Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1028 Development of Zongmen

Zhao Yang got so many resources in Yaowang Mountain, and Lin Caihan also got a lot of resources during this trip.

With this batch of resources, there is no need to worry about resources before the Quadruple Heaven of the Emperor Realm.

As for the quasi-emperor realm after the fourth heaven, it will be hundreds of years later.

After bidding farewell to Ruoxi and Biluo, Zhao Yang returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce on Lin Caihan's warship.

"What's your plan next?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile in Lin Caihan's study.

"First open the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce to the fourth district." Lin Caihan said after thinking for a while, "After that, the fourth and fifth districts will be stabilized, and this time will take at least 100 years."

It's not that Lin Caihan doesn't want to be fast.

She mainly wants to play it safe.

"Yes." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "In a hundred years, the saints of the sect will also grow up."

"With the help of medicinal materials, they can grow faster." Lin Caihan said softly.

"If I stay in the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce for the past 100 years, the strength of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will definitely soar to a terrifying level." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang's Huangliang Yimeng has reached the second level of the second stage.

One hundred monks can be dreamed at one time.

According to their plan, Zhao Yang will stay here for a hundred years.

How many monks would be benefited by this calculation?

"Don't hide the time bug when it should be used." Zhao Yang confessed again.


Zhao Yang immediately gave Lin Caihan the tools and materials in the three Qiankun bags.

"You and Yiren will watch the refining." Zhao Yang said softly, "One-third of this batch of resources will be given to the Sky Palace."


A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

With the passage of time, various treasures of heaven, material and earth have emerged one after another.

Of course, there are not many treasures of heaven and earth that Zhao Yang is tempted by.

Otherwise he would have gone long ago.

However, this does not mean that Zhao Yang does not pay attention to the changes in the outside world.

In the first area, Tian Di Yin sits in town, and thirty incarnations patrol; in the second area, Zhuo Bufan sits in town, and thirty incarnations sit in town; in the third area, there is Purgatory Mirror, and thirty incarnations sit in town.

As for the fourth, fifth, and sixth districts, Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce and Chunyangzong?

Where is it necessary for Zhao Yang to send someone to sit in the town?

Twelve years have passed.

Twelve years have passed.

Twelve years have passed.

In the past 50 years, the strength of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"There are twelve statues in the Great Saint Realm, 48 in the high-level Saint Realm, 180 and six in the middle-level Saint Realm, 480 in the early stage of the Holy Realm, 740 in the quasi-sage peak, and 640 and 640 in the quasi-sage peak. There are 120 statues at the first stage, 50 and [-] statues at the middle stage of quasi-sages, and [-] at the early stage of quasi-sages." On this day, Lin Caihan reported to Zhao Yang the achievements of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce in the past [-] years.

The reason why there are so few Zhunsheng in the early stage is because of Yanhuangzong's investment in this realm.

For example, before Zhao Yang refined a large amount of celestial pills, which made many monks at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm break through.

But now the sect is not refining, so a large number of golden immortals are stuck at the peak, and these 120 eight quasi-sages are naturally broken through by them.

"Is the fourth district stable?" Zhao Yang asked.

The fourth district, no, there are quite a few great saints in the fifth district now.

Because the whole world is recovering, and various opportunities are appearing.

Those who were stuck in the high-level holy realm before also successfully broke through to the great holy realm.

"To be honest, I haven't fully controlled the fourth district yet." Lin Caihan said softly, "At least a hundred great saints are needed to stabilize the fourth district."

"It will take at least 50 years for Baizun." Zhao Yang said after some calculations.

"Yes, it will take another 50 years." Lin Caihan nodded.

"What happened to the restricted area?"

In recent years, intelligence personnel from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce have been densely distributed throughout the fairyland.

The Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce focuses on the intelligence of those creatures in the restricted area.

"I noticed that the emperors in the restricted areas have generally been promoted to the second level of the quasi-emperor realm. From this, it can be seen that they have used the time spar [-]%." ​​Lin Caihan said in a deep voice, "At the same time, the evildoers launched from the major restricted areas are also Use the time spar."

"If their cultivation base is only the second level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm, it means that the collapse of the Immortal Realm will take a long time." Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying.

Otherwise, those emperors would not still be in the second heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

In fact, Zhao Yang's cultivation has also broken through to the second level of the quasi-emperor realm in recent years, and even Zhao Yang's cultivation is not far from the third level of the quasi-emperor realm.

"How is your research progress?" Lin Caihan asked with a smile.

Lin Caihan knew that Zhao Yang had been improving various supernatural powers in the imperial realm over the years.

"One Qi Transforming Three Purities seems to have reached the limit." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "I have spent thirty years and haven't found anything."

"Three statues and one third are a complete one, maybe there is no value for deduction." Lin Caihan nodded after deliberating for a while.

"It's lucky to have Huangliang Yimeng, otherwise it would be too bad." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

With Huangliang Yimeng, Zhao Yang doesn't care about wasting 30 years.

Speaking of this, Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something, "Speaking of Huangliang Yimeng, I have reached the third level of the second stage."

"The third stage?" Lin Caihan said pleasantly, "In this way, more disciples of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce will have the opportunity to enjoy it."

"Yes, you can arrange it." Zhao Yang nodded.

The third level of Huangliang Yimeng's second stage is to allow a thousand monks to enter the dream at the same time.

In this way, the development of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce can continue to soar on the original basis.

Ten years have passed.

Twelve years have passed.

Twelve years have passed.

Originally, according to Lin Caihan's plan, it would take 50 years to completely control the fourth district, but it only took 30 years for the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce to do it.

"There are 460 newly added statues in the Quasi-Emperor Realm, 540 statues in the Great Saint Realm, 430 three statues in the high-level Saint Realm, 30 statues in the middle-level Saint Realm, and [-] statues in the early stage of the Holy Realm. [-] statues." Lin Caihan introduced to Zhao Yang the development of the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce in the past [-] years.

"What about the Quasi-Holy Realm?"

"The quasi-holy realm is no longer counted, it's boring." Lin Caihan said here and Zhao Yang felt emotional.

When did quasi-sages become dispensable?

Looking at Zhao Yang's eyes, Lin Caihan laughed, "Who would have thought that the world would develop so fast?"

"Yes, 80 years have passed in a blink of an eye." Zhao Yang nodded.

"In the past 80 years, Immortal Realm has developed vigorously." Lin Caihan said earnestly, "I have noticed that all the holy places are on the rise, and many geniuses have appeared one after another."

"Is there anything particularly heaven-defying?"

"The emperor's child class did not appear."

Zhao Yang didn't pay attention when he heard that there were no emperor's children.

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