"President, what should we do next?" Shui Lianyun, the third elder of the Chamber of Commerce who was in charge of the escort, asked in a deep voice.

"You continue to escort the goods, and I will give you this scroll after it is repaired." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Follow orders." Shui Lianyun immediately called the members of the chamber of commerce to move on.

After Zhao Yang went to the small world, he opened the time domain.

It took him half a month to replenish all the runes on this scroll, and at this time, only a few minutes had passed by the outside world.

After Zhao Yang walked out of the small world, he handed the restored scroll to Shui Lianyun, "Be careful all the way."

Zhao Yang left here and returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as Tang Yiren arrived at the Chamber of Commerce, he told Zhao Yang that the Xu Clan suffered heavy losses this time. The ten caravans sent by the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce were all ambushed, but all the Xu Clan who were ambushed were bombed and killed by the formation scrolls.

"This time, the Xu Clan lost a statue of the fifth level of the quasi-emperor realm, one of the fourth level of the quasi-emperor realm, two of the third level of the quasi-emperor realm, and six of the second level of the quasi-emperor realm." Tang Yiren looked He said solemnly, "I'm worried that the Xu Clan's Quasi-Emperor Realm Eighth Heaven will retaliate."

While speaking, a soldier covered in blood rushed in with the help of a guard.

"President, the merchant group escorted by the Sixth Elder was robbed, and all the escorting soldiers were killed, including the Sixth Elder." A sad look appeared on the soldier's face.

"Why are you the only one left alive?" the Second Elder asked.

"The existence of the Quasi-Emperor Realm Eighth Heaven of the Xu Clan let me come. He asked me to bring a word to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. The Xu Clan's revenge has begun."

Hearing this, Tang Yiren's face showed a gloomy look.

The Xu Clan is good at hiding. It can be said that as long as they don't take the initiative to expose, even the peak quasi-emperor will not be able to find out.

An hour later, a soldier came to report that the strong man of the Xu Clan attacked a caravan, but the caravan was followed by Zhao Yang's Heaven and Earth Seal, and the Heaven and Earth Seal hurt the other party, but in the end it escaped.

"The other party put down their words and will continue to retaliate." After the soldier finished speaking, Zhao Yang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, "Do you have any captured Xu clan?"

"Yes." Tang Yiren seemed to think of what Zhao Yang wanted to do when he said this. "Their memories have been tampered with. Once we spy on their memories, they will explode immediately."

"Take me there." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Tang Yiren didn't understand what Zhao Yang wanted to do, but he still took Zhao Yang forward.

After arriving at the cell where the Xu clan was held, Zhao Yang ordered the guards to take their blood separately, "Remember, don't let them find out when you take the blood."

The guard said he understood.

Immediately, these guards went to whip those Xu clans with whips in their hands.

It didn't take long for dozens of whips to appear in front of Zhao Yang, and each whip was stained with the blood of the Xu clan.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

"Yi Ren, has anyone told you not to offend an alchemist?"

"No." Tang Yiren shook his head.

"Then, remember this sentence now." Zhao Yang waved his hand after finishing speaking, "Don't let people disturb me."

Although Tang Yiren was full of doubts, he left obediently.

Zhao Yang opened the time domain immediately.

His purpose is to analyze the characteristics of this ethnic group by studying blood, so as to research the poison for this ethnic group.

That's right.


There are many kinds of poisons.

What Zhao Yang researched was toxins at the bloodline level.

This kind of toxin is only spread among the Xu clan, and the way of spreading is just to breathe.

Emperor Dan taught Zhao Yang not only alchemy, but also poison.

It's just that Zhao Yang never wanted to use it.

Blood poison is very insidious, which is devastating to any group.

But since the Xu Clan wanted to be the pawn of the Gu Clan, then Zhao Yang couldn't care less.

It took Zhao Yang a year in the time domain to research the blood toxin for the Xu clan.

"If the Xu Clan has the quasi-emperor peak, then the difficulty will be at least three times higher." Zhao Yang murmured.

And if this ethnic group has strong emperors, then the difficulty will not be as simple as three or five times.

After researching the blood toxins, Zhao Yang dipped the toxins into the whip, and then Zhao Yang called the guards in the cell and said, "Use these whips to whip those guys, remember, you must whip the ground to open the flesh."

"Of order." The guards said respectfully.

Soon the screams of those Xu clan could be heard in the prison cell.

Half an hour later, Zhao Yang came to the prison cell, those beaten Xu clan looked at Zhao Yang viciously.

"I know that your Xu clan is the pawn of the ancient clan, and our Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce doesn't want to continue to hate you. After discussion, we decided to let you go." Zhao Yang said slowly.

These Xuzu were all stunned.

what's the situation?

Zhao Yang wants to let them go?

Zhao Yang glanced at the guards around him, who unchained them and signaled them to leave.

These Xu people look at me and I look at you, but they finally lifted their feet and left the cell.

After leaving the territory of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, a Xu clan said, "Do you think the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce wants us to attract the big fish behind?"

"It's okay if we don't go to see the high-level."

"Makes sense."

"We're just spending time with people from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce."

What this guy doesn't know is that they are just a part of Zhao Yang's plan.

"Invoke the intelligence of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the Chunyang Sect, we must find the cultivators of the Xu Clan, and don't act rashly after you find them." Zhao Yang immediately ordered.

Following his order, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and the intelligence personnel of Chunyangzong used many means to desperately search for the monks of the Xu Clan.

Not to mention that after the two major forces spared no effort to search, they actually found some monks from the Xu clan, and these monks were personally given blood toxin by Tiandiyin, who was at the peak of quasi-emperor realm.

"Master, when will the blood toxin explode?"

"The time I set is three months." Zhao Yang said lightly, "There is no abnormality before the outbreak."

"So we have to find the monks of the Xu clan as soon as possible?"

"That's right." Zhao Yang nodded.

In the following time, the business of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce almost stopped.

This is also impossible.

Like a ghost, the guy from the quasi-emperor realm eighth heaven attacked six caravans back and forth, causing thousands of soldiers to be damaged.

"Why didn't that one attack the caravan followed by Tiandiyin, Zhuo Bufan, and Yinyangmu?" Tang Yiren looked at the information in his hand and suddenly thought of something.

"The Emperor Realm powerhouse is gone." Zhao Yang said with a sullen face.

"What do you mean?"

"Each of the powerful merchants in the business group that we sent has been deduced. As long as the master is involved, he will not make a move." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

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