No one in the restricted area has a good temper.

After hearing Taishan's words, these quasi-emperors immediately stated that they would push the wild beast jungle.

They think so, and they do so.


Because soon the Supremes of the seven restricted areas, the Supremes behind the Hundred Flowers Holy Land, Bi Luo of the Human Race, and the Nine Supremes all came here.

"Our goal this time is to push the savage beast jungle, so no matter what grievances we have before, we are standing in the same trench at this moment." The Supreme Lord of the Devil's Nest glanced at the audience and said.

In fact, not only are there conflicts between the restricted areas and the human race, but there are also conflicts between the major restricted areas. Otherwise, if the major restricted areas really work together, how can there be human races?

It is because the major restricted areas check and balance each other, which gives the human race an opportunity to take advantage of.

"No matter what is in the depths of the wild beast forest this time, we will wipe it out in one fell swoop." The Supreme behind the Hundred Flowers Holy Land said coldly.

The supreme being behind the Hundred Flowers Holy Land is a woman.

A coquettish woman.

A woman who looks dissolute.

But none of the supreme beings present dared to belittle her.

They knew that this woman was cruel and ruthless, and anyone who was confused by her was killed.


The Nine Great Sovereigns teamed up to kill the savage beast jungle.

The mighty imperial aura swept everything along the way.

They crush, they push, they kill.

And at the moment they shot, the Supreme of the Wild Beast Jungle woke up in an instant, and there was an aura flowing from it that made the world tremble, and then a pair of huge claws traversed the void and probed towards the Nine Supremes.

The Nine Supremes were furious.

what does it mean?

Do something against the Nine Supremes at the same time?

How dare it?

But when they really collided, the faces of the nine supreme beings all changed.

Including Biluo and the woman behind Baihua Holy Land, all of them were photographed.

"How is it possible?" the Supreme Lord of the Devil's Nest exclaimed.

"Even if this is the Great Emperor, shouldn't he be so strong?" the old man of Wuliang Mountain said in a concentrated voice.

"The Beast Jungle is not simple, it borrowed the power of the Beast Jungle just now." The supreme being from the underworld said with gloomy eyes.

"So there is an inexplicable power in the depths of the savage beast jungle?" The supreme being of the ferocious beast line seemed to realize something?

"I don't believe that he can always rely on this power." The Supreme of the Abyss Clan said solemnly.

The Nine Supremes quickly reached an agreement to fight with the one in the wild beast jungle.

one move.

Two strokes.

Three tricks.

Seeing that the nine supreme beings could not be suppressed for a long time, the one in the beast jungle was a little anxious.

It is indeed the existence of the Great Emperor Realm, and it has indeed borrowed the power of the wild beast jungle, but it thinks that it can sweep away many supreme beings.

It overestimated itself and underestimated this group of supreme beings.

"Let's go." After the two sides fought more than a dozen moves, a cold voice came from the depths of the beast jungle.

The Nine Supremes looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

The Supreme of the Wild Beast Jungle backed down.

what does this mean?

How do they not know?


Instead of retreating, the Nine Supremes gradually increased their offensive.

They went from the periphery at the beginning to the core of the jungle.

Now the Emperor of the Wild Beast Jungle couldn't calm down anymore, the Supreme of the Wild Beast Jungle told him that there is no need to worry about the Supreme of the Unexpected Realm.

But what's the situation now?

Qing Mo and the others looked at the flustered teenager jokingly.

Weren't you quite arrogant before?

Why are you not arrogant now?

"How?" Zhao Yang asked Tiandao of the small world.

"There is a powerful and terrifying energy in the depths of the wild beast forest. It is through this power that the supreme being of the wild beast jungle can deal with the nine supreme beings." Tiandao of the small world said solemnly.

"What is that power?"

"I can't perceive it now."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

Time passed little by little.

About half an hour later, a large number of wild beasts appeared beside the boy.

"We should go."

Among these savage beasts, there are even several quasi-emperor peaks.

Qing Mo and the others did not stop them.

This place is someone else's territory, if it attracts that person's attention, they may be wiped out.

"What do we do now?" the judge asked.

"Follow the Supreme." Qiongqi thought for a while and said, "There must be great opportunities in the depths of the wild beast jungle."

What Qiongqi thinks is also what everyone thinks.

After half a quarter of an hour, the Supreme appeared in their area, and they followed behind the Nine Supremes unhurriedly.

They noticed dead and wounded beasts everywhere along the way.

This is also normal.

Zhao Yang and the others were surrounded by the protection of the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun, so the aftermath of the battle would not hurt them.

But there are no masters around these wild beasts.

"The Beast Jungle is over." Faceless said with emotion.

"Who let the wild beasts die in the jungle?" Wu Yan sneered.

The beast jungle is too expansive.

Even if you are the Great Emperor, you shouldn't challenge so many restricted areas at the same time?

Gradually, Zhao Yang and the others saw a cave from a distance. An ugly middle-aged man stood at the entrance of the cave. At this time, he was looking fiercely at the Nine Supremes in front of him.

The hole behind it is exuding billowing energy, which was led into his body by the middle-aged man. This is the reason why he is able to fight the Nine Supremes?

"What the hell is in the cave?"

"Do you think it may be ordinary energy that can be used by the Supreme for a long time?"

"It's too wasteful."

"You said that the beast jungle is so powerful, is it because of the cave behind it?"

While the big emperors were discussing, Zhao Yang also asked the Heavenly Dao of the small world.

"Qingjiang." After a while, Tiandao of the small world said in shock.


"The nectar is a gift from God." Tiandao of the small world said quickly, "This kind of resource is very rare. I didn't expect it to be found by the Supreme of the Wild Beast Jungle."

"What's the use of nectar?"

"First, fine nectar can cleanse oneself and remove the impurities of the cultivator." Speaking of this, the Heavenly Dao of the small world said again, "Even if it has some effect on ordinary emperors, why are the emperors in the beast forest so powerful? It may be due to the good wine."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang knew that Qiongjiang was useless to him.

"Second, fine nectar can speed up the speed of cultivation, which is also useful to you."

"Thirdly, fine nectar can even be used by the powerful in the imperial realm. Isn't it being used by the Supreme of the Wild Beast Jungle at this moment?"

Following the small world's way of heaven, Zhao Yang hurriedly said, "Can you grab some?"

"The Supreme of the Wild Beast Jungle hasn't been hit hard yet, I have to take advantage of it when it hits hard." The Heavenly Dao of the Small World has the ability to hide the world, but it can't grab the wine under the nose of others, right?

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