Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1017 Quasi-Emperor Battleship

"Have you ever thought that our strength will be exposed in this way?" Yuan Jin'er looked at Leng Qingqiu and said.

"First, the number of quasi-sages in the sect has exceeded ten thousand. Many quasi-sages don't want to continue practicing, but the sect has been suppressing them. After a long time, they will probably be born." Leng Qingqiu said seriously , "Secondly, the major holy places actually hide part of their strength, but why do they still reveal most of their strength? Have you ever thought about the deeper reasons."

Following Leng Qingqiu's eloquence, everyone fell silent.

"What's your opinion?" Xu Huier looked at Zhao Yang and said after a while.

"What Qingqiu said is also what I want to say. The Chunyang Sect can no longer rest on its laurels." Zhao Yang glanced at the audience and said, "From now on, the fifth district will establish a branch of the Chunyang Sect, and the suzerain of the Chunyang Sect branch will be deserted. Autumn is in charge."

Leng Qingqiu's face showed a look of astonishment, she stood up in a panic, "How can Qingqiu He De be the suzerain of the branch?"

"Qingqiu, you can think about change, and what is even more rare is to speak out under pressure, which is even more commendable." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "There is no need to discuss this matter, the Tang of the Chunyangzong branch in the fifth district The master is you." After a pause, Zhao Yang looked at Xu Huier and said, "All the sects want to support Leng Qingqiu, you understand?"

"I know." Xu Huier said softly.

"Qingqiu, if the vice sect leader can't find you, you should come to me directly, and you must set up a branch in the shortest possible time." Zhao Yang then looked at Leng Qingqiu.

Leng Qingqiu pondered for a while and respectfully said, "Please obey."

After everyone left, Yuan Jiner followed Xu Huier to her room.

"Hui'er, my junior brother is too eccentric." Yuan Jin'er said a little angrily, "Why should I be the head of the branch?"

"Can the head of the branch be as powerful as you, the great elder?" Xu Huier asked with a slight smile.

"According to my junior brother's plan, the headquarters will be a pension institution in the future, believe it or not?" Yuan Jin'er shook his head and said, "In the future, the chief elder of the headquarters will be just a decoration."

"If one day the great elders of the headquarters become decorations, then there is no need for this sect to exist." Xu Huier said with a smile, "The role of the branch is to help the sect find new blood and expand the sect's reputation." influence, but definitely not for the sake of becoming an independent existence.”

"That's what I said, but I still want to be the suzerain of the branch." Yuan Jin'er said coquettishly.

"This matter needs to be decided by the suzerain."

"You can't blow pillow wind."

"What are you talking about?"

"You two sleep together a lot, you think I don't know?"

Xu Hui'er blushed slightly, she didn't know how to refute?

They did sleep together, but only together.

Both of them are actually innocent.

Just who will believe it?

At night Xu Huier came to Zhao Yang's room.

In the room, Zhao Yang was flipping through some top-secret files of the sect.

Xu Huier came behind Zhao Yang to help Zhao Yang massage.

"Did Jin'er look for you?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"She also wants to be the head of the branch."

"Her temperament is not stable enough. She has been tempered for these years, but she still hasn't changed much." Zhao Yang said calmly, "To be honest, whether it is Mingyue, blue crucian carp, or Qingqiu, her overall planning ability is superior to her. She If it weren't for the help of Mingyue and the others, she would not be able to do well as a Great Elder."

"But we always have to give her a chance." Xu Huier still said after a while.

Zhao Yang couldn't tell that Xu Huier still wanted to help Yuan Jiner.

"Let Yuan Jin'er take charge of the fourth district after the branch in the fifth district is stable." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "Don't interfere too much from the headquarters."

"I knew you loved me the most." Xu Hui'er said softly, wrapping her arms around Zhao Yang's neck.

How does Xu Huier not know that this is against the principle.

But Zhao Yang gave Xu Huier face.

"After ten days in Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, I will go to the first district."

"Medicine King Mountain?"


"must be careful."


Ten days later, Zhao Yang returned to the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce.

And here Lin Caihan has almost handed over the work.

The next day they took the quasi-imperial warship built by Lin Caihan to the first district.

This battleship was built by Lin Caihan in the time domain.

It took Lin Caihan three years to build this quasi-emperor-level warship.

"Building a battleship in three years is a bit slow." Zhao Yang said after walking around the battleship.

Lin Caihan rolled Zhao Yang's eyes and said, "If it weren't for the avatar to help, it would have been unsuccessful in ten years, okay?"

"It's no wonder that no one has built a quasi-emperor warship?"

"Yes, it consumes too much material." Lin Caihan nodded and said, "This quasi-imperial battleship has three main cannons, and each main cannon can kill the masters of the first level of the quasi-imperial level, and can severely damage the second-level quasi-imperial level. Those who are strong in the sky can contend against the existence of the third layer of the quasi-emperor realm."

"you sure?"

"Of course, except for the emperor, the combat power of that level is too strong."

"In addition to the main gun, what about the secondary gun?"

"There are 30 auxiliary guns in total, which can fire [-] shells in one second." Lin Caihan introduced, "Even those in the Great Sacred Realm can be disabled."

"The amount of energy consumed in this way should be an astronomical figure?" Zhao Yang said in a daze.

"At this point, it is no longer possible to use the holy liquid, because the consumption is simply astronomical." Lin Caihan said softly, "One shot of the main gun consumes three drops of quasi-imperial liquid, and as for the secondary gun fired at full power for one second, It also consumes nearly a drop of Zhundi medicine."

Zhundi medicinal liquid refers to the medicinal liquid condensed from the medicinal materials in the Zhundi realm.

This kind of resource is very precious even if you think about it with your toes.

You must know that the medicinal materials in the quasi-emperor realm are very precious, even if Zhao Yang doesn't have much in his hands.

"The battleship needs to consume quasi-emperor medicinal liquid?"

"Yes." Lin Caihan nodded and said, "But this is not a big consumption, a drop of Zhundi medicine is enough for us for a long time."

Only then did Zhao Yang breathe a sigh of relief.

He is also worried that this kind of thing won't work.

"I remember that there is another wild beast." Zhao Yang suddenly remembered that he had obtained a third-layer quasi-emperor-level wild beast in Wuliang Mountain.

"Isn't it inappropriate for you to pull a cart?" Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"Suddenly found that our background is not enough. Look at Ruoxi, the nine-headed phoenix is ​​the fourth heaven of quasi-emperor realm." Zhao Yang said tut-tsk.

"How long has the Sky Palace been established, and we have only been established for how long, take your time." Lin Caihan changed her voice when she said this, "I still have a battleship in my hand, do you want to build one for you?"

"Let's keep the magic weapon for creating quasi-emperor realm." Zhao Yang thought about it and refused.

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