-face was hit hard.

After being severely injured, the patriarch of the Xu clan killed a quasi-emperor not far away.

Just one kick stomped the opponent into pieces.

"Snatch, grab the auction house for me." Xu Clan patriarch said coldly.

Tianbei Pavilion.

This is an alchemy sect in the third district.

This sect doesn't seem to be very strong, but only those who understand it know that the quasi-emperor is sitting in this sect.

And behind the scenes of this sect is the Gu Clan.

A figure descended from the sky at the same time that the head of the Xu Clan made his move.

The appearance of the other party is not clear, but the aura on his body is that of the Xu family.

With a wave of his hand, he walked out of three thousand demon clansmen from his small world, "Kill." After the words fell, he let out a long roar, and the sound of thunder turned into a terrifying sound wave, enveloping towards the direction of Tianbei Pavilion .

I don't know how many monks in Tianbei Pavilion were killed by the sound wave in a short time.


"Who is so courageous?"

"Xu Clan? Who gave you the courage to attack Tianbei Pavilion?" At this time, three majestic figures appeared in midair.

The figure glanced at the three of them and punched them.

This punch enveloped all the space around them.

They cannot retreat, they cannot escape.

The only way is to fight hard.

But the strongest of these three is the fifth heaven of the quasi-emperor realm, and the remaining two are one of the third heaven of the quasi-emperor realm and one of the first heaven of the quasi-emperor realm.

How is this opponent?

Their figures were submerged in the mighty torrent of fist intent.

And after beheading the three quasi-emperors, he set his sights on the holy land here.

As a result, the three thousand monsters hadn't rushed down yet, and the other party's Great Saint Realm and the high-level Saint Realm were killed by him.

After killing all the monks here, they began to clean up the battlefield.

And only then did the figure reveal its true face.

Who is it if it’s not Yin Yang Wood?

Yinyangmu used the art of ever-changing changes, and with his current cultivation base, even the emperor could not easily deduce it, and there is also the heavenly way of the small world to help cover it up.

"Continue to the next goal." With a wave of his hand, Yin Yangmu took these monsters from the Holy Realm into his small world.

When the ancients got the news, they found that dozens of their strongholds in the third district had been pulled out overnight.

"Who did it?" the Patriarch of the Gu Clan roared.

"Xu Clan." An elder of the Ancient Clan replied.

"Xu Clan?" The patriarch of the Gu Clan turned gloomy, "It seems that the Xu Clan has turned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." After a pause, the Patriarch of the Gu Clan said, "Issuing a hunting order for the Xu Clan, chasing and killing Xu at all costs family."

When the Gu Clan issued the killing order, the Xu Clan went into hiding.

Half a month passed like this, and after the Gu Clan relaxed their vigilance, the Xu Clan launched another sneak attack on the Gu Clan under the information of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

But this time the number of monks lost by the ancient clan reached tens of thousands.

Of course, what the Gu Clan didn't know was that apart from the Xu Clan, there were also Yin Yang Wood and Zhao Yang participating this time.

"Have you noticed the aura of the demon clan?"

"Which demon clan?"

"What? Fox clan, wolf clan, bear clan, deer clan?"

"There are dozens of monster races participating."

"This... what the hell is going on here?"

While the Gu Clan was busy and devastated, the Xu Clan made sneak attacks from time to time.

They have changed from a large-scale sneak attack before to an occasional sneak attack.

But the ancient people had to invest huge manpower and material resources.

"Our Gu clan's business in the third district is no longer possible."

"Now I finally understand the feeling of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

"It can't go on like this."

"Yeah, I think I need to talk to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

The elders of the Gu Clan pondered for a long time and looked at Gu Tongdao, "On behalf of the Gu Clan, you went to find out the tone of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

Gu Tong nodded.

After arriving at the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Gu Tong met Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang, let's talk frankly." Gu Tong said in a deep voice, "How can you give up letting the Xu clan target us?"

"You ancient clan withdraw from the third district." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Impossible, our Gu Clan has been operating in the third district for many years, how can we just give up?" Gu Tong said without thinking.

"Xu Clan still has tens of thousands of people, let's spend it slowly." Zhao Yang shrugged.

"Zhao Yang, are you sure you want to fall out with my ancient clan?" Gu Tong said with a sullen face.

"Ever since your ancient clan started targeting the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, we have already fallen out." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Everyone take a step back." After a while, Gu Tong looked at Zhao Yang and said, "We, the Gu Clan, can offer some compensation. How about we just let the two families settle their grievances?"

"Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has lost so much, how can you say that you can expose it?"

"Tell me a number."

"I've made it very clear that the Gu clan will withdraw from the third district."

"This is impossible."

"Then there is nothing to talk about."

Gu Tong stared at Zhao Yang for a while before slowly saying, "If you do this, you will bring disaster to the human race."

"My teacher knows everything. He has nothing to miss about this world. He said that he would be happy if he could take the ancients away before he died." Zhao Yang said this in a very calm tone.


How could Gu Tong fail to recognize that this was a threat?

"The ancient clan has formed an alliance with the immortal clan." Gu Tong gritted his teeth and said.

"To be exact, your ancient clan followed the immortal clan, but is the immortal clan at ease with your ancient clan? I think the immortal clan would be happy to weaken your ancient clan's strength." Zhao Yang narrowly looked at the ancient channel, "Maybe you don't know Before you came, an elder from the fairy clan had already come."

"The elder of the fairy clan? What did he say?"

"The elders of the fairy clan told me not to overdo things." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "It depends on how you understand this sentence?"

"This is a warning from the Immortal Clan to your Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce." Gu Tong said in a deep voice.

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