Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1039 Elf Princess

The master of Jubaozhai looked at Shengzi Jinzi.

"Do as Zhao Yang said." Jin Zi pondered for a while before saying.

In fact, Jin Zi was very unhappy with Zhao Yang, but Huang Qingming had put aside his grievances at this time, but it was not good for him to stop cooperating.

The disciples of Sky Palace are Ruoxi and Taoist.

Therefore, Firmament Palace will definitely cooperate unconditionally. As for the other masters of the human race, who would question Zhao Yang at this time?

"Zhao Yang, is it going to be so exhausting all the time?" Huang Qingming looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"Which of the emperors does not have the means of the emperor, I don't believe how long these emperors can last?" Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission in a small area.

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed a sudden realization.

Zhao Yang is waiting for those emperors to make a move.

This world is destined to be cruel.

Because with the passage of time, those without the protection of masters were ignited and burned under the action of high temperature.

Gradually their flesh and bones melted and turned into a pool of blood, seeping into the ground of the hall.

"Zhao Yang, did you find anything?" Qing Mo shouted at Zhao Yang.

"No." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"Are we just waiting to die like this?" the judge said unwillingly.

"You all have the decrees of the powerful emperors in your hands. What are you doing hiding at this time?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "With all due respect, if you don't have ten or eight decrees, you won't be able to defeat them at all."

"Where's your decree?" Faceless shouted towards Zhao Yang.

"It was consumed before." Zhao Yang glanced at Qingmo at this point.

The green devil looked embarrassed.

Of course he knew who Zhao Yang was talking about?

"Emperors, I beg you, please issue a decree." An old man begged.

"Yes, all emperors, you will have to use the decree sooner or later, it is better to consume it now." An old woman shouted loudly.

"Our death means nothing to you, please use the decree."

Those monks who were about to fall kept pleading with the emperors present.

After some hesitation, Qingmo and the others decided to use the decree.

Those guys were right.

Sooner or later, the decree must be used, so it is better to use it now.

Soon the seven emperors, including Qingmo, Judge, Wuyan, Wulian, Taishan, Qiongqi, and Bonke, took out a decree.

The moment the seven decrees were torn apart, seven silhouettes connecting the sky and the earth appeared in the hall.

These seven figures, with a destructive aura flowing from their bodies, made the entire ancient bronze palace tremble.

However, the ancient bronze temple bloomed with eternal brilliance, and the brilliance turned into streaks of horses and blasted towards the seven figures.

The seven figures suddenly became angry.

They used the supernatural powers of the emperor.


The entire ancient bronze temple vibrated violently, making a clicking sound.

After a few breaths, it suddenly shattered, and terrifying power poured out towards many monks.

Even if Tanlang and other human masters tried their best to turn their original power, that force still submerged their bodies. Just when they thought they were about to fall this time, an invisible force spread silently, covering Tanlang The wolf and others sheltered in it.

After the dust cleared, apart from the thousands of monks from the human race, there were only monks from the seven restricted areas left.

As for the rest of the monks, all fell.

"What happened just now?" Everyone's faces showed horror.

The second general and other masters couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang.

If it weren't for Zhao Yang's body that was filled with the fluctuations of the emperor's realm just now, it is absolutely impossible for them to survive even at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor.

"There are more than 30 monks, and there are more than 1 monks left." The judge looked at the scene around him and sighed.

"Damn Xianbei and Gutong." Wu Yan said, his eyes were full of ferocious killing intent.

If the decree hadn't protected them at the last critical moment, they might have lost here too.

The green-haired girl in the distance watched this scene with a livid face.

This ancient bronze palace is the imperial weapon of their elves.

Now it is destroyed?

How can she not be angry?

Xianbei and Gutong stood beside the green-haired girl, their faces were full of astonishment.

"Aren't you the ancient bronze temple that can stop them?" Gu Tong asked dumbfounded.

"Who would have thought that they have imperial means in their hands?" the green-haired girl said angrily.

Everyone followed the voice and saw the green-haired girl.

The green-haired girl is very beautiful, as stunning as Qiong Yao.

But no one will be fooled by her beauty.

"Elf saint, you are quite courageous." Fairy Peony looked at the green-haired girl angrily and said.

If she hadn't relied on Shao Yao's relationship to stand in the human team, she would never have survived the blow just now.

The elf saint gave Peony Fairy a gloomy look, "It's a pity that your blood was not extracted."

"What nonsense are you talking to her?" Tai Shan shouted, "Kill her."

"Kill her." The green demon pointed at the green-haired girl.

Just as everyone approached, the green-haired girl raised the scepter in her hand, and the scepter bloomed with the coercion of the emperor.

The monks present retreated one after another.

"Emperor realm magic weapon."

"How can we fight here?"

"Whose hand does the magic weapon of the imperial realm depend on?"

"I don't believe how much power the saint of the elves can exert?"

While everyone was discussing, an old woman appeared beside the elf saint.

"If Lucy can't do it, what about the old man?" The old woman took the scepter from Lucy's hand and said calmly.

The old man exuded the fluctuations of Zhundi's peak, which made Tanlang and other Zhundi's peak feel the pressure.

"Zhao Yang, is the Chunyang Sword on you?" Tanlang said to Zhao Yang via voice transmission.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"The Chunyang Sword is the Emperor Sword."

Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

Back then, Zhao Yang guessed that the Chunyang Sword might be a magic weapon of the Emperor Realm.

Later, Tiandao from the small world told Zhao Yang that the Chunyang Sword was a genuine Emperor Sword.

Only those in the imperial realm can truly display the true power of the Pure Yang Sword.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "We have no deep hatred with the elves, so there is no need to confront her at this time."

Lucy can make Xianbei and Gutong follow her willingly, even if you think about it with your toes, you can know that this is not easy?

"I don't understand why you want to treat us like this?" Wu Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Revenge." Lucy said here with deep hatred in her eyes, "1 years ago, my elves had three emperor-level powerhouses, and one of them was a emperor-level existence. As a result, the forbidden areas and many holy places joined forces Attack my elves."

"In the first battle, the three great emperors of the elves died in battle, hundreds of quasi-emperors died in battle, thousands of saints died in battle, and tens of thousands of quasi-sages died in battle." Lucy's eyes turned red as she said, "you The clans of all are executioners."

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