Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1040 Precious quota

"So you are the remnant of the elves." Qingmo looked at Lucy and sneered.

"I will kill you all in the future." Lucy glanced at Qing Mo and said.

"You have to have that ability too." Qing Mo said without fear.

"Let's go." Lucy glanced at the old woman beside her.

The old woman nodded.

When Lucy and the others walked towards the distance, they followed behind Lucy.

As we walked, an ancient temple appeared in front of us.

The ancient temple looks dilapidated, with a dilapidated door.

But everyone looked very dignified.

Don't you think it's weird to see a broken temple here?

I saw Lucy kneeling at the entrance of the ruined temple, "Senior, I want to leave here."


Could it be that the strong man in the imperial realm sits in the ruined temple?

"I didn't stop you from coming in, so of course I won't stop you from going out." At this moment, a gentle voice sounded from the ruined temple.

"Thank you, senior." Lucy said and stood up.

She took Xianbei and others into the ruined temple.

Immediately, their figures disappeared.

"what should we do?"

You look at me, I look at you.

Do you want to learn from Lucy and kneel down?

After thinking about it, they decided to go directly to the ruined temple.

After entering the ruined temple, everyone realized that they had entered a huge room.

Everyone looked at each other.

This is where?

At this moment, a cold voice resounded in the audience.

"If you want to leave the underworld, you need to accept my test."

"Where's Lucy?" Wu Yan frowned.

"Lucy has been tested by me before."

"What is the test?" Qingmo said coldly.

"The test is an opportunity for you." The voice said slowly, "As long as you pass the test, you will get corresponding rewards."

"What if you don't pass the test?" Tai Shan asked with a thought.

"Then you can only stay here forever." The voice said lightly.

Everyone was stunned.


Did you feel that the test was not that simple?

"What is the content of the test?" Fairy Peony asked.

"I will give you an opponent, and as long as you defeat it, you can leave." The voice paused and said, "As a reward, I will give you a bronze warship from the fourth heaven of quasi-emperor realm." car, and you can take three people away at the same time."

"Three people?" Hearing that, most of the monks present here turned ugly.

There is no doubt that those who are qualified to participate in this battle are all emperors.

"If you defeat the second opponent I gave you, then you can get a bronze chariot from the sixth heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and you can also take ten people away."

"If you defeat the third opponent I gave you, then you can get a bronze chariot from the eighth heaven of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and at the same time you can take 100 people away."

The man stopped here.

Zhao Yang frowned and said, "Where is the fourth opponent?"

There are thousands of people here.

You can only take a hundred people away, what about the rest?

"Haha, do you still want to beat the fourth opponent I gave you?"

"I have this idea." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"If you can defeat the fourth opponent I gave you, then you can get a bronze chariot at the peak of quasi-emperor realm, and at the same time, you can take all your clansmen away."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up.

"The rules have been told to you, who will come first now?"

"Me." Taishan was the first to stand up.

Immediately, Taishan's figure disappeared in place.

It didn't take long for Taishan to return here dejectedly.

"Taishan, how are you?" Green Demon asked hastily.

"I have never fought the second opponent that was arranged." Taishan said with a wry smile.

"Okay, Taishan, you can take the three of you away." When the voice sounded, a bronze chariot appeared in front of him.

This time dozens of Titans came, but Taishan could only choose three.

He pondered for a while and chose three.

"Everyone, I'm sorry." Tai Shan said bitterly.

Taishan tried his best.

But at this point he could only say sorry.

When Taishan left with the three monks from the Titan race, the remaining monks became anxious.

Taishan only defeated the first opponent, so could it be that Qingmo can defeat the second opponent?In other words, so what if the Blue Demon defeated the second opponent?

The green devil can only bring ten clansmen, okay?

Everyone's guess is correct.

Indeed, Qing Mo only defeated the first opponent arranged by that person, and Qing Mo left with the trio of people in a state of despair.

Why doesn't the green devil want to leave with all the clansmen?

It's a pity that he doesn't have that strength.

After the Blue Demon, Judge, Faceless and others attacked one after another, and they were all eliminated by the second opponent without exception.

Soon there were only the Hundred Flowers Holy Land lineage and the human race left in the field.

"It's my turn." Fairy Peony glanced at Zhao Yang and said.

Hundred Flowers Holy Land has many masters coming this time, Peony Fairy has to defeat at least the third opponent, otherwise there will be many masters left in Hundred Flowers Holy Land.

Peony Fairy took a long time to go this time, everyone waited about three times longer than other emperors, and Peony Fairy came out covered in blood.

A look of unwillingness appeared on her face, facing the monks from the Hundred Flowers Holy Land who came up, "I'm sorry."

A woman from the Hundred Flowers Holy Land here replied, "You have tried your best."

"Yeah, you don't have to blame yourself."

"This is our fate."

Saying so, but Peony Fairy is still full of self-blame.

"It's time for you to challenge, remember, thirty places." The voice rang out in the audience.

After some hesitation, Peony Fairy chose thirty places.

These include Peony Fairy and Gardenia Fairy.

"Let's go first." Fairy Shaoyao reluctantly said.

"I'll wait for you outside." Gardenia Fairy said softly.

"Don't wait for me." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "It's dangerous here, you go back first."

"Okay." Gardenia Fairy nodded.

After Fairy Peony left with thirty masters from the Hundred Flowers Holy Land, only Zhao Yang and Ruoxi were left as the emperors here.

"I'll go first." Ruoxi said softly.

Zhao Yang nodded.

Not long after, Ruoxi came back with a bitter face.

"How?" Ruoxi's guardian asked hastily.

To be honest, Ruoxi's guardian doesn't worry about her own safety at all. She feels that no matter how scumbag Ruoxi is, she can defeat her first opponent. What she cares about is whether Ruoxi can take away more human races.

"I have never fought the second opponent." Ruoxi's words made many human races look regretful.

"According to the rules, you can take away three people." The voice rang out in the audience at the same time that Ruoxi appeared in front of Ruoxi's bronze chariot of Quasi-Emperor Realm Fourth Heaven.

"Senior, can I wait and choose again?" Ruoxi asked after thinking about it.

"Okay." The voice replied.

"It's my turn." Zhao Yang said at this time.

And the eyes of the audience all fell on Zhao Yang, they really wanted to know if Zhao Yang could create a miracle?

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