Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1035 Kill Tongyou

"Zhao Yang, do you know what it means to go to war at this time?" the old man said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter, I know that other restricted areas will get involved, but believe it or not, unless you are disabled, other restricted areas will not make a move at all." Zhao Yang looked at the old man and said.

The old man was startled.

Then fell silent.

"Tongyou, you should never, never make fun of my wife." Zhao Yang's eyes fell on Tongyou, "So you must die." Having said that, Zhao Yang slapped Tongyou with his palm. past.

There was a look of despair in Tongyou's eyes.

Now that other emperors dare not intervene, and his guardian has been stopped again, he seems to have no other choice but to wait for death.


Tongyou's body was torn apart.

And the moment Tongyou fell, his small world also fell apart.

Seeing that the resources in the small world were about to be annihilated, a faint divine sense swept over, sweeping away the resources in the small world of Tongyou.

After seeing this scene, the audience's expression changed.

"The resources in Tongyou Small World have been cut off."

"The moment the Zhundi falls, the small world will also collapse. Why can Zhao Yang cut off the Hu?"

"Just now the powerful emperor made a move."


"That coercion is the existence of the emperor, I can't feel wrong."

"You mean that Zhao Yang is accompanied by a powerful emperor?"

"Otherwise why is Zhao Yang so strong?"

"Then it all makes sense."

While the monks present were discussing, Ruoxi in the distance looked at this scene in astonishment.

She clearly remembered that last time Zhao Yang said that the emperor had gone to retreat, so what happened to the emperor who appeared beside Zhao Yang at this time?

Of course Ruoxi didn't ask.

Besides, after Zhao Yang beheaded Tongyou, the old man of the Soul Devourer lineage looked at Zhao Yang gloomyly, "Zhao Yang, our Liangzi is finally married."

"You are always welcome to take revenge from the Soul Eater lineage," Zhao Yang said lightly.



There is nothing to be afraid of in the restricted area itself. The real scary thing is the restricted area of ​​the United.

The old man turned and left.

At this time, the eyes of all the monks in the audience fell on Zhao Yang.

This guy just killed the son of the soul-devouring beast lineage.

Emperor son.

The existence that can become an emperor in the future.

"Have all the resources of the Tongyou Small World been plundered?" Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to the Heavenly Dao of the Small World.

That is, when Zhao Yang was about to kill Tongyou, he remembered the way of heaven in the small world.

First, as the emperor's son, Tongyou has a lot of resources; second, let the small world's heaven deter many restricted areas, and let them realize that the human race is not alone.

"All the resources of his small world have been plundered." Tiandao of the small world replied, "I have to say that the emperor's collection is rich." After a pause, Tiandao of the small world then replied, "The resources of the quasi-emperor realm on him , the resources of the holy land, and the resources of the quasi-sacred land can almost be compared with sects like Ba Dao Sect."


Zhao Yang was startled.

But when he thought of the resources on his body, he felt relieved.

Which emperor's son is not loved by thousands of people?

"There are three time bugs on him, two of them are complete, and one is only eighty years old." Tiandao of the small world continued.

According to Tiandao of the small world, Zhao Yang wished to kill a few more emperors.

Of course, he also knew that this kind of thing must not be done again, otherwise those restricted areas would probably not be able to resist.

"Everyone, it's not a problem for us to wait here all this time. Why don't we go to the Wild Beast Jungle together?" Xianbei said loudly at this time, "Even if there is a restricted area in the depths of the Wild Beast Jungle, I still have so many experts going there. Don't you believe they dare to do it?"

"That's right, if the Supreme Being in the restricted area dares to make a move, the Supreme Being behind us will not watch." Gu Tong echoed.

"We haven't known anything about the Beast Jungle these years, and I think it's time to uncover it." Xianbei said solemnly.

Fairy Ruoxi came to Zhao Yang's side, "What do you think?"

"Xianbei is a hypocrite, I think he's probably in Yin." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "We'll go in together later, and the other disciples from Sky Palace will go back now."

"Okay." Ruoxi said now and ordered the rest of the Sky Palace disciples to leave.

"Should we still notify Jubaozhai and Tiandaozong?" Fairy Ruoxi continued.

"If these two great powers don't have such sharp eyesight, how could they have been in the first district for so many years?" Zhao Yang shook his head and said.

Ruoxi told others that going forward is dangerous?

Is not this nonsensical?

Could the wild beast jungle not be dangerous?

You let people give up?

Why don't you give up?

Bewitched by Xianbei and Gutong, the monks present were moved one after another.

It's not that they didn't guess that Xianbei and Gutong might be tricky. The problem is that they think so many monks are going, do these two dare to risk the world's disaster?

Therefore, half a quarter of an hour later, hundreds of thousands of monks outside the wild jungle decided to go.

"Should we be together?" At this time Huang Qingming came to Zhao Yang and asked.

Zhao Yang was stunned.

He didn't expect that Huang Qingming would invite him?

"Xianbei will definitely not be so kind. If we go together at that time, it will be better to take care of us." Huang Qingming said softly.

"No need, there are too many people." Zhao Yang thought about it and refused.

"En." Huang Qingming nodded and left.

Everyone noticed that Huang Qingming had appeared on Tiandaozong's side.

"Has Huang Qingming mixed up with Tiandaozong?" Fairy Shaoyao asked in shock.

"Huang Qingming is a serious royal bloodline. The Heavenly Dao School uses the slogan of descendants of the Immortal Court. If Huang Qingming is not accepted, how can they stand firm?" Fairy Ruoxi said lightly, "But I heard that the way of heaven Zong Ke did not give way."

"It's normal not to give up your position." Zhao Yang wasn't surprised at all. "Perhaps at the beginning, he really wanted to rebuild the Immortal Court, but everyone has been in power for so many years. Why should you give up your seat to Huang Qingming?"

"At that time, there will inevitably be a fight." Ruoxi sighed softly.

Huang Qingming is growing up soon, will he allow himself to be a puppet?

the answer is negative.

But in the face of the high-level Tiandaozong who does not want to give up power, conflicts will definitely erupt between the two sides.

Of course, this is an internal matter of Xianting, Zhao Yang has no intention to care about it.


Not long after entering the wild jungle, a quasi-sage screamed. He was stabbed by a tiny thorn on a vine, and the poison on the vine quickly spread to its whole body.

It died from the poison before it had time to breathe.

"The poison here is too overbearing."

"Who says it's not? The quasi-sage died when he said he died?"

"Quasi-sage? Let alone quasi-sage these years, how many saints and quasi-emperors have died here."

"Then why do you still come in? Aren't you also a saint?"

"I just want to know what's in here?"

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