Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1032 Xu Huier Resigns

It's just that they think too much.

As long as the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall are involved, they will be invited to the interrogation room immediately.

Three hours later, the blue crucian carp came to Zhao Yang, "Sovereign, there are not enough people."

"How many people have been arrested?"

"Six thousand and 320 people have been arrested, but the number involved is astronomical." Blue crucian carp said seriously.

"I have asked Leng Qingqiu to send [-] disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall to assist you." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"With these [-] disciples, it's almost enough." Blue crucian carp said hastily.

"I never thought it would be over in three to five days. It's okay, take your time." Zhao Yang looked at the blue crucian carp and said.


It didn't take long before Leng Qingqiu sent three thousand disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall to arrive here.

Their joining made the blue crucian carp breathe a sigh of relief.

It's just that with the passage of time, the blue crucian carp has caught more than [-] problematic ones, and this number is still increasing.

"Are you sure there is no problem with the [-]?" Zhao Yang asked.

"According to the evidence of all parties, I am sure there is no problem." Blue crucian carp said seriously.

"For some soul searches that should be killed, see if there are any missing?" Zhao Yang said lightly after a while, "In addition, if anyone feels wronged, they can also be resolved through soul searches."

"Search for the soul?" Yuan Jin'er's face changed, "Is this not too good?"

"They should be killed, what's wrong?" Zhao Yang glanced at Yuan Jin'er.

Not long after the blue crucian carp left, Xu Huier arrived here.

"Hui'er." Yuan Jin'er's eyes turned red the moment she saw Xu Huier.

Yuan Jin'er felt wronged.

She didn't understand why Zhao Yang gave her a strange feeling?

Where did the friendship between seniors, sisters and brothers go?

Xu Huier hugged Yuan Jiner, who was crying bitterly, and she patted her shoulder lightly, "Sorry, I'm in retreat during this time."

Otherwise, Xu Huier would have come long ago.

"Junior brother, he bullied me." Yuan Jin'er began to cry.

Xu Huier coaxed Yuan Jiner away for a while, and then slowly came to Zhao Yang's side, "Sect Master, does it have to be like this?"

Zhao Yang pointed to the files in front of him, "Why don't you read these files before you say this?"

Xu Huier picked up a file and read it.

This dossier is about the introduction of the second elder, Millet Spatholobus.

One, Papillium Spatholobus bears 33 lives, namely, He Shuhuan, a disciple of Dantang, and Nalanfeng, the squadron leader of the Second Army Corps...

Second, Millet Spathi has successively greedy 32 drops of Zhundi medicinal liquid, three pieces of great sacred magic weapons, twelve high-level holy magic weapons...

Third, in order to relocate a group of human races, Spathiphyllum ordered his subordinates to slaughter them overnight, and more than 7000 human races were slaughtered...

Seeing the evil done by Milletaceae, Xu Huier's hands and feet became cold.

"Xu Huier, I said back then that Yuan Jin'er didn't have that ability, so you just wanted to give Yuan Jiner a chance." Zhao Yang said coldly, "What happened? The 32 disciples of the Pure Yang Sect who were killed by Millipede vine , more than 7000 people who were massacred by Milletarelia, whose head do you think should be counted?"

Xu Huier's face turned pale.

She looked at Yuan Jin'er and said, "How can you allow your spiritual pet to do such a thing?"

Yuan Jiner's head was a little dazed, she snatched the dossier from Xu Huier's hand, and after reading it carefully, her whole body was trembling, "Impossible, impossible, impossible, it's impossible for Millipede vine Do something like this."

"Impossible?" Zhao Yang sneered, "Come here, bring the Millipede vine."

There was a group of disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall beside Zhao Yang, and it was said that the two disciples had brought the Millipede vine over.

Millipede vine looked very miserable at this time, when she saw Yuan Jin'er, she begged, "Sect Master, please help me."

Yuan Jin'er threw the case in front of her and asked, "Have you ever done these things?"

Spatholobus took a look and fell silent.

"Let me ask you, have you ever done it?" Yuan Jin'er growled at her.

"I've done it." It took a long time for the blood vine to say bitterly.

"Why? Who told you to do this?"

"Everyone in the sect does this." Millipede vine didn't want to say that, but after reaching this point, there was nothing to hide.

"What?" Yuan Jin'er had a look of disbelief on his face.

"You have always been jealous of Leng Qingqiu, so you are eager to make achievements. The problem is that the situation in the fifth district is different from that in the fourth district. The major forces in the fourth district are more than one level stronger than the fifth district, but You just forced us to stabilize the fourth district in a short period of time, what can we do? We can only resort to extraordinary means." Spatholobus paused at this point, "And gradually we also lost our way."

Yuan Jin'er's face turned pale.

"You have done so many nasty things, and you still blame me?"

"Yuanfengshi is nothing more than older, but what qualifications does he have to be the Great Elder? Isn't it because he has the same surname as you?" Millipede vine said leisurely, "It is because of this that you let him be the Great Elder. Sometimes we don't understand what you think? This kind of seniority has no other skills, but it is better than anyone else. I have reminded you more than once that the elder has a problem, but have you listened? You like to listen to Yuanfeng Shi's flattery made me feel chilled over time, and I simply fell in with the elder." After a pause, Spathiphyllum sighed softly, "I know you can't save me this time, so why don't I just say everything? The suzerain is right, you have no ability to run the branch. The reason why you have been able to sit on the position of the great elder these years is because of the help of Leng Qingqiu, blue crucian carp, Mingyue fairy and others, otherwise the headquarters will rely solely on your ability Something happened early."

Yuan Jin'er's face turned pale again.

"Actually, the disciples who came from the headquarters are very good-natured, but because you have not supervised them for a long time, their despicable elements of human nature have emerged." Said Spathiphyllum, pointing to a file on the ground, "These disciples are evil, you It takes a lot of responsibility.”

Yuan Jin'er took three steps back. She opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't say anything in the end.

"Actually, the deputy suzerain also has a great responsibility. When the branch had problems at the beginning, many disciples reported to the headquarters, and even I also reported to the headquarters, but the result? There was no response. The reaction of the headquarters made everyone feel disappointed. At this moment, Millipede vine looked at Xu Huier and said, "It is also because of your inaction that the fourth district has become what it is now. There are so many disciples of the Pure Yang Sect who died tragically, and so many innocent human races. It's on your head."

Xu Huier's lips were turning white.

She didn't expect that her connivance would bring Yuan Jin'er to where she is today.

She always felt that Yuan Jin'er was capable, but her ability to control the overall situation was not enough.

She wanted to give Yuan Jin'er more time to prove herself.

Who would have thought that it would come to this point.

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