Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1029 Something Happened in the Branch

Now Zhao Yang's vision has widened, and it is not necessary to pay attention to those who are not at the emperor's level.

"I don't know if I should say something or not?" Lin Caihan said after a while, considering his words.

"My husband and I, what can't we say?" Zhao Yang stroked Lin Caihan's hair and said.

"The information I got by chance is that the development of the Pure Yang Sect in the fourth district is not going well."


"You need to investigate this." Lin Caihan did not continue.

How would she explain what she continued to say?

She investigates the Pure Yang Sect?

Zhao Yang thought for a while and stood up, "I'll go to the fourth district to see."


Zhao Yang then went to the fourth district on the battleship of the Great Saint Realm.

In fact, Lin Caihan has been wanting to help Zhao Yang build a battleship of the second level quasi-emperor realm all these years, but was rejected by Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang thinks it is better to use those materials to create the magic weapon of quasi-emperor realm.

He used the warships of the Great Saint Realm quite well.

Chunyangzong has also expanded to the fourth district in recent years, and with the support of strong funds and contacts, Yuan Jin'er opened up the situation in a very short period of time.

But opening up the situation does not mean being able to stand firm.

Zhao Yang Naying sneaked to the branch of Chunyangzong in the fourth district.

After arriving at the branch, Zhao Yang remained invisible.

He noticed that there were many patrolling soldiers of the Chunyang Sect. These soldiers held swords and exuded a murderous aura.

"How many times is this this month?" A disciple standing guard asked.

"It's the eighth time." Another disciple sighed softly, "Do you think those moles are crazy? Don't they worry about being wiped out?"

"The ancestral land of the mole clan has been brought down by us, do you think the mole clan has anything to fear?" the third disciple said with emotion.

"Actually, I think the suzerain has gone too far in this matter. The mole clan didn't say no to moving, they just bargained for the price. In the end, the suzerain wiped out the family." The fourth disciple said leisurely.

"I don't think the suzerain can be blamed for anything. Commander Zhang Shao did this. Who doesn't know that Zhang Shao has an enmity with the Mole Clan, and Commander Zhang Shao is avenging his own personal revenge." The second disciple said seriously.

"Shen Yan, you don't want to live anymore, let Commander Zhang Shao hear, he will skin you." The third disciple warned.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang waved his hand and detained the four disciples in his small world.

The four disciples were startled at first, but when they saw Zhao Yang, they hurriedly saluted Zhao Yang.

"I have seen the Sect Master."

Zhao Yang helped them up with a wave of his hand.

"Tell me everything about the mole clan." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"But suzerain, if we say so, Commander Zhang Shao will not let us go." The third disciple said bitterly.

"I'm making decisions for you, what are you worried about?" Zhao Yang snorted coldly.

The fourth disciple weighed his words and said, "Sovereign, let me say that Commander Zhang Shao is a master in the fourth district. After he joined the Chunyangzong branch, he became the commander by flattery. I don’t know how many corrupt and law-breaking things I have done.”

"Yuan Jin'er won't ask?"

"I don't know whether Yuan Jin'er was deceived or didn't want to ask. It's not that there have been no appeals in these years, but all those who appealed have accidents. As time goes by, who dare to appeal?" The fourth disciple said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face darkened,

"What else do you know besides this?" Zhao Yang asked after a while.

"I heard that the third elder who is in charge of the sect's treasury has been greedy for ink a lot these years." A disciple added here, "Of course I heard people say it."

"Zhang Han, why do you say you are hiding it in front of the suzerain?" The fourth disciple said coldly, "How many disciples in the branch don't know that the third elder is greedy for ink?"

"Tell me." Zhao Yang looked at the third disciple and said.

"The three elders control the treasury of the sect, so they have a lot of authority in the sect. If the major commanders don't give benefits, then don't even think about the resources and magic weapons that should be given."

"Yuan Jin'er doesn't know about this?"

"The third elder was brought up by Yuan Jin'er. Yuan Jin'er trusts the third elder very much, and the third elder is also very good at coming."

As the four disciples talked about it, Zhao Yang realized that the Chunyang Sect in the fourth district had been turned into a mess by Yuan Jiner.

"You four go back first." Zhao Yang sent the four disciples back with a wave of his hand, "Don't tell anyone about my coming."

The four disciples hurriedly bowed and said yes.

Then Zhao Yang went to the Chunyang Sect in the sixth district.

Law Enforcement Hall.

Zhao Yang came to the Law Enforcement Hall alone.

The blue crucian carp in the law enforcement hall is watching the information sent by the intelligence personnel.

Looking at her, he frowned.

"Master, Yuan Jin'er messed up the Chunyangzong branch in the fourth district. If the headquarters doesn't intervene, the reputation of Chunyangzong will be lost." The maid of the blue crucian carp said worriedly.

"I've spoken to the deputy suzerain about this matter several times, but unfortunately the deputy suzerain didn't let me leave it alone." Blue crucian carp said helplessly, "What can I do?"

"As the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, you are not only responsible for the headquarters, but also for the branch." Just after the words of the blue crucian carp, a cold voice resounded in the audience, and then Zhao Yang's figure appeared in front of the blue crucian carp. around.

"Sovereign." Blue crucian carp stood up quickly.

Blue crucian carp's maid also hurriedly saluted Zhao Yang.

"Xu Hui'er asked you to ignore the branch's affairs?" Zhao Yang looked at the blue crucian carp with cold eyes and said.

"Yes." The blue crucian carp replied.

"From today onwards, the law enforcement hall is only responsible to me, and the deputy suzerain has no right to control you." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Sovereign...this...." Blue crucian carp was startled.

Zhao Yang summoned the Heaven and Earth Seal with a wave of his hand, and Zhao Yang's name was written on the Heaven and Earth Seal.

"You take my seal and go to the fourth district branch to investigate various problems in the fourth district." Zhao Yang looked at the blue crucian carp and said, "I just don't know if you dare?"

"Nothing to dare?" Blue Carp said solemnly after a moment of silence, "To be honest, I have long been dissatisfied with the fourth district."

"The law enforcement hall is related to the healthy development of the sect, so I don't want unjust, false and wrong cases to happen in the law enforcement hall." Zhao Yang said solemnly, "Blue crucian carp, I hope you can always stick to your heart."

"Sovereign love, blue crucian carp will never forget the original intention." Blue crucian carp took a step back and bowed to Zhao Yang.

"Sovereign, the main hall is the person who will be the suzerain to Yuan Jin'er if he goes to the fourth district." Blue Crucian's maid said cautiously at this time, "What should the hall master do when the two sides conflict?"

"Your main task this time is to investigate Yuan Jin'er, and immediately detain Yuan Jin'er when you arrive," Zhao Yang said lightly.

"This..." The blue crucian carp was startled.

Since then things have gotten worse.

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