Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1036 Poisonous Mist

Just as some monks were whispering, thousands of Poison King Peaks suddenly appeared in front of them.

These poisonous queen bees turned out to be at the level of saints, and the leader was even at the level of great saints.

They appear suddenly, without warning.

Hundreds of monks who couldn't dodge were killed, and then died of poison.

"It's too dangerous here."

"I'm getting out of here."

"Take me one."

Some monks collapsed after seeing this scene.

That hasn't gone far, so many people have died.

It was only after these monks reached the edge of the wild jungle that they found an invisible sky blocking their way.

"I'll do it." A great sage held a battle sword and sacrificed a sword.

The sky didn't budge.

"what's the situation?"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"It's no wonder no one has come out of the wild beast jungle these years. The wild beast jungle can't get in, but can't get out."

Just when these monks showed despair, a quasi-emperor made a move.

The terrifying fist turned into a black bear, and the black bear ran towards the sky and slammed into it.

The sky is safe and sound.

"Emperor Zhun's four heavens can't be broken."

Now even many guys in the Holy Land couldn't calm down.

"I'll do it." Ba Dao in black appeared.

Ba Dao made a cut.

This knife even changed the color of the world.

But it is a pity that it still could not be broken.

The audience was in an uproar.

Now even those in the restricted area can't calm down anymore.

Ba Dao is the existence of the pinnacle of Emperor Zhun, even someone like him can't shake it, let alone other monks.

"What should I do?" Fairy Ruoxi looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously.

"It's no wonder the Supreme Being hasn't been there all these years." Zhao Yang said softly, "For now, we can only take one step at a time."

"Everyone, be careful." Fairy Shaoyao said in a deep voice.

At this time, everyone knew that they had boarded the pirate ship, so they could only bite the bullet and walk forward.

Gradually more and more monks fell.

"Thirty thousand monks have already fallen." Gardenia Fairy said with emotion.

Those who dare to come in at least have the cultivation base of a quasi-sage.

Of course, among the [-] monks who fell, there were also many saints.

Zhao Yang's side is still safe for now.

One is that they are quasi-emperor-level existences, and the other is that Greedy Wolf has been guarding all around.

"Brother, did you know this place back then?" Zhao Yang asked Tanlang.

"I know, this place was a forbidden area back then, and no one dared to touch it easily." Tan Lang looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously when he said this, "Is there any emperor-level powerhouse by your side?"

"What do you ask for this?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? There is definitely a Supreme here. If the Supreme makes a move, do you think I can stop it?"


Greedy Wolf is relieved to hear this.

"But the one next to me is inconvenient to show up." Zhao Yang added.

"You..." Tanlang thought in his heart, could it be that he was injured?

What he didn't know was that the strong man in the imperial realm that Zhao Yang said was actually the way of heaven in his small world.

The rules of heaven in that small world are not yet perfect, in other words, it does not support it to do it for a long time.

Furthermore, this is the way of the small world.

God knows what will happen if other emperors find out?

Is this why Zhao Yang deliberately hid it?

"It's better than nothing." Tanlang said after a while, "Furthermore, I don't believe that the supreme being in the restricted area doesn't care about these guys' life or death."

Walking and walking, a river blocked the way of everyone.

This river is very long, and there is no end in sight.

"Huangquan." At this time, the judge of the underworld was shocked.

"Huangquan?" Qiongqi looked at the judge and said, "Isn't Huangquan deep in the underworld?"

"Who says it's not?" The judge said with an extremely solemn expression.

"Can we go in Huangquan?" Qingmo asked.

"Even the strong in the imperial realm can't go in for a long time, let's forget it." The judge shook his head.

"Then what should we do?" Wu Yan asked in surprise.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" The judge glanced at Wuyan.

At this moment, thick smoke appeared behind everyone, and the smoke slowly approached them.

"Why is there thick smoke here?"

"No, the smoke is highly poisonous."

"Isn't this forcing us to dance to hell?"

"Huang Quan will die [-]% if he jumps, okay?"

The monks on the periphery festered and died within a few breaths after coming into contact with the thick smoke.

After seeing this scene, everyone ran desperately towards the shore of Huangquan.

It's just that there are only those places on the shore of Huangquan, so everyone has to fly in the air.

It's just that when they vacated, they found that there was also a sky three meters above their heads.

"Is this going to drive us to a dead end?"

"The thick smoke is constantly shrinking."

"This is to kill us all."

Some monks jumped into the underworld after avoiding the inevitable, but immediately their bodies melted into a pool of thick water.

"Go away."

"Stay away from this area."

"Who is approaching, who will be killed?"

At this time, the despicableness of human nature appeared.

The beings in the restricted area do not allow the beings in the Holy Land to approach them to occupy their living space, and the creatures in the Holy Land do not allow the monks of weak sects to approach them to occupy their living space.

No one wants to die.

But there is only a little space.

Zhao Yang and others chose a relatively safe area, and there was no disturbing person in this area.

"How?" Ruoxi looked at Zhao Yang and asked.

"Even the peak quasi-emperor realm can't resist the poisonous mist," Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.


Hearing this, everyone's faces showed shock.

"Emperor, can you let us enter your small world for a while?" At this time, an old man of the human race begged Zhao Yang.

"Yes." Zhao Yang said that he was about to open up his own small world, but he was stunned the next moment.

"What's the matter?" Ruoxi asked hurriedly looking at Zhao Yang's expression.

"The small world can't be opened." Fairy Shaoyao said with a sinking face.

"Let's not talk about the small world, even the Qiankun bag can't be opened." Gardenia Fairy said anxiously.

After hearing the conversation of Zhao Yang and others, everyone tried to open their own small worlds and universe bags.

"what's the situation?"

"My little world can't be opened?"

"Why are the Qiankun bags imprisoned?"

"It's going to drive us to a corner."

Many monks present looked desperate.

"This is for you." At this moment, Shao Yao took out a bottle of elixir from her cuff.

"You actually carry the pill with you?" Zhizi was stunned.

"This is a sense of crisis that has been formed for a long time." Fairy Shaoyao said lightly, "If you are on the verge of extinction and you have no energy in your body, how will you open the Qiankun Bag at that time?" Shaoyao said and poured out five detoxification pills, "Share it out, everyone."

One for Fairy Peony, one for Fairy Gardenia, one for Fairy Ruoxi, one for Zhu Ya, and one for Zhao Yang.

But Zhao Yang threw the elixir to the old man, "This is for you."

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