Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1027 You guessed wrong

Bi Luo was also a little stunned.

She looked at Ruoxi puzzled, "What happened?"

"Master, do you know that this guy Zhao Yang gave Cai Han his origin, so that Cai Han became a great emperor-level seed."

"Emperor-level seed? You say Caihan is the emperor?" Bi Luo was stunned.

"Yes." Ruoxi recounted what happened at Yaowang Mountain.

Bi Luo looked at Zhao Yang and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Forget it, since you have already given Caihan your source, I won't say anything." After a while, Biluo sighed softly, "But most of your source is given to Caihan, you and Ruoxi may be able to get together Together."


Ruoxi's face turned red immediately.

"Don't think I don't know you like Zhao Yang?" Bi Luo looked at Ruoxi narrowly and said.

Ruoxi blushed, "Master, can you stop talking?"

When Biluo was about to say something, Zhao Yang said, "Well... I still can't be with Ruoxi."

Ruoxi was stunned.

Bi Luo was stunned.

"Zhao Yang, what do you mean? Why do you look down on me?" Ruoxi said angrily.

"I mean you misunderstood." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "The reason why Caihan became the emperor is not because I gave her the origin."

"I can't think of any other possibility other than this." Ruoxi stared at Zhao Yang and said, "Don't treat me like a child."

"My crossing land is triple thunder tribulation."

"Triple Lightning Calamity?" Ruoxi couldn't help but widen her eyes, "Are you sure you're not joking?"

Bi Luo was also taken aback, "Are you sure that the place you crossed was a triple thunder tribulation?"

"Double thunder catastrophe will send you the seal of heaven and earth, and triple thunder catastrophe will send you the emperor's seal." Zhao Yang said softly, "Cai Han successfully became the emperor's son after devouring the emperor's seal."

"Caihan can become the son of the emperor after swallowing the emperor's seal, but how did she become the emperor?" Ruoxi looked at Zhao Yang in puzzlement and said.

"After devouring the emperor's seal, Caihan's strength is close to that of the emperor, so Caihan took the risk to survive the double catastrophe."

"The second heavenly tribulation is terrifying, can Caihan get through it?" Bi Luo frowned and said, "Chunyangzi almost didn't die when he crossed the catastrophe."

"I refined the formation scroll for Caihan."

"Array scroll?"

Zhao Yang took out a formation scroll and handed it to Bi Luo.

After scanning Bi Luo's divine sense, his expression couldn't help but change.

"You made this?" Bi Luo exclaimed in shock.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Master, what's wrong with this formation scroll?"

"This formation scroll is at the level of a great sage, but even the quasi-emperor's second heaven cannot penetrate it." Biluo said seriously, "Let me tell you this, with this formation scroll, I could have crossed the Consummation Heaven During the catastrophe, you can go through the Great Perfection Tribulation, and when you could have gone through the Dzogchen Heavenly Tribulation, you can try to cross the Ultimate Heavenly Tribulation."

"What?" Ruoxi exclaimed.

"Xu Hui'er crossed the ultimate catastrophe, but she used four formation scrolls." Zhao Yang said at this time.

"Zhao Yang, can you refine a batch of scrolls for our Sky Palace?" Bi Luo looked at Zhao Yang after a while and asked.

"Yes." Zhao Yang thought of something here, and he took out a universe bag, "This is the resource for the Bone Race to pay."

"You take this resource."

"I have obtained the resources of the Devil's Nest before, but it is inconvenient for me to ask for this resource."

"The Sky Palace has a lot of resources, I don't want them." Bi Luo shook her head.

After seeing this scene, Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said, "Well, I will give you the resources of this Qiankun Bag to refine elixir, formation scrolls and magic weapons."

"You can also refine magic weapons?" Bi Luo was startled.

Is this omnipotent?

"Caihan can refine."

"Why bother Caihan?"

"It's time to refine the avatar." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"Okay." After thinking about it, Bi Luo didn't struggle anymore.

"Master, do you think the restricted area will attack us?" Ruoxi said with some concern.

"It doesn't matter if you make a move." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"You still have a hole card?" Bi Luo realized.

"The old farmer in Yaowang Mountain is an existence of the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm. He gave me a token, and he said that he can make a move for me in the future." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "If you ask this man to make a move at that time, It’s not that they can just pay some compensation.”

"Four Heavens of Emperor Realm?" It was the first time Bi Luo had heard of this division of realms.

"That's right, is it possible that the emperor's realm cannot be divided by the nine heavens?" Ruoxi nodded and said.

"There is indeed a theory of the ninth level of the emperor's realm. Normally, after the emperor's children reach the emperor's realm, their cultivation path will come to an end, but the emperor can practice all the way to the second level of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang thought about it for a while. Explain to them, "For example, Caihan will be able to cultivate to the second level of the emperor's realm in the future, and I will be able to cultivate to the third level of the emperor's realm in the future."

"In the future, if you cultivate to the third heaven of the Emperor Realm, will you be able to push those restricted areas horizontally?" Ruoxi thought of something, and a bright light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"To be honest, I don't know, because the old farmers are all in the fourth heaven of the imperial realm. Can you guarantee that there are no creatures of this level in the restricted area?" Zhao Yang shook his head and said.

"What about the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

"Normally, as long as the cultivation base reaches the fourth level of the emperor's realm, you can leave the fairyland and go to Tianwaitian." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "The old farmer didn't go there for some special reasons, but no one can guarantee that there is no such thing in the fairyland." level exists."

"Where is Tianwaitian?" Fairy Ruoxi asked in confusion.

"A senior told me that the Immortal Realm would collapse in a short time, and the creatures who were still in the Immortal Realm at that time, even those who were strong in the Emperor Realm, would not be able to survive." Zhao Yang said in a dignified tone, "So We need to leave Xianyu before it collapses." After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "Actually, I don't know what Tianwaitian looks like."

"Zhao Yang, I suddenly feel very heavy." Ruoxi said after a while.

"I didn't want to tell you this." Zhao Yang smiled wryly.

Zhao Yang also felt very heavy when he got the news.

"So you are the only one who may leave the fairyland in the future." Fairy Biluo said seriously.

Ruoxi also reacted.

She was doomed to be hopeless.

In the future, the only one who can go to Tianwaitian is Zhao Yang.

At that time Zhao Yang can take them away.

And as long as they leave, the blood of the human race will not be extinct.

"I will do my best." Zhao Yang said softly.

"By the way, how many points did you get in Yaowang Mountain?" Ruoxi asked sharply.

"Four thousand three hundred and seven."

"You bastard." Ruoxi didn't know what to say.

"You don't need to worry about resources for a while." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

This time it is definitely a rewarding experience.

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