Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1023 Eight Barren Seals

And when Lin Caihan's points reached 110, Zhao Yang's points had already reached [-].

In fact, Zhao Yang can also summon the avatar to fight for the deity.

But Zhao Yang gave up after seeing the number of bugs.

No need.

The deity and Sanqing killed these bugs and turned them on their backs.

After all, the number of bugs is not so large that they can't handle it.

In fact, the old farmer had noticed Zhao Yang a long time ago, especially when he saw Zhao Yang's points, there was a look of interest in his eyes.

"This guy's combat power definitely surpasses the Great Emperor's. It's interesting, interesting." The old farmer didn't expect to have a surprise.




Zhao Yang and Sanqing are like four gods of killing, they cooperate with each other, how can those bugs block their way.

Soon they reached the worm area of ​​the third heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

Zhao Yang noticed that the insects in the third level of the Zhundi Realm are already very strong. If your potential is not at the peak of Zhundi, it is impossible to kill them in a short time.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang's potential was not at the peak of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

The problem is that his cultivation is not the third level of quasi-emperor realm.

Therefore, it is impossible to imagine killing the ground as casually as before.

And the points of the worms in the third heaven of quasi-emperor realm are also very high, one worm has reached nine points, and Zhao Yang's points are also constantly soaring.

It quickly broke through the thousands mark.

After reaching this point, Zhao Yang has already entered the quasi-emperor realm, the fourth-layer heaven worm area.

"The bugs in this area are a bit difficult to fight." Zhao Yang murmured.

After realizing that it was difficult to fight, Zhao Yang and Sanqing used the secret technique of origin to recover to the peak, and then used the boundless domain to rush towards the bugs.




You must know that each bug in this area has 27 points.

Therefore, Zhao Yang's points were even more terrifying than the previous increase.

Zhao Yang, who can continue to maintain his peak state, is too strong. He and Sanqing broke through this area in a very short time.

At this time, his points had stabilized at [-].

"Attack towards Sanqian." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice after taking a look at Sanqian.

Hundreds of herbs from the first to third heavens of the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

How could Zhao Yang give up this opportunity?

Furthermore, there is also the reward of the Quasi-Emperor Realm medicinal liquid.

The quasi-emperor realm fifth-layer insect area is more difficult than before.

Even with Zhao Yang's current combat power, it is very difficult to fight.

He felt that even Lin Caihan in the Great Emperor Realm had to stop here. Of course, Lin Caihan, who Zhao Yang didn't know, was still in the area of ​​the Third Heavenly Worm in the Quasi-Emperor Realm?

Isn't everyone able to be as brave and diligent as Zhao Yang?

One bug in this area can get 81 points, and Zhao Yang only needs to kill ten bugs to reach [-] points.




When Zhao Yang killed three worms, a Sanqing was killed by the worms.

After the loss of one Sanqing, the situation of the other two became precarious.



After Zhao Yang killed two more, a Sanqing pounced on a worm, and with a bang, Sanqing blew himself up, and of course the worm also fell.

"I'm leaving too." The last Sanqing also rushed towards a bug after seeing this scene.

Zhao Yang sighed lightly.

The three sanqings cooperated to kill two worms from the fifth level of quasi-emperor realm, and then the two sanqings blew themselves up and took away two more worms, which means that the three of them killed a total of four worms.

In addition to the five killed by Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang killed a total of nine.

"It's only one step away from three thousand." Zhao Yang said with burning eyes.

At this time, cracks appeared in Zhao Yang's Boundless Domain, because there were six worms besieging him at this time.


Zhao Yang pressed his hands together.

The moment when the seal was formed, Zhao Yang's body burst into an ancient light.

The divine light scattered towards the surroundings.

Along the way, no matter whether it was tangible or intangible, everything shrouded in divine light was annihilated.

That's right.


At this time, the old farmer could no longer maintain a superior posture.

His eyes showed horror.

"What kind of seal is this?" The old farmer was frightened.

The old farmer prides himself on his noble status, and he thinks he is aloof from the world.

But at this time, he couldn't calm down.

Before one breath, the six worms besieging Zhao Yang all fell.

Zhao Yang's points soared from more than 2000 to 340 in an instant.


Zhao Yang rushed towards the area of ​​the sixth heaven of quasi-emperor realm.

When Zhao Yang cast the Eight Desolation Seal just now, he felt that the energy in his body was almost drawn by half.

This in itself is incredible.


Has his boundless domain collapsed yet?It stands to reason that he can continue to maintain his peak form.

"The level of the Eight Desolation Seal is too high, and the Boundless Domain cannot give much persistence." After realizing this, Zhao Yang wanted to take advantage of the energy in his body before launching the final blow.

When Zhao Yang rushed to that area, bugs rushed towards Zhao Yang one after another.

Zhao Yang kept dodging.

When he was surrounded by four worms, Zhao Yang cast the Eight Desolation Seal again.

The terrifying divine light tore apart Cang Yu and swept away everything.

The bodies of the four worms split open, and blood flowed all over the ground.

They are all dead.

But it was much better than the six bugs before, and there wasn't even a whole body left of those six bugs.

"Senior, I give up." Zhao Yang looked at a bug rushing towards him in the distance and said decisively.

The moment his voice fell, a soft force wrapped his body and brought him in front of the old farmer.

Zhao Yang looked around.

"You are the first one to give up." The old farmer looked at Zhao Yang with deep eyes and said.

"Their speed is a bit slow." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

He will not feel that those guys are stronger than himself.

"Who taught you the last seal you used just now?"

"It was taught to me by a powerful emperor in Tianwaitian."

"Tianwaitian?" The old farmer's eyes flashed, "Where is he?"

"Excuse me, I can't tell senior about this." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

God knows what this old farmer is going to do?

"The level of this seal is very high." The old farmer said after a while.

"According to the teacher, this dharma seal was created by a giant from Tianwaitian."

"The giant?"

"Emperor Realm Seventh Heaven."

Hearing this, the old farmer gasped, "There is such a terrifying existence outside the sky?"

"Senior seems to know something about Tianwaitian?" What did Zhao Yang see from the old farmer's expression?

"I do know some things about Tianwaitian, but I have been hesitating whether to go or not?" The old farmer said leisurely after a while.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's pupils shrank.

What does the old man mean?

Is he hesitant to go or not?

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