Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1018 I am also the emperor's son

The materials used to build a battleship can be used to create more than ten quasi-emperor magic weapons.

But what can be seen is that the power of battleships is far beyond that of magic weapons.

"Okay." Lin Caihan knew that Zhao Yang was distressed, so she didn't continue.

The reason why Lin Caihan built the battleship is that the battleship represents the highest achievement of Qi Dao, and the second is because the battleship is more powerful.Of course there are flaws.The first consumes too much material, and the second cannot be dispersed.

For example, if you create ten quasi-emperor magic weapons, they can be used as ten quasi-emperors.

"How many drops of Zhundi medicine do you have on your body?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"Eighteen drops."

"If you say that, isn't it a battle, and this battleship has no resources to use?"

"To be exact." Lin Caihan nodded, "However, I still have a few quasi-emperor medicinal herbs in my hand, how can I easily temper them until I need them?"

Three drops of quasi-emperor medicinal liquid can be refined from the medicinal materials of the first level of the quasi-emperor realm, ten drops of quasi-emperor medicinal liquid can be refined from the medicinal materials of the second level of the quasi-imperial realm, and thirty drops can be refined from the medicinal materials of the third level of the quasi-imperial realm. One hundred drops of Zhundi medicine liquid can be refined from the medicinal materials of the fourth heaven of Zhundi realm, and so on.

And the medicinal materials at this level are already psychic, in other words, they are like the real quasi-emperor, if you don't have the crushing strength, how can you want to get it?

Furthermore, they are good at hiding, hiding in deep mountains and old forests.

This is also the reason why quasi-emperor realm medicinal materials are precious.

Speaking of which, let's talk about Zhundi.

There are three ways for Emperor Zhun to improve his cultivation.

The first way is to comprehend the practice step by step, but it will take too long, and generally such words have no background.

The second way is to devour the medicinal liquid of Zhundi medicinal materials, which is much faster than the first way.

The third way is to get some rare natural treasures.

The third way is to pay attention to chance, so the quasi-emperors of the major forces generally use the quasi-dimension medicine to practice.

Of course, the higher your cultivation level, the higher the Zhundi medicinal liquid you need.

But even in this way, the breakthrough of each layer is still calculated in a hundred years.

After arriving in the first district, Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan went to the Sky Palace.

Emperor Biluo met Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan in the Sky Palace.

"I've met senior." Zhao Yang saluted.

"Meet the teacher." Lin Caihan saluted.

Bi Luo nodded with a smile, she greeted the two of them for a while, and Fairy Ruoxi walked in from the outside.

Fairy Ruoxi's aura is restrained, more profound than before.

"Ruoxi has finally become an emperor." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Can you see through me?" Ruoxi looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"Do you think I have this strength?" Zhao Yang rolled Ruoxi's eyes.

The life of Zhundi has undergone a leap, and the saint is at two different levels.

But since it carries the word Emperor, it is not easy to see through it.

In fact, don't say that you can't see through it like this, even the Emperor Realm can't see through it.

For example, Biluo didn't see through that Lin Caihan was also the emperor's son.

"Hee hee, that's right, do we want to fight?" Ruoxi looked at Zhao Yang eagerly and asked.

"A fight?"

"I was not your opponent before, but now I am also the emperor's son, I want to see if I can beat you?" Ruoxi asked with a smile.

"Let me do it." What Ruoxi didn't expect was that Lin Caihan said at this time.

"Caihan?" Ruoxi looked at Lin Caihan in astonishment and said, "Caihan, the quasi-emperor's limit is no match for the emperor."

"I want to challenge my limit." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"This..." Ruoxi showed a tangled look on her face.

To be honest, Ruoxi didn't want to agree to this meaningless competition.

"Ruoxi, try it, maybe it will surprise you." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Biluo's heart moved, "In this case, come to my small world to compete." The moment the voice fell, Zhao Yang and others were sent to Biluo's world.

After Zhao Yang arrived in Bi Luo's world, his spiritual thoughts spread in all directions.

There are many monks in Biluo's world, and among these monks are some masters.

"Senior, how big is your world?"

"32 square kilometers."

"That's the third-class small world."

"Yeah." Biluo suddenly thought of something when he said this, "What kind of small world did you open up?"

Just when Zhao Yang didn't know how to answer, Bi Luo said again, "Look at what I think? You must have opened up a fourth-class small world."

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan looked at each other.

What Zhao Yang opened up was not a fourth-class small world, but rather a fifth-class small world, because his small world was initially 20 square kilometers.

20 square kilometers means the power of the world that Zhao Yang can mobilize.

"After opening up the small world, you can choose some monks who are loyal to you to live in your small world, and they will give you some help when you fight in the future." Bi Luo was interrupted by Ruoxi when she said this, "Master, Zhao Yang is the great emperor, I don't think the monks in his small world can help him much."

"That's right. In fact, even the emperor doesn't value the monks in the small world very much, because the difference between the emperor and the quasi-emperor is too great." Bi Luo changed the subject here, "You two have a competition."

Lin Caihan and Ruoxi stood in an open place.

Ruoxi looked at Lin Caihan with a smile and said, "Caihan, you should act first."

"Okay." Lin Caihan said as she swung her fist and blasted Ruoxi out.

Sky Fist.

The mighty pure yin force crushed towards Ruoxi like a galaxy.

Ruoxi's complexion suddenly changed.

While she was backing away, she swung her fist and blasted towards Lin Caihan.

When the Sky Fists of the same attribute collided together, Ruoxi only felt a terrifying impact force towards her.

She couldn't help but stepped back a few steps in a row, her face showed disbelief, ""

"I am also the emperor's son." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

Ruoxi was stunned.

Bi Luo was stunned.

No one thought that Lin Caihan was actually the emperor's son.

"So you hid it before?" Ruoxi asked in surprise.

"Breakthrough happened by accident during this time." Lin Caihan replied concisely.

"You are so lucky." Ruoxi said sincerely.

If Ruoxi hadn't made the breakthrough, she wouldn't have had the chance to become the emperor's son.

"Next, I'm going to fight you with all my might." Ruoxi said with serious eyes.

She's getting serious.

What Ruoxi didn't know was that the blow just now was not her pinnacle blow.

Lin Caihan actually only used [-]% of her strength.

The identity of the Great Emperor is too scary.

If Lin Caihan used this level of combat power, Zhao Yang would be exposed.

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