Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1038 Bronze Hall

"How strong is the immortal race?" Tai Shan from the Titan lineage stepped forward.

"Yes, I also want to know how strong your fairy clan is?" Fairy Peony's phoenix eyes were full of murderous intent.

"If you don't give us an explanation today, neither of you can leave alive." The faceless of the abyss clan said coldly.

Seeing these emperors persecute Xianbei one by one, I can't wait to tear these guys to pieces.

"What should I do?" Gu Tong asked a little uneasy.

Xianbei fell silent.

After a while, he grabbed Gu Tong and jumped towards Huang Quan.


Xianbei pulled Gutong to commit suicide?

Immediately they noticed a red flower appeared in the underworld.

The two of them stepped on the red flower and swam downstream.

"What is that flower?"

"It seems to be the legendary Bana flower."

"Isn't the other shore flower born by the Yellow Spring River?"

"It seems that the legend is not credible."

"It seems that if you want to cross the river, you need to step on the flowers on the other side."

While everyone was discussing, one after another Bianhua appeared in Huangquan.

Everyone hesitated again and again, but stepped on the other shore flower and marched downstream.

One Bana flower can carry two monks, so Zhao Yang and Zhu Ya stepped on one.

The Bianhua was moving very fast, and it didn't take long for the Bianhua to sink.

This made everyone panic.

Fortunately, in the process of sinking, the other shore flower bloomed a strange red light to envelop everyone.

I don't know how long it took for everyone to find themselves in front of a huge palace.

Xianbei and Gutong are also in front of the palace gate.

"I know you want to trouble me, but what I want to tell you is that there are many time bugs in this palace." Xianbei pointed to the palace and said in a deep voice.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this.

However, there were also some monks who showed doubts on their faces.

They didn't believe Xianbei's words.

"Judge, do you think his words are credible?" Qingmo asked.

"The palace here is definitely not the one deep in my underworld, so I don't know if there is a time bug in this palace." The judge looked at it for a while and said in a deep voice.

"Xianbei, what do you know?" Wu Yan shouted.

"Since you don't believe me, I'll help you find a way." Xianbei said so and gave Gu Tong a look, and then the two came to the bronze gate together.

When the two pushed a door respectively, blood-like brilliance filled the air.

Zhao Yang couldn't help but frowned.

"There are evil things in the bronze gate." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang practiced the power of pure yang, he is very sensitive to evil things.

When the two doors were pushed open to a certain extent, there was a hissing sound, and then one after another huge bats flew out of the ancient bronze temple.

"Ghost-headed bat."

"How can there be such a dirty thing in the ancient bronze temple?"

"Not good, how come there is a ghost-headed bat in the quasi-emperor realm?"

"Seniors, are you still not making a move?"

This time, there are quite a few high-level Zhundi who followed, even the peak Zhundi.

But these guys are wise to protect themselves, they only protect their own ethnic groups.

"Kill." When everyone attacked one after another, Xianbei and Gutong got into the bronze hall.

The strange thing is that the ghost-headed bat didn't hurt them both.

"Help me track those two." Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to Tiandao in the small world.

"Okay." Tiandao of the small world replied.

There are many ghost-headed bats, but they can't stop the massacre of so many masters.

Within a few minutes, the tens of thousands of ghost-headed bats that poured out were completely killed.

"Where did Xianbei and Gutong go?"

"Those two got the hell out of there."

"Both of them must be in the palace."

"It's just that have you ever thought that we may encounter black hands after we go in?"

"The problem is we don't seem to have any other choice but to move forward."

How to go back?

The other shore flowers are gone.

Where can they go back?

"Maybe you will die if you move forward, but if you don't move forward, you will die." Green Demon gritted his teeth and led the guardian towards the hall.

"We have no other choice." Wu Yan led the guardian into the hall.

Fairy Ruoxi looked at Zhao Yang.

"Let's go in too." Zhao Yang said lightly.

A picture appeared in the heaven of the small world, and there were two guys, Xianbei and Gutong, in the picture.

At this time, there was a green-haired girl in front of the two of them.

The girl has a pair of pointed ears, and her delicate facial features are flawless.

This is a beautiful woman who is as beautiful as Zhong Tiandi.

She stroked the golden scepter in her hand, and after a while her eyes fell on the two of them, "The two of you have led those arrogances into the hall?"

"Yes." Xianbei looked at the girl solemnly and said, "When can you give us the Wanling Liquid that you promised us before?"

"The current Wanling Liquid doesn't work well. I can give you the Wanling Liquid when all the emperors are damaged." The green-haired girl said with a smile.

"You'd better not lie to us." Gu Tong said calmly.

Taking such a big risk this time, but in the end if they don't get the panacea, the two of them will have no place to cry.


When tens of thousands of monks entered the main hall, the door was slammed shut, and then a terrible sense of oppression permeated every monk's heart.

"There is no portal here."

"Where did Xianbei and Gutong go?"

"There must be a secret passage."

"If there is no secret passage, it will definitely be able to shatter the space."

Some quasi-emperors have already tried to tear apart the space, but unfortunately the space here is so strong that it cannot be torn apart at all.

"Why did the temperature here suddenly rise?"

"I feel it too."

As time went by, everyone found that the temperature had reached an unbearable level.

"Could the other party want to refine us?"

"It's possible."

"If there is a chance, I will definitely kill Xianbei and Gutong."

"These two bastards." The emperors present cursed angrily.

But the temperature keeps rising.

Even fine sweat appeared on Zhu Ya's forehead.

"What should I do?" Fairy Ruoxi said in a deep voice.

"Actually, all the emperors have methods, but these guys are still hiding." Zhao Yang said via voice transmission.


"Which of these emperors do you think has no decree in their hands?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"Then what should we do now?" Fairy Ruoxi asked after thinking about it.

"Humans come to our side." Zhao Yang said loudly.

Soon more than 2000 people came to Zhao Yang's surroundings.

Even the monks from Tiandaozong and Jubaozhai arrived.

"The powerhouse at the peak of Zhundi is on the outermost side."

"The high-ranking quasi-emperors are outside."

"The next one of the quasi-emperor middle class."

Following Zhao Yang's order, the top leaders of Tiandaozong all looked at Huang Qingming.

"Do as Zhao Yang says."

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