The old man declined, "Emperor, you are the hope of the human race, how can I ask for your anti-drug pill?"

"I am an alchemist, and I must have persisted longer than you." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"The old man is about to rot, and he will die when he dies. Nothing will happen to the emperor." The old man knelt down on one knee in front of Zhao Yang, "Please take good care of your body, the emperor."

Zhao Yang was moved.

He didn't expect the old man to treat him like this.

"I have experienced the chaos in the fairy court. In that era, human life was worthless. This kind of thing can't happen again." After throwing the elixir to Zhao Yang, the old man resolutely rushed towards Huangquan.

But when he was about to rush into the river, he was stopped by Zhao Yang's divine sense.

"Things have not yet reached a desperate situation, who told you to commit suicide?" Zhao Yang glared at the old man and said, "I will take this anti-drug pill." As he spoke, Zhao Yang swallowed the anti-drug pill in front of the old man. Dan.

A smile appeared on the old man's face.

"If the emperor has a chance to escape, don't worry about our lives." The old man said seriously.

The old man is a saint.

He has been through too much.

Life and death have long been underestimated, and what he cares about is the ethnic group.

When he saw Zhao Yang beheading Tongyou powerfully, he seemed to see the powerful Immortal Emperor back then.

Which restricted area dares to stab, that restricted area will be conquered.

The poisonous fog continued to spread.

Gradually more and more monks fell.

Not long after, there were less than [-] monks left here.

"Zhao Yang, are we going to die here today?" Fairy Shaoyao asked Zhao Yang's hand.

Zhao Yang was silent.

He found that he was no longer in touch with the Heavenly Dao of the Small World.

"Zhao Yang, I will burn my soul later and try to send you to the opposite side of Huangquan." Tanlang said solemnly at this time.

Tanlang knew that Zhao Yang was the future of Chunyangzong and the hope of the human race.

There must be nothing wrong with him.

"No." Zhao Yang refused decisively.

"Zhao Yang, now is not the time to be arrogant." Tanlang said in a deep voice, "As long as you survive, the human race will have hope."

"Stop talking." Zhao Yang said a little irritably.

His mind was racing rapidly.

Suddenly Zhao Yang saw Xianbei and Gutong.

There was no panic on their faces.

It seems that what invaded was not poisonous fog at all.

Why are they so calm?

Zhao Yang believed that once covered by the poisonous mist, even those at the peak of Zhundi would not be able to live. Why would Xianbei and Gutong be safe?

Unless they have a powerful emperor around them?

and many more.

Zhao Yang suddenly realized what he had missed?

If the strong man can save the two of them, why can't he contact the heaven of the small world?

The way of heaven in the small world is also a strong emperor, okay?


Zhao Yang came to his senses suddenly.

"Illusion." Zhao Yang's eyes lit up.

"What did you say?" Tanlang standing beside Zhao Yang asked in confusion.

"Illusion." Zhao Yang said loudly, "We have all fallen into an illusion, and what we are currently experiencing is an illusion."

The audience was in an uproar.


"What do you mean?"

"Is it possible? So many monks entered the illusion together?"

"Yes, Zhao Yang must be crazy, right?"

Zhao Yang noticed that when he said the illusion, the faces of Xianbei and Gu Tong showed panic.

This further confirmed Zhao Yang's guess.

"I can tell you responsibly that we are all in an illusion." Zhao Yang's voice sounded like thunder in the audience, "This illusion is very clever, as long as we think that Huang Quan can kill us, then Huang Quan will kill us." can kill us. As long as we think the fog is going to kill us, the fog will kill us."

"The monks who fell before were really dead, because they were killed by the illusion." Zhao Yang continued, "As long as we firmly believe that everything in front of us is fake, then we will be fine."

"Now I can tell you responsibly that this poisonous mist is fake, and so is the underworld." Zhao Yang's words made many monks present fall into deep thought.

"Zhao Yang, who do you think will believe your nonsense?" Gu Tong sneered.

"Xianbei, Gu Tong, I have been paying attention to you from the very beginning. I found that you two have been very calm. Even if more than 20 monks have fallen, your expressions have not changed much. This is abnormal in itself." Zhao Yang Pointing to the ancient passage, "Why do you two dare to be so calm, then there is only one possibility, you two firmly believe that you will not die."

"This is an illusion." Zhao Yang said and walked towards the poisonous mist with big strides.


two steps.

Three steps!

After Zhao Yang walked dozens of steps, the poisonous fog drowned Zhao Yang's figure.

But Zhao Yang acted like nothing happened.

"I've said it before, this is an illusion. As long as you can keep your heart, then the illusion will be destroyed by itself." Zhao Yang's voice resounded through the audience again.

Seeing how the monks present here did not realize that what Zhao Yang said was true.

They walked towards the poisonous fog one after another.

And the poisonous mist never hurt them again.



"I am fine."

"I'm fine too."

"Those monks were killed by the illusion."

As time went by, more and more monks came out of the illusion.

After walking out of the illusion, they saw hundreds of thousands of monks who fell to the ground.

These monks have already fallen, and there is no temperature on their bodies.

Their faces were full of horror, as if they had suffered great pain during their lifetime.

Everyone was silent.

They knew that these monks all died in the illusion.

When the poisonous fog cleared they saw a river.

That's right.

Yellow Springs.

"The Yellow Spring is real, and the poisonous mist is fake."

"Damn, I remember a few unlucky guys jumped into the underworld just now."

"Actually, I just want to know if we are in an illusion or reality at this time?"

"I think it is necessary to ask Xianbei this question."

At this time, the remaining monks all looked at Xianbei and Gutong with cold expressions.

Xianbei's face was ugly, "What do you want to do?"

"Shouldn't you explain it?" The judge sneered, "It was you who lured us in before, and you were the one who was calm in that situation just now."

"Xianbei, if you don't give us an explanation today, you don't want to leave safely." Qingmo said through gritted teeth.

Can the green devil not be angry?

If it weren't for Zhao Yang today, he would probably have fallen into the illusion.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Xianbei snorted coldly.

"Xianbei, if you can't explain why today, then don't blame us for not showing affection." When Wu Yan said this, there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

"Isn't everyone in the fairy clan able to persecute them?" Xianbei roared angrily.

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