This is the only explanation.

Otherwise, how to explain that the one who followed Tian Di Yin did not make a move?

"Then what should we do now?" Tang Yiren said with a sullen face.

"Wait." Zhao Yang said calmly, "Wait another two months."

In the following time, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyang Sect continued to look for monks from the Xu Clan like crazy.

With the passage of time, the number of Void Clan monks who have been poisoned with blood poison has reached thousands.

"Patriarch, something is wrong." A master of the quasi-emperor sixth heaven expressed his worries that day.

"what happened?"

"I noticed that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the intelligence personnel of the Chunyang Sect have used many methods during this period, even spending a lot of money to buy some materials about our Xu Clan from other forces, but up to now, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has not arrested any of us."

Hearing the patriarch of the Xu Clan here, who is also the guy who is the quasi-emperor realm eighth heaven, he thought for a while and said, "Does the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce want to find me through those guys?"

"I am the only one who knows where the patriarch is, and no matter where I go, I am very cautious." The master of the quasi-emperor realm said in a deep voice, "Every time I go to the next-level stronghold, I have to travel a few times. Come back after a while."

What this person didn't know was that when he was speaking, the blood toxin in his breath spread to the head of the Xu clan through the vibration in the air.

But the head of the Xu clan didn't find out at all.

"Next, keep a low profile." Xu Clan patriarch said in a deep voice, "I don't believe that Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce can consume more energy than us?"

What the head of the Xu clan didn't expect was that half a month later, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong began to arrest the monks of the Xu clan.

Arrested with great fanfare.

Of course, there will always be some accidents every time they are arrested. Some guys who feel that they are favored by the goddess of luck escaped smoothly.

"Our purpose is to create chaos and put everyone in the Xu Clan at risk. In this way, they will inevitably contact the higher authorities." Zhao Yang said why such a plan?

"What about the Xu people we caught?" Tang Yiren asked.

"Kill them in public, throw them into a mass grave after killing them, and leave them alone." Zhao Yang said flatly.

"You mean to let the Xu clan collect the corpse?" Tang Yiren's eyes lit up immediately.

"Whether the Xu clan collects the corpses or the Xu clan instigates other groups to collect the corpses, I believe that those corpses will eventually be obtained by the Xu clan." Zhao Yang said with a cold look in his eyes, "And in this way our goal has been achieved."

"What's the next plan?"

"The search for the Xu Clan will enter a high-intensity state." Zhao Yang looked at Tang Yiren and said, "Only in this way can the Xu Clan have no chance to retaliate. We only need to persist for more than a month."

In the following time, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyang Sect sent a large number of masters to hunt down the Xu Clan.

The Xu clan can only hide everywhere.

The Xu clan has no choice.

Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyang Zongming have too many masters, and the Xu Clan is not an opponent of the two major forces at all.

At this point they can only hide.

"Patriarch, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is going too far." The master of the sixth heaven of quasi-emperor realm said angrily, "Another 26 Xu clan were killed today, and what is even more hateful is that they were thrown into mass graves. Eaten by vicious dogs."

"Have you gone?" Xu clan patriarch asked coldly.

"I'm going." The master nodded, "A quasi-emperor pinnacle of the ancient clan will go with me."

Hearing this, the Xu Clan patriarch breathed a sigh of relief.

With the existence of the quasi-emperor pinnacle of the ancient clan following, it must be impossible for the human race to follow.

"It's true that the human race didn't send anyone to follow them. They seemed to do it on purpose for us to see." The master said angrily, "Patriarch, are we just hiding like this?"

"Do you know how much manpower and material resources will be consumed by such a large-scale search?" The Xu clan patriarch said with his hands behind his back, "Look, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce can't last long?"

The master wanted to say something, but finally heaved a long sigh.

The head of the Xu Clan looked at his leaving back and murmured, "Do you know that our Xu Clan has no way out?"

The Xu clan can only go forward.

There is no other choice.

Even if it clearly knows that the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is chasing and killing soldiers of the Xu Clan, what can it do?

Thinking of this, it suddenly felt a tingling pain in its chest, but it didn't find anything when it checked.

What it doesn't know is that it has been spread blood poison several times by its subordinates.

At this time, the blood toxin has invaded its viscera, and it will explode as soon as the time comes.

White City!

A restaurant backyard.

A few Xu clans were hiding in the cellar at this time, their eyes shone with a trace of coldness.

"Damn, being chased by the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and running around all over these days, can't wait to compete with the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce?" A middle-aged Xu clan said angrily.

"The patriarch said that Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce's high-intensity hunt won't last long."

"That's what you said, but when will you be tall?" The middle-aged man suddenly felt his heart vibrate violently when he said this.




Its heart beats faster and faster.

Even if he suppressed it with all his strength, it didn't work.

"Old Gong, what's wrong with you?" Seeing the middle-aged man's pale face, the other two Xu clan hurriedly asked.

The one called Lao Gong wanted to say something, but the next moment its heart exploded, and blood poured out of its body desperately.

"Old Gong."

"Old Gong, what happened?" The two Xu clan soldiers were frightened by this scene.

"I..." After Lao Gong said this, its body was set on fire, and after three breaths, Lao Gong was completely burned.

The two soldiers of the Xu clan looked at each other, and they both saw horror in each other's eyes.

"How to do?"

"Report to our superiors."

The soldiers of the two Xu clan hurriedly went to meet their superiors.

Their superior is a high-level master in the holy realm.

"Who asked you two to come?" the high-ranking master in the holy realm said with a sullen face.

"Something went wrong." A soldier said with an ugly face.

"What happened?"

"Old Gong died without any warning."

"What?" the high-ranking master in the holy realm asked suspiciously.

"If you don't believe me, go and see."

The high-ranking master in the holy realm was about to say something when he suddenly felt his heart beating violently.


After a few breaths, its heart also burst, and the broken pieces ignited its body.

When the soldiers of the Xu clan first spontaneously combusted, they attracted the attention of the quasi-emperor realm sixth-floor powerhouse.

It's just that when he went to investigate, he discovered several spontaneous combustion incidents one after another.

It didn't find anything after careful inspection.

Just as it was about to leave, a soldier beside it was engulfed in flames in front of it.

Its face was livid.

It realized that the Xu family was mostly calculated.

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