Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1024 Zhao Yang's Reward

"You don't guess much, I have indeed reached the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm." The old farmer seemed to have seen through Zhao Yang's thoughts and replied lightly.

Zhao Yang gasped.

Emperor Realm Four Heavens!

The existence of this level can be called a big brother in Xianyu.

"Why are seniors hesitating?"

"Do you know what race I am?"

"I don't know."

"Reincarnation Grass."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

The old farmer turned out to be a medicine emperor?

Then it can be understood why the old farmers did not go there?

The Emperor Yao went to Tianwai and met those giants, wouldn't he be abused every minute?

More importantly, could those giants let such a high-level Yaodi go?

"What realm is your teacher?"

"It used to be the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"How is your teacher's character?"

Zhao Yang showed embarrassment, "How do you make me evaluate this?"

"You tell me your perception?"

"Its nickname is Blood Emperor." Zhao Yang said concisely.

Why didn't the old farmer understand what Zhao Yang meant when he heard this?

Could someone with such a nickname be a good person?

"How much do you know about Tianwai?" the old farmer asked after a while.

"I really don't know much. If you want to know, senior, you can ask me carefully when I go back."

"But you can't reveal my identity." The old farmer said seriously.

"I understand." Zhao Yang nodded.

The old farmer knew very well that if Zhao Yang exposed the old farmer's identity, how could the Blood Emperor not have his idea?

"Look at your points first." The old farmer changed the subject, "Your points are 310." At this point, he looked embarrassed.

Because before he felt that no matter how strong the emperor's son was, it was impossible for him to exceed three thousand.

Who would have thought that Zhao Yang's points would reach [-]?

"In this way, I will give you three kings of medicine, one hundred medicinal herbs from the first to third heavens of the quasi-emperor realm, 430 drops of quasi-divine medicinal liquid, and in addition, I will give you a token." The old farmer thought for a while. Then he said, "With this token, you can summon me at any time, and I will make a move for you."

Zhao Yang showed surprise.

Even if the old farmer's combat effectiveness at the same level as the Emperor's Realm is scumbag, it is still the existence of the Fourth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm.

This is undoubtedly a very important hole card.

"Senior, don't you have many medicinal materials for Emperor Zhun from the Fourth Heaven to the Sixth Heaven?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

Zhao Yang felt that it would not take long to advance to the middle-level quasi-emperor realm.

At that time, there will be more Zhundi medicinal liquid.

"The medicinal materials from Zhundi's fourth heaven to Zhundi's sixth heaven should not be given to you at this time according to the rules." Speaking of which, the old farmer was silent for a while and said, "Forget it, who made the two of us destined, so I will give you thirty plant."

"Thank you, senior." Zhao Yang hurriedly expressed his thanks to the old farmer.

The old farmer said with a smile, "In the future, after you find out useful information, I will give you a generous reward."

Zhao Yang's eyes flashed.

It seems that the old farmer really wants to go to outer space?

"The senior loves the junior so much, the junior will definitely not disappoint the senior." Zhao Yang said seriously.

"It's easy to talk about." The old farmer patted Zhao Yang on the shoulder.

"How can I tell senior after I hear the news?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"At that time, you just need to crush that token."

"Didn't Senior give this token to me?"

"It's okay, I'll give you another one then."

Only then did Zhao Yang breathe a sigh of relief.

"This is a resource for you, you should keep it." The old man suddenly sensed something, and he handed Zhao Yang a Qiankun bag, and said softly.

As soon as Zhao Yang put it away, a figure appeared beside him.

It is the judge.

The judge was obviously taken aback when he saw Zhao Yang, ""

"I was the first to be eliminated." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The judge looked around and asked in puzzlement, "How could you be the first to be eliminated?"

"I was distracted, I was attacked by surprise." Zhao Yang said nonsense.

There was a look of surprise in the judge's eyes.

"You're lucky..." the judge laughed out loud.

Zhao Yang pretended to be angry, "Believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

The judge couldn't help but took a step back, "I said, can you stop being so violent?"

Zhao Yang curled his lips, "You guys from hell, you said don't be violent?"

"In short, I feel that if you shoot at every turn, it will affect the image of you and my emperor." The judge said solemnly.

"Ask you something."

"You ask."

"What is in the Yellow Spring River deep in the underworld?"

"There is a red-haired monster."

"Red-haired monster?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"Well, before the Seven Supremes teamed up to go deep into the Underworld, there is a huge palace deep in the Underworld, and a red-haired monster is guarding the door." The judge said in a deep voice, "The Seven Supremes teamed up to break through the door, A lot of time bugs flew out of it."

"Couldn't that hall be the lair of time bugs?" Zhao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

"We also had such doubts, but the seven supreme beings were at the end of their strength at that time, but they were unable to continue fighting with the red-haired monster." The judge said with a soft sigh.

It feels a little pity.

The underworld lineage gave him two time bugs, but the judge felt that they were not enough.

The exercises it practices are all emperor realm exercises, and which emperor realm exercises don't take time?

"Since you got so many time worms in the restricted areas, it stands to reason that the Supremes of your underworld should also recover?" Zhao Yang asked tentatively.

"Time bugs are useless to those in the imperial realm."


"Emperor realm powerhouses have jumped out of the way of heaven in a sense, do you think the power of time under the system of the way of heaven is still useful to them?"

"When will you attack Huang Quan again?"

"We have to wait for those Supremes to recover, right?"

"How is your supreme recovery?"

The judge looked at Zhao Yang vigilantly and said, "Are you asking too much?"

"I'll just ask casually." Zhao Yang also felt that he was asking too much.

The old farmer looked at the magistrate at this time and said, "Your points this time are 110. According to the regulations, you can get one medicine king, [-] drops of quasi-emperor medicinal liquid, and ten quasi-emperor realms from first to third heaven." Herbs."

The old farmer quickly handed the judge a universe bag, "This is your reward."

The judge took it happily.

And after the judge is Huang Qingming.

Huang Qingming was taken aback when he saw Zhao Yang and the judge, "Where are the others?"

"The first one to be eliminated is Zhao Yang, the second one is me, and you are the third." The judge said in a good mood.

Huang Qingming was stunned, he looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment, "How is it possible?"

"Leave my affairs alone." Zhao Yang rolled Huang Qingming's eyes and said.

"Your points are 210 120. According to the rules, you can get one plant of King Medicine, [-] drops of Quasi-Emperor Medicine Liquid, and ten plants of medicinal materials from the first level to the third level of the Quasi-Emperor Realm." The old farmer said at this time.

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