Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1033 Branch Sovereign

"Junior brother." Xu Huier looked at Zhao Yang in a panic.

She realized that this time things were getting worse.

"Just wait here before the matter is over." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I haven't arranged the headquarters yet," Xu Huier said hastily.

"The headquarters is temporarily managed by Mingyue." Zhao Yang summoned the seal of heaven and earth at this point, "You go to the headquarters to announce this order."

"Obey." After Tiandiyin finished speaking, he left through the sky.

Yuan Jin'er was frightened when he heard this, "Little brother, no, suzerain, you can't do this, you dismissed me, I don't care, but you can't dismiss Huier."

"When the branch of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce was already working hard in the fifth district, Chunyangzong was still indifferent. From then on, I knew that Xu Huier was no longer suitable to be the deputy suzerain." Zhao Yang looked at Yuan Jiner and said, "The matter of opening up a branch Except that Leng Qingqiu brought it up, Mingyue proposed it long before the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce was established, but what about Xu Huier? She ignored it and guarded the one-acre three-point land in the sixth district. Yangzong is going to glory."

"But..." Yuan Jin'er was about to say something but was interrupted by Zhao Yang, "I won't talk about how much I invested in Chunyangzong in the early stage, but I have been leaning towards Chunyangzong for resources in the later stage, but Chunyangzong The development of Zong has never been comparable to that of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, have you not thought about the reason?"

"The talents of the Chunyang Sect far surpass the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce. To put it bluntly, the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce is Lin Caihan and Tang Yiren."

Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner fell silent upon hearing this.

"I have been investigating Fairy Mingyue all these years, and I found that she has a stronger control over the overall situation, and it is simply inferior to her to be the second elder."

"But you resigned Xu Huier, where did you let Xu Huier go?" Yuan Jiner cried.

Yuan Jin'er blamed herself for implicating her best friend.

"Have you ever thought that according to the formal process, Xu Hui'er is not just dismissed?" Zhao Yang looked at Yuan Jin'er and said.

Yuan Jin'er was startled, "Don't you think...?"

"I haven't thought about doing anything to Xu Huier, but you must accept the punishment." Zhao Yang shook his head and said.

Everyone has selfishness.

Zhao Yang is no exception.

"Sovereign, can you..." Xu Huier wanted to intercede for Yuan Jiner.

"Don't worry, I won't kill her." Zhao Yang said softly.

Xu Huier breathed a sigh of relief.

Because normally it is absolutely impossible for Yuan Jin'er to be alive.

The review here lasted for a month.

And caught 16 back and forth.

This number shocked Zhao Yang, Yuan Jiner and Xu Huier.

No one thought that there were so many problems.

"Are you sure these 16 people are guilty?" Xu Huier asked with some doubts.

"We have searched the souls of these 16 people." Blue Carp said seriously, "There is absolutely no grievance." Xu Huier fell silent after hearing the word "soul search."

Where can there be fakes in Sohun?

"Is it only these 16 people?"

"It can only be said that the review has reached a certain stage, and the next crime is relatively light." What no one expected was that the blue crucian carp said this.

What do you mean?

Blue crucian carp means how much can be dug out by deep digging?

"Let's have a public trial." Zhao Yang said after a long silence, "Kill those who should be killed, and those who should be destroyed."

The blue crucian carp nodded.

Soon a public trial began before 800 million soldiers.

The announcement and trial alone took two months.

During this period, the playground almost turned into a purgatory.


Of the 16 soldiers, 12 were beheaded, and many of the remaining [-] had their cultivation abandoned, and many of them were imprisoned.

This scene greatly frightened those guys.

Just after the 800 million soldiers thought that the review was over, they did not expect that the Law Enforcement Hall at the headquarters would start the second round of review.

"Is this endless?"

"The suzerain is preparing to scrape the bones of the fourth district to cure poison."

"Big fish were judged before, but now it's time to catch small fish and shrimp."

"I just don't know who will be in charge of our fourth district in the future?"

While the monks in the fourth district were panicking, Zhao Yang announced the selection of the suzerain of the fourth district branch.

Xu Huier.

Zhao Yang's decision was beyond the expectations of many people.

Including Xu Huier.

"Why do you want me to be the suzerain?" Xu Huier looked at Zhao Yang in puzzlement.

"Your ability to control the overall situation is slightly inferior, but you still have the ability to control the branch." Zhao Yang held Xu Huier's hand and said, "The fourth district is like this because of you, so you have to establish the fourth district." it is good."

Listening to Xu Huier's tears fell down immediately.

Zhao Yang helped Xu Huier wipe away tears, "The development of the sect actually does not tolerate too much emotion, but you are my wife after all, and I can't follow the rules."

Xu Huier choked up.

Zhao Yang gently hugged Xu Huier in his arms, "Too much affection is your strength, but it is also your shortcoming. As the master of a sect, you have to be cruel when you should be cruel."

Zhao Yang is passing on experience to Xu Huier.

I don't know how long it took Xu Hui'er to calm down, "I will definitely be cautious in the future."


"Jin'er, how are you going to deal with it?"

"Ten years of confinement, after ten years, let her retire to the old age."

"I don't need it for a lifetime?"

"The stain on her body is too heavy. If I use her again, what will the sect's disciples think?"

"Can you hand over the hidden guard to her?"

"Dark guard?"

"The previous person in charge of the dark guards was Mingyue. Now that Mingyue is the deputy suzerain of the headquarters, the dark guards can't be controlled by Mingyue."

"Dark guard?" Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Tie Han has grown up, so let's hand over the dark guard to Tie Han in the future."

"Tiehan? Can Tiehan do it?" Xu Huier asked with some doubts.

Tie Han gave people a very simple and honest feeling, and she felt that Tie Han might not be qualified for the position of the head of the secret guard.

"What do you think of Yi Ren?"

"Yiren is very capable." Xu Huier said softly, "The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce in the fifth district has been flourished by her." Speaking of Tang Yiren, Xu Huier was very emotional.

How nice Xu Huier was to Tang Yiren at the beginning, but Tang Yiren just didn't get close to her.

Later, when Lin Caihan came, Tang Yiren decisively followed Lin Caihan and ran away.

It was at that time that Xu Hui'er knew how capable Tang Yiren was.

"After Yiren left, the Pure Yang Sect in the lower realm was handed over to Tie Han." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Don't think that Tie Han is simple and honest, but in fact this guy is thoughtful, but you didn't notice. "

Tie Han is Zhao Yang's second disciple.

He devoted a lot of energy to Tiehan Zhao Yang.

for example.

Originally, Tiehan was very different from Tang Yiren, but Zhao Yang insisted on deserting him and caught up with him.

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