Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1030 Take down Yuan Jiner

The Pure Yang Sect branch in the fourth district!

"Sovereign, we have already conquered the Mole Clan by force. Next, as long as we conquer the Wolves Clan, our sphere of influence will reach 1000 million square kilometers." Grand Elder Yuan Fengshi said with a smile.

Yuanfengshi was a master cultivated by Chunyangzong in the early days, and now he is already a first-tier existence in the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

He was very humble when he was at the headquarters of Chunyangzong before. It was because there were too many masters in the headquarters, even if he wanted to be high-profile, he couldn't be high-profile.

What he didn't expect was that Yuan Jin'er accepted him as the chief elder of the Chunyangzong branch in the fourth district.

It's almost a step up to the sky.

Yuanfengshi gradually lost in the desire for power.

He knew exactly what Yuan Jin'er wanted to do, so in order to achieve the goal of notifying the fourth district smoothly, he used many unscrupulous means.

Hearing Yuan Fengshi's introduction to Yuan Jin'er, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "As long as our sphere of influence reaches 1000 million square kilometers, we will be able to gain a firm foothold."

"Yeah, I'm here to congratulate the suzerain in advance." Second Elder Spathiphyllum Teng said with a smile.

Millipede vine is Yuan Jin'er's spiritual pet, and with her help these years, she has also set foot in the quasi-emperor realm.

While Yuan Jin'er was talking, a guard rushed in, "Sect Master, it's not good."

"What's wrong?" Yuan Jin'er frowned.

"Lan Crucian, the head of the law enforcement hall, brought three thousand members of the law enforcement team to the sect, and looked at them aggressively, as if they were looking for fault." The guard said uneasily.

"Law enforcement hall?" Yuan Jin'er was muttering to himself, and blue crucian carp came to the main hall with dozens of senior executives of the law enforcement team.

"Blue crucian carp, what are you doing at the branch in the fourth district?" Yuan Jin'er said displeasedly.

"Following the order of the suzerain, thoroughly investigate the filth of the Chunyang sect in the fourth district." When the blue crucian carp said this, a heaven and earth seal appeared in his hand, and the name of Zhao Yang was branded on the heaven and earth seal.

Yuan Jin'er's face changed involuntarily when he saw the seal of heaven and earth, "Why is the seal of heaven and earth of the suzerain in your hands?"

"Of course the suzerain gave it to me." Blue crucian carp looked at Yuan Jin'er coldly and said, "Just ask if you recognize it?"

"I admit it." After a while, Yuan Jin'er stood up and said softly.

"Since you admit it, then temporarily relinquish your position as suzerain." Blue crucian carp said lightly.

The audience was in an uproar.

What will the blue crucian carp do?

She wants to investigate Yuan Jin'er?

"Blue crucian carp, who gave you the right to investigate the sub-suzerain?" The second elder Jixueteng stood up suddenly, with an angry look on her face.

"The suzerain has issued repeated orders not to allow your spiritual pet to take any position in the sect. Do you think you can still stay in this position safely?" Blue crucian carp looked at the spaghetti vine coldly and said, "In addition, the There are more than a thousand reports on you."

"Thousands of letters? How is it possible?" Yuan Jin'er's face was full of doubts.

"Yuan Jin'er, do you think the Chunyang Sect you govern is very good?" Blue crucian carp said as his eyes fell on Yuan Jin'er.

"What do you mean?"

"Next, the Law Enforcement Hall will conduct a comprehensive review of the high-level executives of the Pure Yang Sect." Having said that, the blue crucian carp paused and said, "At that time, you will know what happened to the Pure Yang Sect you are in charge of?"

"Sovereign." The third elder changed color.

"Sect Master, the blue crucian carp is messing around." The second elder said solemnly.

"Sovereign, we can't let the blue crucian carp do whatever it wants?" the Great Elder said with serious eyes.

All the senior leaders of the Zongmen panicked.

They know what they have done these years, and if these things are exposed, they don't know how the sect will punish them?

"The Law Enforcing Hall will not wrong any good person, and of course it will not let any bad person go." Blue Carp said loudly, "Yuan Jin'er, don't you want to see how the sect you govern is in the end?"

"Sect Master, please think again."

"Sovereign, the deputy suzerain of the headquarters said that the law enforcement hall is not qualified to intervene in the branch, and the behavior of the blue crucian carp is suspicious."

"Sect Master, you must not be deceived."

"Sovereign, I think someone in the headquarters is jealous of your achievements."

"Sovereign, do you want to give your hard work to others for nothing?"

Seeing the senior officials of the Zongzhong admonishing him one after another, Yuan Jin'er was in a state of disarray for a moment.

After a while, she still looked at the blue crucian carp, "Sorry, I can't let you mess around."

"Whose Pure Yang Sect belongs to the Pure Yang Sect?" the blue crucian carp asked loudly.

Blue crucian carp has already taken out the heaven and earth seal representing Zhao Yang's identity.

But Yuan Jin'er didn't recognize it.

This involves a matter of principle.

"Unless Xu Huier gives the order, I won't admit it." After a while, Yuan Jiner gritted his teeth and said.

Seeing this, Yuanfengshi and other high-level sects showed surprise on their faces.

"Yuan Jin'er, are you going to betray the sect?" Blue crucian carp asked coldly.

"Blue crucian carp, don't you want to put a hat on my head?" Yuan Jin'er said rudely, "You are just the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, you are not qualified to examine me?"

"This time I came here to represent the suzerain." Blue crucian carp said.

"Who knows if you represent the suzerain?" Yuan Jin'er snorted coldly.

"Yuan Jin'er, do you think the seal of heaven and earth representing my identity is fake?" At this moment, Zhao Yang's figure appeared in the hall.

Zhao Yang looked at Yuan Jin'er with disappointment in his eyes.

Before he didn't show up, he was giving Yuan Jin'er a chance, but it's a pity that Yuan Jin'er didn't cherish it at all.

"Junior brother." Seeing Zhao Yang's heart tremble, Yuan Jin'er immediately stood up aggrieved.

"What are you calling me?" Zhao Yang's words were full of coldness, and at the same time, a majestic coercion spread towards the audience overwhelmingly.

All the monks present, including Yuan Jin'er, were in awe.

Yuan Jin'er found that Zhao Yang was very strange at this time, which gave her a feeling of uneasiness. She saluted respectfully, "Yuan Jin'er has met the suzerain."

"From now on, Yuan Jin'er and the senior leaders of the Zongmen will all be under review, and I will take over the branch temporarily." Zhao Yang glanced at the audience and said calmly.

"Of order." Yuan Jin'er said bitterly.

She knew she was no longer trusted by Zhao Yang.

None of the high-level sect dared to stab again.

Zhao Yang immediately ordered the guards at the gate to summon all the monks from the branch to the square, and it didn't take long for more than 800 million monks to arrive.

When they saw Zhao Yang on the high platform, they all showed surprise.

"Just now, the senior management of the fourth district branch has all been reviewed by the law enforcement hall of the headquarters, so the responsibility of the branch during this period is to focus on stability." Zhao Yang's voice rang out in the audience, "I know that during this time The sect managed by Yuan Jin'er is chaotic, and there have been a lot of corruption and violation of the law. Today, the head of the law enforcement hall personally led [-] members of the law enforcement team. If you have any grievances or information, you can report to the members of the law enforcement team .”

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