Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1025 Interception

Afterwards, nine emperors, including Qingmo, Qiongqi, Gutong, Bonke, Tongyou, Taishan, Ruoxi, Wuyan, and Wulian, appeared one after another, and their points were all between one thousand and two thousand.

"Two thousand is the threshold."

"I think maybe only the existence of the Great Emperor Realm can break through to two thousand."

"My lord, I don't know who can achieve it?"

"Xianbei." Gu Tong said suddenly.

"What? You said that Xianbei has reached the emperor level?" Qingmo asked dumbfounded.

"The patriarch of the immortal clan is also a great emperor." Gu Tong said a shocking news.

The fairy clan actually has a great emperor!

The news is amazing.

At this moment, two figures appeared here in no particular order.

But it was Peony Fairy and Xianbei.

"Peony, how many points do you have this time?"

Fairy Peony looked towards the crowd, and was startled when she saw Zhao Yang, "When did you come?"

"Have you been here for a long time?" Zhao Yang said calmly.

"It's been a long time?" Fairy Peony noticed Zhao Yang's wording.

"Zhao Yang was the first to be eliminated." The judge said hehe.

Peony Fairy looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

She instinctively thought it was impossible.

"How many points do you have?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

Peony Fairy took a deep look at Zhao Yang and said, "2000 two hundred and forty-two."

When Peony Fairy reported this number, Xianbei's face was a bit ugly.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately realized that Xianbei's points were probably not as high as Mudan's.

This is true.

Xianbei's points are only 2000 two hundred and thirty-eight.

Although the points difference between the two is not that big, but if you lose, you lose.

You can't deny it.

"Is everyone here?"

"One more person."


"Lin Caihan."

"Zhao Yang's wife?"

"Why is she still insisting?"

"Yeah, could it be that she is the Great Emperor?"

"Do you think anyone can become a great emperor?"

While everyone was discussing, Ruoxi asked Zhao Yang in a low voice, "Is Caihan the emperor?"

"You'll find out later."

Hearing this, Ruoxi suddenly understood that Lin Caihan let her in the previous competition.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Lin Caihan appeared here covered in blood.

"The last challenger has finally arrived." The old farmer said with a smile at this time, "Your points are 480 six, according to the rules, you can get two plants of the king of medicine, 240 eight drops of quasi-divine medicine liquid, and [-] plants of quasi-divine realm one level Medicinal ingredients from heaven to triple heaven."

As the old farmer's voice fell, the emperor's son who was present burst into exclamations.

Great Emperor.

Lin Caihan turned out to be a great emperor even more powerful than Zhao Yang?

"Did you transfer your origin to her?" Peony seemed to think of something, she stared at Zhao Yang and asked loudly.

Zhao Yang remained silent.

He really wanted to say, Peony, your brain circuit is too big, right?

To Mudan, Zhao Yang's silence is the answer.

"It's no wonder that when you fought with Taishan before, you used the array. No wonder you were the first to be eliminated among so many emperors." Mudan looked at Zhao Yang with some disappointment and said, "You let me down so much."

Mudan regards Zhao Yang as the only opponent.

But now Zhao Yang abolished his martial arts.

Everyone also reacted one by one.

Zhao Yang's previous behavior was a bit weird, so everything is easy to explain now.

Zhao Yang gave Lin Caihan his origin.

He made Lin Caihan successful, but he also destroyed himself.

"I really don't know how to evaluate your behavior?" Wu Yan looked at Zhao Yang and said leisurely, "Some things can be let go, but some things can't be let go."

"Zhao Yang, you will regret what you did." Qiongqi shook his head.

"You bastard, so you don't have much strength." Tai Shan stared at Zhao Yang and said.

Fairy Ruoxi stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

"You... you bastard..." Ruoxi was moved.

She didn't want to hit Zhao Yang for doing such a crazy behavior for Lin Caihan.

That's right.


This kind of behavior of Zhao Yang is incomprehensible in the eyes of many people.

"Since you have got what you deserve, you can leave here now." The old farmer said lightly.

Everyone saluted the old farmer one after another to express their gratitude.

After everyone went down the mountain, Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan drove towards the Sky Palace in a Luanjia.

Halfway through the journey, Zhao Yang's heart flustered for no reason.

"I'm a little flustered."

Lin Caihan's expression changed involuntarily.

Why did Zhao Yang panic for no reason?

"Maybe those guys really want to do something?" Lin Caihan said hastily.

The next moment, a pair of big hands patted on this Luanjia.

These big hands cover the sky and block out the sun, like a curtain hanging from the sky, covering a radius of tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

"Moku, how dare you?" Bi Luo's startled and angry voice sounded from the direction of Sky Palace.

Biluo didn't expect that the supreme being of the Devil's Nest would really dare to do it?

But the next moment Bi Luo was stopped by two figures.

"Bone Race Supreme, Soul Eater Supreme." Bi Luo's eyes erupted with anger.

"Supreme Biluo, you only need to stay here for a while." The Supreme Bone Race said lightly.

"Am I the only emperor when you become a human race?" Bi Luo said coldly.

"I know that your human race still has foundations, but so what? As long as the three emperors fall, our goal will be achieved." Soul Eater Supreme laughed.

Seeing that those big hands were about to shatter Fairy Ruoxi's luanjia, the decree that Zhao Yang carried close to his body suddenly changed into a figure stretching from heaven to earth.

Who else is it not Emperor Dan?

The old man shouted loudly, causing the mountains and rivers to change suddenly, and the heaven and earth to be in turmoil.

"Hmph, you want to stop me with a decree?" Moku Supreme snorted coldly when he saw that his big hand was blocked.

When he lifted it up again and slapped it down on the old man, the old man couldn't hold on any longer and shattered.

Seeing that those big hands were about to annihilate Zhao Yang and others, a figure suddenly appeared above Luanjia.

There was no sign of that figure appearing.

But when he appeared, Moku Supreme was inexplicably flustered.

"The old man's students are also the ones you can kill casually?" the figure said coldly.

ten feet!

Hundred feet!

Thousands of feet!

That figure turned into a body that turned into a height of ten thousand feet.


The big hand of the Supreme Master of the Moku was shattered.

"Who are you?" Moku Supreme looked at the old man with an ugly face and said.

"Zhao Yang is my student, if you touch him, you will slap me in the face." Having said this, Emperor Dan rushed towards the Demon Cave Supreme.

The Moku Supreme was about to make a move, and suddenly found three figures rushing towards him from different directions.

"What?" The Demon Cave Supreme was startled.

He could tell at a glance that these three figures also possessed the strength of the Emperor Realm.

To be precise, it is the kind that has just set foot in the Emperor Realm not long ago.

But even the weakest Emperor Realm is also the Emperor Realm?

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