Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1042 Discharge of Impurities

"This is for you." The middle-aged man handed Zhao Yang a jade bottle.

Zhao Yang scanned with his spiritual sense and found a drop of water in the jade bottle.

However, this drop of water contained terrifying fluctuations, which made Zhao Yang look shocked.

Imperial realm?

There is absolutely no such fluctuation in the ordinary emperor realm?

"Senior, are you sure I can take this tear?" Zhao Yang said with some anxiety.

He was worried about being blown up.

"Don't worry, this tear is far more miraculous than you imagined." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

After Zhao Yang hesitated for a while, he still drank the tear.

After that drop of tear entered his body, Zhao Yang suddenly felt agitated in his body.

he has a dry mouth;

He is hot.

Gradually, pain appeared on Zhao Yang's face.

"Tears are tempering your body." The middle-aged man said.

Gradually, traces of impurities gushed out of Zhao Yang's pores. Seeing this scene, Zhao Yang was stunned.

He originally thought that his physique was already very pure, but only now did he realize that his thinking was simple after all.

After about half a quarter of an hour passed, the hot feeling finally disappeared.

"It seems that there are not many impurities removed." Zhao Yang said dumbfounded.

"The removal of impurities is a long-term process." The middle-aged man said with a smile, "It will be cleaned up for you at one time, and tears are worried that your body will not be able to bear it."

"Can it still be conscious?" Zhao Yang was stunned.


Hearing this, Zhao Yang felt a creepy feeling, "Don't scare me."

"Don't worry, when I say conscious, I mean it will help you, but it won't affect your own consciousness." The middle-aged man said softly.

Only then did Zhao Yang breathe a sigh of relief.

"My cultivation seems to have increased a bit."

"You start taking it from the quasi-emperor realm, and you may go further in the future." The middle-aged man said seriously.

"I haven't asked senior's name yet." Zhao Yang bowed to the middle-aged man.

"I'm from a barbarian tribe, so call me Ah Man from now on." The middle-aged man thought for a while before saying.

Zhao Yang suddenly realized that Ah Man didn't want to tell his real name.

Of course he would not continue to ask without winking.

"Senior Ah Man, can you give me a hole card?" Zhao Yang said shyly.

"You want me to deal with restricted areas?"


"Do you know why I'm in this place where the birds don't shit?"


"Do you know where this place is?"

"The underworld?"

"At the end of the underworld, there is an unrivaled monster. I met it when I was wandering through the underworld, but that one almost slapped me to death." Having said this, Ah Man's face was still full of horror, "The one who asked me to guard Here, no leave without its order."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang was shocked.

"How is that person's strength?" Zhao Yang asked cautiously.

"I couldn't see through that person's cultivation before, but now I think it is at least the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm." Ah Man said here and secretly glanced at the depths of Huangquan, "I will help you when you reach the fourth heaven in the future." I beat it."

"Can't you beat it when you reach the fourth heaven?"

"I don't think I am its opponent when I reach the Fourth Heaven." Ah Man said with some embarrassment.

Now Zhao Yang feels more and more that the water in Xianyu is too deep.

"Did you leave the Beast Jungle after going out from here?" Zhao Yang decided to change the subject.

"After going out from here, you will officially enter the Wild Beast Forest." Ah Man's words made Zhao Yang at a loss for what to say.

It took a while for Zhao Yang to ask, "I want to know how I can leave the Wild Beast Jungle?"

"I am no longer in charge of the beast jungle." Ah Man looked at Zhao Yang and said, "If you want to get out of the beast jungle, you need to defeat the emperor of the beast jungle."

"That's fine."

"Everyone who enters the wild beast jungle needs to defeat the son of the wild beast jungle."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's expression suddenly changed.

Isn't this embarrassing?

"Can I take the clansmen into the small world later?"

"Normally it's not allowed, but I'm making an exception for you."

"Thank you."

"Remember, come and help me when I arrive at the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"it is good."

Then Ah Man sent Zhao Yang back to the room.

Seeing Zhao Yang return to the room so quickly, many human races present showed bitterness.


Zhao Yang came back too fast.

In terms of time, is it not as long as Peony Fairy?

"How many levels have you reached?" Huang Qingming asked in a deep voice.

"The fourth level." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"The fourth level?" Huang Qingming was shocked.

Huang Qingming didn't pass the second level, okay?

"My son, you said you passed the fourth level?" an old man asked excitedly.

"Yes, after passing the fourth level, you can all leave here." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Thousands of people immediately cheered and jumped up.

As for the rest of the monks, they are like mourning concubines.

They didn't expect Zhao Yang to be so powerful that he saved thousands of human races present.

"There is one more question." Zhao Yang glanced at the crowd and said, "After we leave here, we will really enter the wild jungle."


Ruoxi and the others were stunned.

They thought they would go out after leaving here, but Zhao Yang told them to leave here before they really entered the wild beast jungle.

"After entering the wild beast forest, you need to defeat the son of the wild beast forest, otherwise you will not be able to leave the wild beast jungle." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "everyone who breaks into the wild beast jungle needs to do this."

"What if my cultivation level is higher than that of the emperor's son in the wild beast jungle?" asked a quasi-emperor fifth heaven expert.

"Wait until the emperor of the wild beast jungle reaches the fifth heaven, and then you will compete again."

"You mean I have to stay in the beast jungle during this period?"


Everyone was in a mess when they heard this.

Are you kidding me?

That's the emperor.

Who can win?

"Then what should we do now?" A girl asked with a sad face.

"I ask Senior, he specifically allows you to enter the small world." Zhao Yang said softly.

Don't mention how happy you are to hear this.

With Zhao Yang's strength, there must be no problem in defeating the sons of the Wild Beast Jungle. In other words, they can leave the Wild Beast Jungle safe and sound.

Zhao Yang glanced at Tanlang.

Tanlang stood up and said, "Just follow Zhao Yang and enter my small world."

Everyone expressed their understanding.

Zhao Yang is the emperor's son.

His small world is probably not as simple as imagined, so it is reasonable to go through the procedure of Tanlang.

Some monks entered the small world of Tanlang, and some monks entered the small world of the second general.

Then Tan Lang entered Zhao Yang's small world, and the second god general entered Huang Qingming's small world.

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