Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1034 I Want Your Wife

Zhu Ya hurried in after the person in charge of the hidden guard had just been decided here.

"Young master, an imperial weapon appeared in the wild jungle in the first district."


"The scepter of the elves."

"Wouldn't it be that the masters of all races went to snatch it?"


"The results of it?"

"The saint of the elves took the scepter and fled to the restricted area in the wild jungle."

"restricted area?"

"There is a restricted area in the wild jungle, and no one has come out alive in these years."

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang said, "Let's go and have a look."

"That's an imperial weapon." Xu Hui'er said hastily.

"It's okay." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I'm sure."

Zhao Yang still has a hole card in his hand.

If there is a supreme person who shoots at him, it will be a deterrent.

Immediately, Zhao Yang and Zhu Ya rode on the bronze chariot built by the third-tier Heavenly Beast of the Quasi-Emperor Realm towards the first area.

In fact, Zhao Yang's car was somewhat cheap, and it was not worthy of his status as the emperor's son.

And that's the underlying question.

Wild jungle!

When Zhao Yang arrived here, he found that the place was already overcrowded.

In addition to the major holy places, even the restricted area also has a lot of guys.

"Husband." Fairy Shaoyao's eyes lit up when she saw Zhao Yang.

"Husband." Fairy Zhizi threw herself into Zhao Yang's arms.

Zhao Yang held Gardenia in one hand and Fairy Shaoyao in the other.

"You Hundred Flowers Holy Land are also here to join in the fun." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"It's about Emperor Cheng, who can not care about it?" Fairy Shaoyao said softly.

"Have you found the figure of the elf saint?"

"The elven saint is still in the wild jungle."

"Why don't you go in?"

"Except for the elf saintesses, no one has come out in these years." Gardenia Fairy said softly, "Who do you think would dare to go in?"

"Isn't there a Supreme in the restricted area?"

"One of the supreme beings in the restricted area is recovering from injuries, and the other is also afraid of the wild beast jungle."

"Then we're here to wait?"


Not long after Zhao Yang arrived, a figure walked towards him.

"Zhao Yang, discuss one thing." The other party said carelessly.

"You said."

"How about Lin Caihan let me?"

Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Tongyou would say such a thing?

Who doesn't know that Lin Caihan is Zhao Yang's wife?How dare Tongyou say such a thing?

"Say it again." Zhao Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

"You are not good enough for Lin Caihan, why don't you just let me?" Tongyou said recklessly.


Without extra words, Zhao Yang punched out.

The power of pure yang exploded like a flood.

Tongyou's complexion suddenly changed.

He wanted to scold his mother very much.


Who said that Zhao Yang's origin was given to Lin Caihan?

With such a powerful fist, could his origin be lost?


Tongyou was about to retreat in an instant.

This punch is sure to be unstoppable.

It's just that when he retreated, he found that the rear retreat was cut off.

"Not good." Tongyou didn't expect this.

At this time, Zhao Yang's Chunyang Fist had already arrived.

He could only fight hastily.


The moment his fists collided, Tongyou was beaten and vomited blood.

His face turned pale, and he waved his hands at Zhao Yang in a panic, "Zhao Yang, am I joking with you?"

"Are you kidding?" Zhao Yang's eyes showed a murderous intent, "Who has never dared to make fun of my family?" At this point, Zhao Yang punched Tongyou again.

This punch is not just a simple Chunyang fist.

In addition to the power of pure yang contained in this punch, there is also the power of immortality from Immortal Art, and the awe-inspiring righteousness of Art of Virtuous Righteousness.

The three forces perfectly merged into this punch, and what replaced it was a terrifying punch.


Tongyou's arm was broken, and even his chest was split open.

He fell to one knee on the ground, spitting out blood.

"Zhao Yang, you have already severely injured Tongyou, how about showing me face?" Just as Zhao Yang was about to punch again, Xianbei from the fairy clan came over.

Zhao Yang glanced at Xianbei and said, "Get lost."

The monks present were all stunned.

What did Zhao Yang say?

He let Xian Bei go?

Doesn't he know that Xianbei is a great emperor seed?

"I've heard that you are the No.1 of the younger generation, you are really crazy." Xianbei's eyes became sharper when he said this, "Today I will see if you are good enough?"

Having said that, Xianbei took a step forward.

He punched Zhao Yang.

His fist intent turned into an ocean of fists.

That's right.


Looking at the ocean rolling towards him, Zhao Yang's eyes turned into two pieces of ice.

Eye surgery!

Eye of Ice.

The current Eye of Ice technique has been improved to a higher level under Zhao Yang's improvement.

In an instant, the ocean rolling towards Zhao Yang was condensed by frost, and even Xianbei felt that his hands and feet were going to be frozen.

"What kind of supernatural power is this?" Xianbei looked at Zhao Yang in shock.

At this moment, Zhao Yang's left eye turned into a flame, while the right eye still kept the shape of ice sheet.

But Xianbei felt great danger.


Xianbei had retreated very early, but he was still affected.

The space around him exploded suddenly, and the scene seemed to be destroyed.

Xianbei coughed, and a stream of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth slowly.

"Xianbei was injured."

"What supernatural power did Zhao Yang use just now?"

"This is the eye technique."

"Before, Zhao Yang used the Eye of Ice and Eye of Fire techniques, but now he has combined these two techniques."

"Water and fire are incompatible."

"The incompatibility of water and fire is precisely because they are incompatible, so they will be unstable when they fuse together, so a violent explosion occurs."

"Xianbei is not Zhao Yang's opponent either."

While the monks present were discussing, Xianbei's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

"Tongyou, no one can save you now." Zhao Yang looked at Tongyou and said coldly.

"Zhao Yang, what happened this time is that Tongyou did not behave properly. In this way, you can pay for any compensation you need." At this time, an old man appeared not far away.

"Brother, that old guy is in your hands." Zhao Yang summoned Tanlang.

When Tanlang appeared beside Zhao Yang, all the monks present were stunned.


"Didn't Greedy Wolf fall?"

"There are no more than a handful of quasi-emperors in the world who can contend with Tanlang."

"The Lord is still alive."

The old man who saw Tanlang appearing in the Soul Eater line had a bad feeling in his heart, "Zhao Yang, our Soul Eater line has lowered our stance, what else do you want?"

"I said before that you can move me, but you can't move my family." Zhao Yang looked at the old man coldly and said, "I'm going to put my words here today. If you move the Soul Devourer, then we I will fight with you."

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