Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1043 Flattening the Wild Beast Jungle

"It's time for us to leave here." Zhao Yang looked at Ruoxi and said.

At this time, Zhu Ya also entered his small world.

Ruoxi, Huang Qingming and Zhao Yang left here one after another.

And when they left, the remaining monks showed despair on their faces.

They know they have been abandoned.

"Senior, I want to know what will happen to us?" An old man asked tremblingly.

In fact, he already knew his ending before asking this sentence.

"The nourishment in the underworld." Following Ah Man's words, their faces were covered with horror.


When the three of Zhao Yang appeared in a jungle, they saw Peony Fairy.

Beside Peony Fairy stood thirty women from the Hundred Flowers Holy Land.

"Why did you three come out?" Fairy Peony looked at Zhao Yang in doubt and asked.

"Hurry up and take Shaoyao and the others into your small world." Zhao Yang said via voice transmission to Fairy Peony.

Peony Fairy didn't know why, but she did it anyway.

but failed.

"The small world cannot be opened." Fairy Peony frowned.

"It's a pity." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

"What's wrong?" Fairy Shaoyao hurriedly asked.

"We are now truly entering the wild beast jungle, and everyone who breaks into the wild beast jungle needs to defeat their holy son, so that they can walk out of the wild beast jungle alive." After Zhao Yang's voice fell, Shao Yao Fairy and others were shocked.

In fact, it wasn't just the monks from the Hundred Flowers Holy Land who were shocked at this moment, the mood of the monks in the seven restricted areas was also broken.

I thought that everyone would be happy after the emperor came out, but I never thought that there would be a fatal hurdle.

"Who did you listen to?" Wu Yan asked hastily.

"Who else could it be? But to be honest, I don't know if the current rules have been changed." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Forget it, take one step, count one step." Tai Shan sighed softly.

Taishan felt a little regretful, had he known that he would not come here?

As a result, among the dozens of masters who came with him, only these three were left, but he felt faintly that these three could not be protected anymore.

Before going far they encountered a wild beast.

"Where is your son?" Qingmo asked.

"Let me take you there." The beast said politely.

After walking for about two hours, we arrived at our destination.

This place really looks like a wild town.


Where is the grand view of the restricted area?

However, the savage beasts that come and go are stronger than the last.

They have seen no less than a hundred quasi-emperor-level powerhouses along the way.

"Emperor, they want to see you." The savage beast led everyone to a tall young man.

The boy was drinking with Lucy at this time.

When he saw Zhao Yang and his party, he put down his wine glass and said, "Since you have come to my wild beast jungle, you must abide by the rules of my wild beast jungle. In this way, the main thing is that you can defeat me and leave the wild beast smoothly." jungle."

"After defeating you, can I leave with my followers?" Wu Yan asked in a deep voice.

"No." The boy refused, "As long as it is a creature that breaks into my beast jungle, no matter who you are, you must fight against me."

"You are a little too strong." Qing Mo said with a gloomy face, "You are the emperor's son, and the only one who can compete with you is the emperor's son. How can these guys be your opponents?"

"Yes, if we don't defeat you, you can do whatever you want, but it's a bit too much for you to target our followers like this." The judge said sternly.

Seeing the emperors standing up one by one, the boy's mouth showed a slight sarcasm, "This is the rule of my beast jungle, you have no right to bargain."

"What should I do?" Qiongqi cast a gloomy glance at the emperor present.

"First, we are not absolutely sure of defeating this person." Faceless thought for a while and said, "Second, we are following our absolute confidants at this time, how could we let them stay here?"

"We have to think of a perfect plan." Wu Yan nodded and said.

"Why don't we pretend to be a snake?" After a while, the green demon said through voice transmission, "Which one of them has gone out, immediately report to their respective supremes, and let all the supremes join forces to attack this place."

"This method is good." The judge agreed, "I don't believe that the wild beast jungle can stop so many supreme beings?"

"That's it." Qiongqi responded.

After the seven emperors reached an agreement, they all looked at Zhao Yang in unison.

"Do you want to join us?" Green Demon invited.

"You do yours, we do ours." Zhao Yang refused.

Cooperating with these seven guys, God knows if it will be a trap?

"What should we do?" Ruoxi asked in a low voice.

"Let the Seven Great Emperors attack first." Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying, "I don't believe that the supreme beings in the restricted area don't ask."

"It is very likely that the supreme being in the restricted area will take us all in one piece." Huang Qingming said a possibility.

"We'll talk about it later." Zhao Yang said after glancing at Huang Qingming.

Blue Devil is the first challenger.

It's just that no one expected that the green devil was defeated.

"Why is this beast so strong?"

"Should we let Qiongqi play in the second round?"

"I think it's better to let Taishan go? Taishan's physical body is stronger than Qiongqi?"

After discussing for a while, the Seven Great Emperors decided to let Taishan play in the second game.

The second match was three days later.

Because the savage beast consumed a lot during the competition with the green devil, he needed three days to restore himself to his peak state.

The second match was also played in full view.

In order to win this battle, Tai Shan even risked his life for his own, and the savage beast was defeated.

"You win, you can go." The boy waved his hand towards Mount Tai.

After Taishan finished, the six emperors surrounded him.

"Taishan, our safety is in your hands." The judge said seriously.

"I'm probably not that guy's opponent, Taishan, you must report to the Supreme of my clan after you go back." Qiongqi confessed again and again.

No one wants to stay here, okay?

Taishan told them that he would tell the Supreme of the Titan family about it as soon as he left the wild beast jungle.

Tai Shan recovered a little and left here in a hurry.

As soon as he walked out of the beast jungle, a large number of monks surrounded him.

"Taishan, why did you come out?" A master of the Titan clan said in a deep voice.

"The Wild Beast Jungle has imprisoned us." Taishan said carefully, "All the emperors have been detained, please tell the Supremes."

"Can you tell me in detail." A quasi-emperor in the Underworld asked hastily.

Taishan described his experience in the beast jungle in detail.

"The savage jungle is too courageous."

"Yeah, how dare you detain the emperor of our clan? Does the wild beast jungle not want to live?"

"Push down the savage jungle."

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